Kitchen Help


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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Okay, there's a job that is generally kitchen help, but it also includes taking orders. I know noise is a problem, and if someone doesn't speak up well...forget it. How do you nail it at the interview to be exempted from taking orders?
Play up how efficient you are in completing tasks and how dedicated you are in working well with the team.

If the interviewer needs to be encouraged to think outside the box, admit you order-taking will be problematic due to your deafness and that you will cheerfully trade tasks with the order-taker (this person takes your order-taking duty, you take their X chore) so that the job responsibilities even out.

Management tends to favor people who offers solutions.
Thank you. I'll keep those in mind. Just saying that taking orders will be difficult doesn't help them think outside the box. Thank you.