how much do you pay for gas? (how often?)

That is a huge amount in one day. Why does he drive so far?
It's his work van. He drives all over three counties, and he runs equipment from the van's engine. Also, he has to use premium grade gas in his van (I use just regular grade in my Jeep). He works six days a week and some evenings, so his van is running for many hours per week.
i filled up for gas about 50 each time i go get a gas.. it tooks about 1 1/2 week for refill..
I have a 12 gallon tank and I can remember about 4 years ago I used to fill up with $15. Now it's like $45 and gas is about $3.95 here in Austin. Funny how that is still when the price of oil dropped by $30 a barrel. Somebody's making money hand over greedy little fist.

If I ever get a hold of those Halliburton (expletive deleted), I'm gonna make em eat my (expletive deleted). Then (expletive deleted) out my (expletive deleted), then make them eat their (expletive deleted) which is made my (expletive deleted) that I made them eat.

That'll learn them...
Depending on gas prices and how much gas i have in tank..usually when needle reaches to 1/4. I always tell the full serve 60 bucks and most of the time it fills up to $45 to $55. It lasts me about a week depending on how much i drive.