Germany Alert


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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I remember there are some Deaf members here from Germany. My friend is in Germany right now for visit and he is hearing and an interpreter who is totally into Deaf culture and ways. He wants to meet deaf people or go to a deaf center in germany but cant find it and his friend who he is staying with in germany dont even know where it is or even met deaf people at can you tell me where there are deaf centers in Kassei. Please reply ASAP!!
BabyPhat21 said:
so can you tell me where there are deaf centers in Kassei. Please reply ASAP!!

Are you asking about Kassel? I do have a deaf friend who lives in Kassel and will ask him for you.
Thanks!! any more infor is great like deaf events, where to buy deaf german sign lang book, etc... he is not gonna be there for that long, I was suprised his friends dont know where in germany they have deaf center and there is one in the same city!!! :dunno: