heading back to school after 2 weeks of christmas break..


Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Hey guys,
It's 6:51AM here in ohio, and I'm heading back to school now after 2 weeks of christmas break..Ughh..I got up around 6am, ate breakfast around 6:30ish. So i also decided to do a quick topic before i have to leave for school around 7:15ish with my mom heading to work.

I won't be on later today after school (i finish school around 2:50) because I have winter drum-line practice after school from 3-5:30. Hopefully it won't be a real drag today because my leader section ALWAYS tease me by talking very slow to me when i can't understand her. And I really do not want to stand up to her or get her into a bad mood with me.

And I probably won't be able to get on unless I have homework. I"m ready for spring break already..Bring it on.

I had a cereal--Cheerios with milk and water. And had a banana after that. So now my mom is getting ready for work and getting breakfast as well.

I'll keep you updated later. I'm exhausted already. :roll:
Ah, the joys of returning to school/work after a nice break...

Today was my first day back at work, and it sucked because I am still recovering from a cold/flu that I got on new years day. I felt dazed throughout the day, and I was not able to hear people properly, which makes me frustrated... I am sure your day will be better than mine..:)

As for your leader... If she is teasing you, then I think you should tease her back by talking slowly and softly. :) Who cares about her mood as long as most people in your group support you. Anyway, I hope you have a good day... Take a nap during class if you have to..;)
Yes Joy to back school!! If leader bother you and tell her that please stop! :dunno2:

My girls didn't go to school since December 11th to today.!! :D

From snow storm weather! :squint:

Good luck :)
I'm back in college tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to! It just drags on some days and some of the lessons are totally pointless. It is probably still revision sessions and starting some assignments that isnt due till Feb-ish.
But I just enjoy the 35/40 mins bus ride into my college town, it's relaxing and gives me time to think!
I have to experience this next week..
Graduated with a balaccurate in 2006, and I'm starting school/classes again in 2009..
Guess it feels weird eh?
Being 65 years old and in school isn't weird to what you're doing?

65 sounds a bit extreme, but if they were someone like Ruth bader Ginsburg, then they have perfect legitimate reason to pursue new knowledge.
I'd like to pop in and say that this morning for breakfast I wanted to have cocoa puffs with bananas and milk but we didn't have any cocoa puffs so I had Twix and added chocolate milk and bananas. More news as follows.
Hey i'm back from school and practice..
today wasn't so bad.. In science today, we watched a movie called: October sky. With CCs of course..thank god. It was our usual monday. Get up, eat breakfast, go to school, and then band practice after school later on. But of course alot of people were walking slow to get to class...typical. Kept bumping into other people and not minding their business.

In band practice, was kind of hard today because my hearing was a little off... My pit director had to repeat some things that i couldn't understand. Plus earlier today my leader section had me do a little bet. That she think that i didn't practice on break but I did. SO she made me bet 20 bucks that I would make a mistake during practice. I did mistakes but I don't owe her any 20 bucks. So then along with a guy named Jordan and my leader: Emily's boyfriend..(i forget his name..) were teasing me in a good way by saying that I owed emily 20 bucks lol. But I said..no way that i'm giving her 20 bucks.

so now my hands and feet hurt. I don't think i'll be signing for a little bit.. but i'm fine at typing. I think i'll stop here. I gotta take a shower.
Was so hard to return to work after being off for two weeks. I went to bed at 9:45 PM but couldnt fall asleep until 1 AM due to the late nights during my break. I had to get up at 5:30 am to get my son and myself ready. My son didn NOT want to wake up..had tantrums most of the morning and by the time I got him in my SUV, I was exhausted. I kept yawning at work today but it was a pretty productive day. My 4th graders learned how to do algebraic expressions using variables for the fir time today and they were able to do their assignments independently! LOL!
Go to high school is pain ass but gladly, I already graduated in last almost 3 years ago.
Go to high school is pain ass but gladly, I already graduated in last almost 3 years ago.

lol...well not really this year..Next week we're having winter exams....ughhhhhhhhhh...I'm not looking forward to it at all..But the schedule for the winter exams are kind of confusing..so.. idk
Go to high school is pain ass but gladly, I already graduated in last almost 3 years ago.

Being a teacher can be a pain in the ass cuz after each break, I have to go thru this hell! LOL!
Was so hard to return to work after being off for two weeks. I went to bed at 9:45 PM but couldnt fall asleep until 1 AM due to the late nights during my break. I had to get up at 5:30 am to get my son and myself ready. My son didn NOT want to wake up..had tantrums most of the morning and by the time I got him in my SUV, I was exhausted. I kept yawning at work today but it was a pretty productive day. My 4th graders learned how to do algebraic expressions using variables for the fir time today and they were able to do their assignments independently! LOL!

haha thats great!! Today was kind of a easy day..in english-we read a story. and talked about our winter break for a half hour. Second period- was Band..we have a review on our scales pretty soon this week on friday i think.. third period--MATH..ughh 4th period--Lunch.. 5th period--Health, Health is a pretty laid-back class because we have a laid-back teacher. so thats cool. 6th--Science, watched a movie called October sky. And then finally is 7th period, last class of the day which is tutoring. thats also a laid-back class.

But i am definaly not looking forward to winter exams. This is going to be my first time. It's worth 20 percent of our grades. And for science, we have to learn 173 vocabs from the past half of the semester of what we've learned. I'm so nervous about the science part of the exam because Science was pretty hard for me. I had a D+ in science but then quickly raised it back up to a C+..thank the lord. My mom knew that it was a hard class for me. so after exams are done, she's going to move me into a easier, lower class that has slow process which is science essenstials.

What they said about winter exams schedule: the exams are for Freshman and sophmores only i think.. but We have our first period class exam for 2 hours and then we go to lunch i think..then in the afternoon we have our 5th period class then we're done, then the next day is 2nd period for another 2 hours and then 3rd period for 2 hours. And then at last is science which is friday, and its 2 hours again. But then after that we get to go home early on friday at 10AM. the reason why I'm not having my 7th period class for a winter exam is because its a tutoring class, we don't do tests, assignments or stuff like that. So we are allowed to leave at 10AM on friday. SO exams are wednesday,thursday, and friday. The schedule is confusing but i'm trying to make it work lol.
haha thats great!! Today was kind of a easy day..in english-we read a story. and talked about our winter break for a half hour. Second period- was Band..we have a review on our scales pretty soon this week on friday i think.. third period--MATH..ughh 4th period--Lunch.. 5th period--Health, Health is a pretty laid-back class because we have a laid-back teacher. so thats cool. 6th--Science, watched a movie called October sky. And then finally is 7th period, last class of the day which is tutoring. thats also a laid-back class.

But i am definaly not looking forward to winter exams. This is going to be my first time. It's worth 20 percent of our grades. And for science, we have to learn 173 vocabs from the past half of the semester of what we've learned. I'm so nervous about the science part of the exam because Science was pretty hard for me. I had a D+ in science but then quickly raised it back up to a C+..thank the lord. My mom knew that it was a hard class for me. so after exams are done, she's going to move me into a easier, lower class that has slow process which is science essenstials.

What they said about winter exams schedule: the exams are for Freshman and sophmores only i think.. but We have our first period class exam for 2 hours and then we go to lunch i think..then in the afternoon we have our 5th period class then we're done, then the next day is 2nd period for another 2 hours and then 3rd period for 2 hours. And then at last is science which is friday, and its 2 hours again. But then after that we get to go home early on friday at 10AM. the reason why I'm not having my 7th period class for a winter exam is because its a tutoring class, we don't do tests, assignments or stuff like that. So we are allowed to leave at 10AM on friday. SO exams are wednesday,thursday, and friday. The schedule is confusing but i'm trying to make it work lol.

I remember those days when I was in high school in another era! :lol:
I remember those days when I was in high school in another era! :lol:

:D thank god that i'm almost done with freshman year...no more being into the bottom of high school anymore lol we finish school on June 3rd i think...or the 4th
:D thank god that i'm almost done with freshman year...no more being into the bottom of high school anymore lol we finish school on June 3rd i think...or the 4th

Try to enjoy high school while it lasts cuz time will fly! Sometimes, I do miss those days but other times, I dont.
Try to enjoy high school while it lasts cuz time will fly! Sometimes, I do miss those days but other times, I dont.

haha, I'm already enjoying high school. I'm just glad that I won't be at the bottom grade as freshman haha. But i'll have to take that winter exam again next year as sophmore..I can't wait for spring and summer break now..i'm looking foward to it. First day of school is actually on my birthday...dang..
I had a great start to the term-(sarcasm)

I was 20 mins late due to overslept LOL