Ghost hunters are mistaken for burglars


Dec 28, 2012
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(AP) GETTYSBURG, Pa. - Police in Pennsylvania are investigating a complaint concerning a ghost hunt that went bust after a police officer mistakenly thought it was a burglary in progress.

The Gettysburg Times reported Tuesday ( Visiting ghost hunters mistaken for burglars - Local News) that the Thanksgiving night ghost tour ended with two tourists and their guide being detained at gunpoint.

A patrolman passing a closed store in Gettysburg says he saw flashlights inside, so he went in and handcuffed and searched the three ghost hunters.
Police called the owner, who confirmed the tour operator had permission to use the allegedly haunted Civil War-era building. The first Union general killed in the Battle of Gettysburg was brought to the building after being fatally wounded.

The owner of the Victorian-style photography studio that occupies the building and permitted the tour has declined to comment.

Ghost hunters in Pa. are mistaken for burglars |

Looks like they're hunting for ghosts on the Civil War hallowed grounds.
Yes my sibling still go there for ghost hunting. My siblings have been there about two times.. Next year they will go there. I hope they will ask me to come along. :D I ll make sure that we all wont get arrested. lol