Hot soup and a Hot weather


New Member
Aug 19, 2015
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I am eating a hot soup and it's so hot here in L.A.. bad idea .
Haha, I am quite like you... I don't know why I crave hot foods during summer like soup and so on while I crave cold stuffs like smoothie during winter time!
Expect when I am broke and dont have a kitchen but the microwave so I have to cook a hot food. The smoothie sounds good! I like boba banana favor :)
I ate rice for dinner. No real food in my place. I have to go shopping tomorrow.
I think it surppose be good idea.the blood in the extremities tends to go more internal making it cooler or that maybe old wives story...
Look at hot countries they eat hot curries so I guess something in it..If you only got micro wave your chose will be limited have you thought about getting halgen cooker