iraq weaks

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poor iraqi soldiers...
I think Saddam is just LIKE Hitler!!!!!!!
well we have to wait for some real truth from iraq...
i think saddam is tryin to be like him, but i am sure hilter is worse as his nazi army kill over 6 million innocent jews as i truly feel sorry for the jews as they face a unfair reason!
Proably so...I guess he never knew that Hitler was a complete IDIOT who wants everything his own way and take over the ENTIRE world and have "perfect" people...and there are NEVER perfect people! :madfawk: It would've been ALOT worse if he was still alive...but good thing he's dead for GOOD. I heard that Saddam raped some of his daughters and never commited a crime on that... :roll: what a sicko
Me TOO!!! Byee ALLDEAF!! Im off to watch CNN!
That's only because they are BRAINWASHED!
Don't get your hopes high,'s just the begining of strike
I wait for four hours, and I don't see any damn happen. :madfawk: Only one lousy bomb at somewhere, whatever the reporter say so... :roll:
Well the war started a couple of hours we see what happens! Let us pray that our service people come back home safetly. WAR IS HELL.
Originally posted by Steel
:thumb: lol

There should be a death match where they put Bush and Saddam and fight to the death and many of us will cheer on Bush while others cheer on Saddam...

who will win?

Bush. because he's smarter, younger, and stronger than Saddam.

Saddam is an old farted cheese breath old goat
Amen to that but I'm adding in a opposite way...
Bush--->:fart:<---Saddam (Bush fart like a bomb on Saddam and die)
I heard over 8000 soldiers surrendered. Wow!
iraqi soldiers no longer fight for their own weak government.
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