Funny Thing About Rush Limbaugh

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and who are your child's friends?


This is a serious problem in a society that believes BIGGER is always better. In schools the size of small towns it is impossible to know. It is impossible for all of the teachers to know all of the kids in the school, or if any particular kid even belongs there.

And even if your child's friends are good kids how much do you know about their parents?

And even if their parents are good people it doesn't mean their grandmother doesn't have a bottle of something in her medicine closet you don't want your kids around.

It also points out the myths of our society. People who have never been to a little one room school house buy into the belief of the "Little house on the Prairie" idea that the big kids always went around picking on the littler kids and making their life miserable. People who have actually attended one remember the older kids more as protectors and teachers helpers.

I think one way to help keep kids off drugs is to have small neighborhood schools where parents, teachers, and children all know each other and can keep track of what is going on.
again - your view is already skewered by extreme bias on illegal drugs... which is why you keep coming up with ludicrous assumptions that drug uses will skyrocket and people would demand for pure stuff? You failed to remember that our tobacco, prescription drugs, products, etc. are regulated by FDA. What makes you think we would produce PURE stuff that would kill you? oh wait... people can OD just by taking many pills!!! or too many drinks!!! or too many etc.!!! :roll: sorry but when we produce the stuff - it's within the regulation but it's solely on people's judgment to take any amount he/she wants. If he/she wants to OD - go ahead. I only pray that there is somebody around to render a medical assistance for him/her and to get him/her into treatment program... and then he/she will come out as a better person. Who are we to tell them what to do? Are you a Moral/Ethic Cop? You a supporter of Fascism aka Police State?

In case you're not able to follow the debate - I'll spell it out for you - my argument is SOLELY BASED on FAILED prohibition/ban policy in the past. Drug's going to join the club too along with alcohol, tobacco, abortion, abstinence, etc! It's just matter of time till you people WAKE UP!

Obama is demanding a change in our prescription system... by modernizing the computer database system so that we can better keep record of everything. now - about people dying on prescription drugs... it pretty much showed you that drug war makes no sense. They will OD on anything - even water!! so why waste money on drug bans? How about transfer the fund to effective treatment programs?

about your last statement - please support your argument with any finding. It's not making any sense at all. it's a very weak argument for your stance on drug ban.

I have to agree with you and I think that if we just legalized drugs and taxed/regulated the hell out of them, we wouldn't need a drug war. We wouldn't need to spend billions on law enforcement either. Jails would be less crowded.

There will always be people who abuse tobacco and alcohol but the point is that they are both legal, taxed and regulated. There are NO people in jail for using alcohol or tobacco. If we follow the same model for all drugs, the results would be the same. The State of California could rake in a shitload of money if they legalized marijuana. Other states could benefit too.

Prohibition never works and never will. Alcohol prohibition gave rise to the mafia and crime. There's simply no room for the Carrie Nation types in today's society because you will not succeed in prohibiting anything.
EPIC FAIL! source!!! OF COURSE the Drug Enforcement agency will speak out against drug legalization. How about... giving us an independent source? You have NOT provided me any single iota of proof/support that backs your Drug War belief. I have given you source & testimonies from former police officers, doctors, sociologists, families of drug addicts, and many more.... and 99% of source you have given me strengthened my arguments.



That is all you can do.

But, it will not change my mind. I have provided enough.

Just because you do not agree with my sources does not mean it is inaccurate.

Actually if you sit back and read the whole link, and sub links in what I provided.

It may not be what you believe in, but it does have accurate sources and Statistics on the Drug War. They would know more than what your sources provides.

Evidence is all over, on the effects of drugs.

So we can agree to disagree.

That is all you can do.

But, it will not change my mind. I have provided enough.

Just because you do not agree with my sources does not mean it is inaccurate.

Actually if you sit back and read the whole link, and sub links in what I provided.

It may not be what you believe in, but it does have accurate sources and Statistics on the Drug War. They would know more than what your sources provides.

Evidence is all over, on the effects of drugs.

So we can agree to disagree.

sorry nope. it's sad that you can't even see the other side of the statistic and the source you provided for me. oh well... It's ok. I don't need to convince you because there are more and more people becoming convinced that this drug law is a failed policy and it's just a matter of time till the Drug Law gets repealed/lessened down.

Like I said - I've shown you abundant of cost breakdown, alarming statistic, historical events of failed prohibition/ban policies, and testimonies by LEO, families of OD victims, news, etc. You have shown me NOTHING. ZIP! :)

and why are you telling me about the effect of drugs? we all know about it. the point is - YOUR ATTITUDE toward to this issue is a WRONG APPROACH. Who ever said drug is safe? Treating drug users as criminals is a WRONG APPROACH. Enforcing the drug law to criminalize people who got caught with just a joint or 2 is a WRONG APPROACH. WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Re-read my post #375 - "Please come up with something better..... something that I can agree to disagree."
sorry nope. it's sad that you can't even see the other side of the statistic and the source you provided for me. oh well... It's ok. I don't need to convince you because there are more and more people becoming convinced that this drug law is a failed policy and it's just a matter of time till the Drug Law gets repealed/lessened down.

Like I said - I've shown you abundant of cost breakdown, alarming statistic, historical events of failed prohibition/ban policies, and testimonies by LEO, families of OD victims, news, etc. You have shown me NOTHING. ZIP! :)

and why are you telling me about the effect of drugs? we all know about it. the point is - YOUR ATTITUDE toward to this issue is a WRONG APPROACH. Who ever said drug is safe? Treating drug users as criminals is a WRONG APPROACH. Enforcing the drug law to criminalize people who got caught with just a joint or 2 is a WRONG APPROACH. WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Re-read my post #375 - "Please come up with something better..... something that I can agree to disagree."

I can not change your mind nor you can change mine.

But it is only fair to post my views. And to provide the sources.

I highly doubt drugs will be legalized.

So you keep preaching your beliefs.
Mod's note:

This thread has no point in any direction. Time to close this thread. :locked:
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