Hello! i'm hexie


Mar 27, 2017
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Hello everyone. My name is Hexie. I have been deaf for 8 years, almost 9 years, now. Lost hearing due to Meniere's disease. I have been learning ASL and working to become a part of the Deaf community. I am 48 years old and I must admit I am finding the adjustment to complete deafness difficult. I was able to use hearing aids for a brief period of time...about 4 years. However, any residual hearing I had is now completely gone and adjusting to a completely silent world is proving far more difficult than I could have ever imagined. The hearing world is suddenly a LOT less than co-operative to say the least; and being treated like I am an idiot is not helping matters.

Anyhoo, I went looking for a Deaf online community because where I live has no Deaf community that I can find. I feel very alone and isolated. Hubby does what he can, but this is new for him too. He's hearing. I hope to find acceptance here. Thanks.
You are unconditionally accepted. Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay. Please stick around!
I total feel for you as I am in the exact same boat. My hearing is leaving me also at a rather rapid pace. That is one reason why I'm learning ASL and trying to find some Deaf events and learn about the deaf community. I'm hoping for acceptance also.
Thank y'all very much. I was a musician...a singer actually...Sue, and this has totally ripped that right out from under me. I wasn't famous or anything, but I had a good life and wasn't under the thumb of any boss but myself. Now I'm 48 years old and I keep getting told I'm ineligible for any help with trying to get another life and something like a career because I'm married. Being deaf may not be considered a disability by most deaf folks but apparently it is considered one around here in this shithole town. I actually was told by a so-called job training councillor that if I wasn't married I could actually get plenty of help but since I got a man to take care of me then that shuts a lot of doors. What can a body say to that?

Can't say I'm finding the adjustment easy at all.
Hi there hexie I'm Hex welcome to ALLDEAF!
Hey Hex. Is that your actual name? Mine is actually Hexie. Actually it's Hexe, but apparently people down here are stupid so I added the "i" so they would at least get it close to accurate. LOL