Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Lasza said:
In each case, the headache went away only after the patient turned the final page.

"Order of the Phoenix," the fifth book in the series, has nearly three times as many pages as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," the first book, and J.K. Rowling (news - web sites) still plans two more tomes.

"If this escalation continues as Rowling concludes the saga, there may be an epidemic of Hogwarts headaches in the years to come," Bennett predicted.

Interesting...I've read the 5th book at least 4 times already since its June 2003 release, heheh! :Oops: But I haven't had any HP induced headaches, :lol:
Headaches? I think this is more Harry Potter publicity, I thought they got enough publicity as it is. I remember reading that Harry Potter was bad and that it was causing a bunch of followers trying to copy Harry Potter.
Ziusudra said:
Headaches? I think this is more Harry Potter publicity, I thought they got enough publicity as it is. I remember reading that Harry Potter was bad and that it was causing a bunch of followers trying to copy Harry Potter.

Nah, it probably did cause headaches. I mean, if you read for too long in dim light, you WILL get a headache, too much eye-strain.

These kids were probably reading in the dark after their parents made them go to bed.
Just a quick news bit...

I heard a report that the Harry Potter 3 preview will be attached to Looney Tunes: Back in Action which will be released on November 14.
Xero said:
Nah, it probably did cause headaches. I mean, if you read for too long in dim light, you WILL get a headache, too much eye-strain.

These kids were probably reading in the dark after their parents made them go to bed.

:rofl: That certainly sounds like it! Reason why I'm laughing....it's because it greatly applies to me! :o I remember when I had to go to bed and I wasn't ready to sleep, I'd find a way to read a bit more after lights out. I went to extremes -- since I had stayed at the cottages at CSDF, there were those gaslights outside, not too far from one of the 2 windows in the bedroom and luck was sort of on my side as the light fell through my side of the room...I'd lie on my bed, my nose nearly touching the pages of a book, heh. It certainly gave me a headache after reading in such a dim room, but I didn't let that deter me.;)
Hahahaha, I used to do the same thing. I used to stay up all hours just so I could finish reading and find out the ending!! I couldn't stand not knowing. I went to the bathroom so my parents wouldn't suspect I was reading in bed after lights out. Although now I don't do it as much anymore as I don't read so much anymore.
yeah, harry potter*s new book is since saturday here in germany... i will buy it tomorrow :D
Oh yeah, I brought after one day. Then, I brought to the Wal Mart. And, then, I start reading to complete in 5 day!!!! Wow! Well, yes, it was so sad about 30 minute an almost end of chapter!!!!
Heh.... there'll be 2 more after the 5th book. So, more anticipation awaits for more! I so can't wait for the rest. The 5th one wasn't bad, anyone know what the cheapest price for that one is now? Thanks.
Right now, JK started written in 6th book. She cannot say the release date yet. She forward to work on 6th book. She say won't be longest time. She should be short the book than 5th book by 6th book.

Still unknow the 6th book title yet. She will tell them that later as soon.

So, I can't wait to see the movie Hary Potter 3 next 7 month to go!! :ily:
i already read this book, it is sad, that a people died... i must tried... *heullZzZ* i hope that 6th will come soon...
Yeah, I know that this 5th book. But, I saw on www.amazon.com tell us that there a new book about "New Clue for Harry Potter" that mean what would happen for next 6th and 7th book. You can go look at the Amazon online it. It was enjoy it. I saw it was new clue for one book is 1-4 book, and second book is 5th book. That is only been a hint.
Cannot wait...

I can't wait for the new MOVIES!!!!!!! Saw the PoA trailer on Super Bowl Sunday and I was pretty impressed.

Look at my avatar. You can tell I'm a Harry Potter fan. :) Need I say more?

Oh yeah, now, we saw HP POA movie was great.

So, do you know what the name of 6th book? If you not know the title of 6th book?

It is

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the 6th book. That is true report on JK Rowling web site. :mrgreen:
PurpleRose71 said:
Hey guys -- anyone reading the current new Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? I am...am nearly halfway through it already! :)
At first, the storyline was a bit slow to start with, but now it's up to speed and I find it VERY intruging and interesting! I'm not gonna spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet. :cool:
But I can say that Harry's definitely angerier in this book...so unlike Harry!
This book is a BIG must to read! :)


Right now I'm more than half way through and the book is so good. I can't wait til they make the movies too. Did ya all know that there's going to be 2 more books!?
scottw said:
Oh yeah, now, we saw HP POA movie was great.

So, do you know what the name of 6th book? If you not know the title of 6th book?

It is

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the 6th book. That is true report on JK Rowling web site. :mrgreen:

Here that is the answer about this 6th book. Don't you reading last post you saw it? You forgot.
Also... it has been stated that the Half-Blood Prince is NEITHER Harry Potter or Voldemort... so, keep guessing!! :P
Ziusudra said:
Also... it has been stated that the Half-Blood Prince is NEITHER Harry Potter or Voldemort... so, keep guessing!! :P

Malfoy??? :) Hehhehehee, I still think there's much, much, MUCH more to Draco than the author is letting on. ;)
Ziusudra said:
Also... it has been stated that the Half-Blood Prince is NEITHER Harry Potter or Voldemort... so, keep guessing!! :P

There is no Voldemort vs Harry into 6th book. You have to be guess who going to against! But, into 7th book that Harry is alive. But, no one know how end of the book yet. Because of JK Rowling not tell you about 7th of the end the book. About 6th book is not on Voldemort VS Harry either. No one know who it is?