Michael Jackson on Tour!! While in a glass coffin.


New Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Creepy. Absolutely creepy, and probably quite fittingly, too, for fans of MJ.

Real or fake?

Fake, no way it's gonna happen.

Unless it's the idea from Joe Jackson (the daddy a-hole) trying to squeeze out what's left of M.J.

That's an old photo of MJ sleeping in a hyperbolic/hyperbaric chamber, supposedly for health reasons.
That's an old photo of MJ sleeping in a hyperbolic/hyperbaric chamber, supposedly for health reasons.

Exactly. I remember that photo from the mid 80s, I think? Certainly long before MJ died. :lol:

The "glass coffin" is a fake.
Exactly. I remember that photo from the mid 80s, I think? Certainly long before MJ died. :lol:

The "glass coffin" is a fake.
Exactly. It's also obvious that it's a much younger MJ under the glass, and he's not dressed in anything current, and he's shoeless (as he would be at sleep).
Exactly. It's also obvious that it's a much younger MJ under the glass, and he's not dressed in anything current, and he's shoeless (as he would be at sleep).
yes. there is a lot more nose back then
The biggest give away to me.... was the Jheri curls that MJ had in the 80s. To show the picture is an OLD one.
I've seen that pic before, that's old pic. That's not a glass coffin :lol:

I still likes MJ's dancing, he kicked me to the curb whoa ;)
:roll: I thought we were past the MJ fiasco?
*sighs* Can't everyone move on? I mean it's been over two months since he passed away! Honestly!