Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

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Here's the sign I just made:

And as soon as I have it printed at my fiance's (I don't have a printer) I will be putting that sign up on my front door! :D
I suggested this thread to be closed

This is an insult!........Not nice!
Giants In The Earth

If SOMEONE were walking toward you and he was as tall as the ceiling in your house, what would you think ? That person would be a giant! At one time there really were giants on the earth. The Bible shows that their fathers were angels from heaven. But how could that be ?

Remember, the bad angel Satan was busy making trouble. He was even trying to get God's angels to be bad. In time, some of these angels started to listen to Satan. They stopped the work that God had for them to do in heaven. And they came down to earth and made human bodies for themselves. Do you know why ?

The Bible says that it is because these sons of God saw the pretty women on earth and wanted to live with them. So they came to earth and married these women. The Bible says that this was wrong, because God made the angels to live in heaven.

When the angels and their wives had babies, these babies were different. At first they may not have looked very different. But they kept growing bigger and bigger, and getting stronger and stronger, until they became giants.

These giants were bad. And because they were so big and strong, they would hurt people. They tried to force everyone to be bad like themselves.

E'noch had died, but there was one man on earth now who was good. This man's name was Noah. He always did what God wanted him to do.

One day God told Noah that the time had come for Him to destroy all the bad people. But God was going to save Noah, his family and many of the animals. Let's see how God did this...
Genesis 6:1-8; Jude 6.

Continues to Noah Builds An Ark.......
Noah Builds An Ark

NOAH had a wife and three sons. His sons' names were Shem, Ham and Ja'pheth. And each of these sons had a wife. So there were eight persons in Noah's family.

God now had Noah do a strange thing. He told him to build a big ark. This ark was large like a ship, but it looked more like a big, long box. 'Make it three floors high,' God said, 'and put rooms in it.' The rooms were for Noah and his family, the animals, and the food all of them would need.

God also told Noah to fix up the ark so that no water could leak in. God said: 'I am going to send a great flood of water and destroy the whole world. Everyone not in the ark will die.

Noah and his sons obeyed Jehovah and started building. But the other people just laughed. They kept on being bad. Nobody believed Noah when he told them what God was going to do .

It took a long time to build the ark because it was so big. Finally, after many years, it was finished. Now God told Noah to bring the animals into the ark. God said to bring in two of some kinds of animals, both a male and a female. But of other kinds of animals, God told Noah to bring in seven. God also told Noah to bring in all the different kinds of birds. Noah did just what God said.

Afterward, Noah and his family also went into the ark. Then God shut the door. Inside, Noah and his family waited. Just imagine you are there in the ark with them, waiting. Would there really be a flood as God said ?

Genesis 6:9-22; 7:1-9.

Continues to The Great Flood......
The Great Flood

OUTSIDE the ark, the people went about their life the same as before. They still did not believe that the Flood would come. They must have laughed more than ever. But they soon stopped laughing.

All of sudden water began to fall. It poured down from the sky as when you pour water from a bucket. Noah had been right! But it was too late now for anybody else to get into the ark. The door had been closed tight by Jehovah.

Soon all the low ground was covered. The water became like big rivers. It pushed over trees and rolled around big stones, and made a lot of noise. The people were afraid. They climbed up to higher ground. Oh, how they wished they had listened to Noah and gotten into the ark when the door was still open for them! But now it was too late.

The water kept getting higher and higher. For 40 days and 40 nights the water poured out of the sky. It rose up the sides of the mountains, and soon even the tallest mountains were covered. So just as God had said, all the people and animals outside the ark died. But everyone inside was safe.

Noah and his sons had done a good job building the ark. The water lifted it up, and it floated right on top of the water. Then one day, after the rain stopped falling, the sun began to shine. What a sight it was! There was just one big ocean everywhere. And the only thing that could be seen was the ark floating on top.

The giants were gone now. No more would they be around to hurt people. All of them had died, along with their mothers and the rest of the bad people. But what happened to their fathers ?

The fathers of the giants were not really human people like us. They were angels that had come down to live as men on earth. So when the Flood came, they did not die with the rest of the people. They stopped using the human bodies they had made, and went back to heaven as angels. But they were no longer allowed to be part of the family of God's angels. So they became the angels of Satan. In the Bible they are called demons.

God now made a wind blow, and the waters of the flood began to go down. Five months later the ark came to rest on the top of a mountain. Many more days passed, and those inside the ark could look out and see the tops of the mountains. The waters kept on going down and down.

Then Noah let a black bird called a raven out of the ark. It would fly away for a while and then it would come back, because it could not find a good place to land. It kept doing this and each time it returned, it would rest on the ark.

Noah wanted to see if the waters had run off the earth, so next he sent a dove out of the ark. But the dove came back too because it did not find a place to stay. Noah sent it out a second time, and it brought back an olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the waters had gone down. Noah sent out the dove a third time, and finally it found a dry place to live.

God now spoke to Noah. He said: 'Go out of the ark. Take your whole family and the animals with you.' They had been inside the ark for more than a whole year. So we can just imagine how happy they all were to be outside again and to be alive!

Genesis 7:10-24; 8:1-17; 1 Peter 3:19,20.

Continues to Part 2...The Flood to the Deliverance from Egypt.....
The Flood to the Deliverance from Egypt

Only eight people survived the Flood, but in time they increased to number many thousands. Then, 352 years after the Flood, Abraham was born. We learn how God kept his promise by giving Abraham a son named Isaac. Then, of Isaac's two sons, Jacob was chosen by God.

Jacob had a big family of 12 sons and some daughters. Jacob's 10 sons hated their younger brother Joseph and sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, Joseph became an important ruler of Egypt. When a bad famine came, Joseph tested his brothers to see whether they had change of heart. Finally, Jacob's whole family, the Israelites, moved to Egypt. This happened 290 years after Abraham was born.

For the next 215 years the Israelites lived in Egypt. After Joseph died, they became slaves there. In time, Moses was born, and God used him to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. In all 857 years of history are covered in Part TWO.

Continues to The First Rainbow..........
*(((( The First Rainbow

DO YOU know the first thing Noah did when he and his family came out of the ark ? He made an offering or a gift to God. You can see him doing this in the picture below. Noah offered this gift of animals to thank God for saving his family from the great flood.

Do you think Jehovah was pleased with the gift ? Yes, he was. And so he promised Noah that he would never destroy the world again by a flood.

Soon the land was all dried off, and Noah and his family began a new life outside the ark. God blessed them and told them: 'You must have many children. You must increase in numbers until people live all over the earth.'

But later, when people would hear about the great flood, they might be afraid that a flood like that would happen again. So God gave something that would remind people of his promise never to flood the whole earth again. Do you know what he gave to remind them ? It was a rainbow.

A rainbow is often seen in the sky when the sun shines after it has rained. Rainbow may have many beautiful colors. Have you ever seen one ? Do you see the one in the picture ?

This is what God said: 'I promise that never again will all people and animals be destroyed by a flood. I am putting my rainbow in the clouds. And when the rainbow appears, I will see it and remember this promise of mine.'

So when you see a rainbow, what should it remind you of ? Yes, God's promise that he will never destroy the world again by a great flood.

Genesis 8:18-22; 9:9-17.
This is an insult!........Not nice!

Well, this is Kalista's thread. She can tell MODS/Alex if, SHE wants to close this thread or not. She is the creator of this thread. You can't do anythin' UNLESS, if you create this thread. :)
I've had JW's come to my door offering me free captioned videos. After I tell them I'm blind and can't see the captions, they offer me religious materials in Braille. Arrgghh! One time they visited me two weeks in a row before I had to "politely" inform them to get the h*** out of my house. They finally got the message. LOL! By the way, one thing I wonder is how they receive our names and know we are D/deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind? Do they get a roster of names from local organizations who serve the deaf and/or hard of hearing? I've always been curious about that.
I've had JW's come to my door offering me free captioned videos. After I tell them I'm blind and can't see the captions, they offer me religious materials in Braille. Arrgghh! One time they visited me two weeks in a row before I had to "politely" inform them to get the h*** out of my house. They finally got the message. LOL! By the way, one thing I wonder is how they receive our names and know we are D/deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind? Do they get a roster of names from local organizations who serve the deaf and/or hard of hearing? I've always been curious about that.

Apparently around here, they get our addresses from the post office. I know because I recieved letters from JW's that I do not know personally, addressed to me. I didn't like that!

I don't believe you and I don't buys your story, Jehovah's Witnesses knows that stealing is wrong, they know right from wrong and you accused her of stealing your earring, unless proven if that you have the real proof if she did or not, I knows she did not steals your earring, matter of facts you are a apostate speaking hateful and spiteful about Jehovah's Witnesses, Do you thinks God accepted what you says here ? No, God does not accept what you says...If you love God you wouldn't be saying this that is against God's law to lie about someone like that...In the Bible God forbid anyone that lie, he said You Must Not Lie and also You Must Not Steals, you thinks Jehovah's Witnesses want to risk their life by doing what's wrong, No they will not risk their life to do what's wrong, because they want to live forever in the righteousness new earth forever....

In the meantime you may have a friends from your school coming to your bedroom spending the day or spending the night might be the one who stole your earring, you do not know who did it and God forbid anyone to accused innocent people that did not steals your things...You do not know who did it and God is watching you, me and everyone on entires earth, Onlys God knows who stole your earring, stop blaming on Jehovah's Witnesses....

Next time get a Spy Camera to catch the person that stole your stuff, get it set up and ready and maybe you'll find out who stole it and once you find out who did and you will apologized that lady.

Coloravalanche.... Eaglecherokee does tell truth on her testimony about her life with JW is because I already studied on JW cults and behavior etc.. yes it is not joke. Also how I know Eaglecherokee's JW background??? Eaglecherokee's hearing sister told me everything about JW. Their stepmother spank her with either stick or belt and her butt get bleeding by cut. I shocked to hear Eaglecherokee's sister telling story. because I had a maid who is a JW at my parents house, she pushed me to be involving in JW. I did not realize till I found out that she is JW so I told her to quit pushing me. I caught that JW believed in pushing people to believe in JW's way. It is religious abusive. I informed my mom about maid. My mom fired her for wrongdoing to me. Also she stolen my diamond earrings in my bedroom while she cleaned up my room.

I will never accepted blood tranfusion from another human being, with Aid/Hiv and Sexually Transmitted Diseases going around, No Thanks!...

A man from Florida recieved a blood transfusion and later he got sicker and he told this in the Newspaper, but I didn't save it and wish I had, he went back to the hospital and found out that he had contracted Aid from blood transfusion and he blew up very angry and he suing the hospital, but he probably already dead by then....

You don't realized there are Aid / Hiv and a Nasty dreadfully sexually transmitted diseases in people's body thru their blood, it's really disgusting and immorality gross....That's why God said do not take blood from human, because of Adam and Eve's sins they gave us and it's dangerous to take blood from another human being who are not clean....

The hospital has another kinds of blood not from human which is the safest for all.....Another girl had heart transplants with no blood transfusion, she lives, the doctors and nurse were marvelous how she made it without blood transfusion....

Now you will have to get your daughter tested for Aid, Hiv or Sexually Transmitted Diseases just to make sure she don't have it ...but with Aid it takes 7 to 10 years to get it and If it's a full blown Aid lives about a month, and rest can live with Hiv for a long time and STD is easily contracted in months or years whose know what gonna happen....

Keeps your daughter tested okay.

If I was a JW, my daughter would have died she was born. When I first arrived at the hospital, a nurse had me sign on a form asking if I was a JW or not. Then later in the day while I was trying to deliver my daughter I was bleeding heavily so they had to do an emergency c-section to get her out. After I woke up, the doctor told me my daughter's cord ruptured while she was inside me and she had lost half of her blood. The doctor expressed his concerns about how lucky she was to be alive because they had to give her a blood tranfusion to save her life. If I had been a JW and signed on that form saying that I was a JW, my beautiful daughter would have died. JW do not believe in blood tranfusions.

Did I ask for this ..No!...Anyway all this garbage being said about Jehovah's Witnesses will be Gone when God's judgment day come, I don't have anythin' to worry about, :ty:

Well, this is Kalista's thread. She can tell MODS/Alex if, SHE wants to close this thread or not. She is the creator of this thread. You can't do anythin' UNLESS, if you create this thread. :)
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Attack Dogs Will Be Released on LuciaDisturbed!

Here's the sign I just made:

And as soon as I have it printed at my fiance's (I don't have a printer) I will be putting that sign up on my front door! :D
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Did I ask for this ..No!...Anyway all this garbage being said about Jehovah's Witnesses will be Gone when God's judgment day come, I don't have anythin' to worry about, :ty:

Nah, it will not happen, because I know J.W. doctrines all are wrong. You are the one who will worry about because, you will face Jesus one day and will find the truth that He was NEVER Michael, the archangel. And, even about 144, 000 ... they are not J.W. people. They are really Jews, the Israeli people - God's people. I ain't worry about anythin', because I follow the Word of God exactly what He says.

You tell me why it is soo important to earn " work " by goin' to door to door ? Jesus NEVER said that. If, you believe that it is what the bible says, then ... will you please show me your scriptures where it stated ?
...Another girl had heart transplants with no blood transfusion, she lives, the doctors and nurse were marvelous how she made it without blood transfusion....
Huh? Do you understand that transplanting an organ from one person to another person involves living tissue AND blood? The heart is the blood pump. There is blood inside and outside the transplanted organ. If people don't accept blood transfusions, then they certainly wouldn't accept an organ transplant!

There's something wrong with this story.
Noah's flood is a picture of Salvation. Those who listened will be saved.

Btw, do JW believe in a second chance in Paradise? I heard something like that. I still think they will disobey the Lord even if they try. I tell you why, it is because NO ONE can have a free will and be sinless. It is impossible if you are not god. If you can go through all your life without committing a single sin, then you must be God. That's why I KNOW Jesus is NOT an angel nor a just a human being.

Everyone needs the Lord. That's the whole point of the bible. It was never about how good you are, It is about how much you need the Lord, or about how much you need a savior. Just like Noah needed the Lord to shut the door of the Ark to save him from the flood.
Yes and I agree with you. The organ do need blood too not just itself.

Huh? Do you understand that transplanting an organ from one person to another person involves living tissue AND blood? The heart is the blood pump. There is blood inside and outside the transplanted organ. If people don't accept blood transfusions, then they certainly wouldn't accept an organ transplant!

There's something wrong with this story.
Would you get a life? :roll: She has a right to post it on her door because she is sick of JW going to her door because they have not shown respect to her. That's why JW was also given a bad reputation not just of false doctoraie (sp) but because of the stalkings. :io:

Attack Dogs Will Be Released on LuciaDisturbed!
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