Free Pictures Of Self Defense Charts....


i hate to burst your bubble..but israel is very pro gun. it is manditory to join the all the people will be trained in case of for arab training..and not missing ..oh please..turn on cnn anf find out how many soldiers were SHOT.....not bombed..shot..not many..and shoot outs happen EVERY FUCKING DAY! it only makes the news when somebody gets killed...if that!
how long did the IRA fight the english in northern ireland? 60 years?how many shoot outs? and only a few hundred soldiers dead from gun shots in all that time.

now do not get me wrong..i am ro gun..if they havre the proper training...and in my opinon most cops do not have that many people will do it..not many.
Military conscription is mandatory in Israel , of course everybody knows that.
The Jewish people that I have come across both Deaf and hearing, they act like they hate guns and act like good morals will save their lives. I have to sit down with them and explain what the real deal is... and to let you know the real deal, not every gun battle is covered in Israel and I am positive there are alots of gun battles being waged near the borders of Israel. I know the arabs like to hit the Israeli settlements that are not inside Israel and outside the boundaries of what was supposed to be rightfully Israel's Land given by God of Israel. Blessed Be His Name Forever and Ever Amen. The media has to have a bias on everything and Israel is no exception. Why does not the news media talk about the nightly news of a gun saving the life of somebody? The media is a very controlled press. I know that the IRA and the Orangemen as well as the Britons have been shooting each other and it is not widely reported because shootouts on the nightly news gets old fast... what gets really reported is the bombs that go off in N. Ireland and else where. That captures the tv viewer's attention and the news media make tons of money off that story and the ratings go up. The real deal is policemen today are much more highly trained than any time in history today and what did I tell you about the reality tv news and their anti-police attidute and trying to get the public to only see what they want you to see and believe. It is good you are pro-gun , something we can agree on.
Here is the US Marine Corps Martial Arts Program It is not the complete collection.... It will help you and the more you lose weight, are lighter on your feet and your muscles become stronger and more wrapped around your bone body frame, the faster you will be able to move on your feet.'MCRP%20302B'
American Karate & Aiki-Jujutsu (AKAJ) is a martial art that incorporates the combat aspect of several martial arts (such as Aikido, Karate, Judo, Kenpo & Chin Na) as well as the military combat fighting techniques that are used by Army Ranger and Green Berets.
American Karate & Aiki-Jujutsu (AKAJ) is not an art that takes the best combat or self-defense techniques of these arts, but rather incorporates the philosophies and movements of the techniques to create an extremely effective combat art that is intended to be used in a situation when there is only one intended outcome.
The intent of AKAJ is to inflict severe damage on the opponent. This art is not intended to minimize injury to the opponent (such as in Aikido) or to meet aggression with a reasonable and commensurate defense (such as in Karate). AKAJ techniques should not be used unless the practitioner is comfortable with the consequences of his actions and has no realistic alternative but to fight.
This art is only taught to mature adult students who have both the need for this knowledge and the wherewithal to use it prudently Owner of video: Sensei Patko
Alittle of good comedy relief with this creative twist. You may want hold onto this one for later when the kids are not around to watch this one.... Funny and a creative twist to this one... Watch it all the way through for best effect. Not suitable for children....Martial art classes can be fun once in a while...

Comedy Kung Fu Video Clip here at:
Now back to serious business. This is a video clip and shows a very physically fit guy using brutality which closely resembles actual fighting. The rest are of showing how physically fit and how extremely dangerous a man can be if he truly dedicated himself to physical fitness and the fighting arts. You will go
" Brutal , Man that has gotta hurt !!! " with alittle of fear in your heart.
This is a training poster which will help you understand better what, why and how the use of non-lethal to the lethal hand to hand combat techniques are enforced. Law Enforcement Officers...
( LEO ) use this training to make better decisions. The goal here is to take the criminal alive off the street if possible, to face the justice system but please remember the LE officer will not hesitate to use the lethal techniques if the criminal's actions dicate that the LE officer do so and up to including the use of the LE Officer's firearm to prevent dangerous criminals and save innocent lives NO LE Officer wants to shoot somebody dead unless the situation is absoutely necessary. Anybody who challenges the LE Officer is out of their mind and it is completely 100% criminal which warrants positive action as the situation dicates. Assaulting an officer of the law or the illegal discharge of a firearm pointed towards a police officer is a big :nono: :nono: and warrants serious injury or death to the criminal and the police officers are required to protect their lives at all costs then get home safely in one piece after their patrol shift is over. Please also remember, only the officer makes that decision in the heat of the moment and we are to support and back the officer, no matter if the liberals scream that the officers was wrong because you do not know that the police officers have had negative and extremely dangerous dealings or confrontations with that criminal in the past. The liberals are always eager to attack the police officer no matter what. Here is the training poster that saves lives of anothers plus the criminals many times do not even know that the police officer saved his life and almost never gets that rare " Thank You " from a criminal who realizes how serious that day or night was. My hat is off to the police officers who daily fight the criminals of Force chart.jpg
Here is a good website with alots of military manuals, just be aware some links do work and some don't.... for the most part they do work. This is not my website because for sure I would keep it updated and working properly. The website owner may be busy with a family and a job so keep that in mind. Building and maintaining a website can be hard work. Also, keep in mind that he is not some crazy milita leader if that is what you immediately picture in your mind okay? He really is a good person and is a family man and in his spare time when he does have time , he is doing this for free as much as possible just like I am with building a Deaf website for self defense ( check out my profile and click on homepage tab, still under construction I got alots of work to do on the Deaf website )

I want to say here the ones that would make more sense to Deaf people are survival ( living off the land ) and cold weather survival ( how to stay warm and survive in cold weather ) obivously hand to hand combat ( because of ASL and being Deaf ) and weapons ( the cleaning, maintenance and marksmanship skills ) and the use of camoflague , first aid the rest would be just extras and not likely to concern Deaf people but makes for good reading material though. This also is good for if you go fishing and get lost in the woods or going deer hunting during the wintertime and get lost then have to stay in the woods overnight with howling cold biting weather or just going camping with many Deaf people or play around with learning realistic war skills through the use of paintball guns and have fun camping. In the city you will not be able to play around with learning MOUT skills but at least you will have a better idea and reading material of what is going on if the city erupts into a war footing and understand what the soldiers have to go through to stop the bad guys. As always safety in mind please? He does have some very good information that would concern you too as Americans. :thumb: Thank you and God Bless...

Here you go....:angel: Life saving information
This is really a good explaination and very positive and Deaf people know all about misunderstandings all too well so that will help save you problems and be better prepared then just go on about your life....good article as well as looking around and learning.
Here is a police baton striking chart which not only will help all of us Deaf people to know which spots will help us strike to escape the bad guys and if necessary have to in self defense kill the bad guy because his evil actions could have killed you, an innocent person if you had not prevented the bad street criminal from doing his wicked deed. It could be anything for example a baseball bat that the bad guy is wielding and you turn the tables over on him and take the baseball bat away from the bad guy to defend yourself or you are running from the bad guy's attack then you break off a tree one very strong branch and club the bad guy over or even in the confines of an airplane to kill the bad islamic terrorist. Remember anything will be used to stop the bad guy on the street etc. The evil criminal has no business bothering a Deaf man or Deaf woman or anybody for that matter. Here is the chart....
Here is a good chart to help train yourselves visually and mentally to gather all that you can if you have to stop a bad guy and give the police a good description of the bad guy, if you are in the process of defending yourself from the bad guy it may be alittle hard to do that. I would suggest as you strike the bad guy note his face for example as you throw an edge of the hand blow to the guy instantly note what color his eyes are then as you punch his stomach note what shirt he is wearing so on etc. It will have to be kept up and you can not stop to identify , maybe between pauses you could take a full measure of the bad guy what he looks like etc. It will be hard to do that during a struggle for your life if you know there are security cameras in that place , focus on defending your life. It all depends on the situation , the idea is to gather as much information as you can but still defend your own life , use commonsense.
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Here is a police motto which can help Deaf people become stronger faster and fight more smarter and try to be safer as much as possible...this is especially a good motto because Deaf people are tired of being crime victims and this motto is a police motto with a very muscular police guard facing a bad, physically strong and rebellious inmate. I remember that poster from somewhere. This does not mean some one is after you, no it means it is all in how you train yourself. Think for a mintune here the bad guy is training himself okay then think of the policeman training himself working out and being physically fit now, think and visualize yourself training to become stronger now you can go and work out with a good purpose in mind to save your own life and pray you never have to fight a bad guy but if you do you will be prepared , yes still surprised but strong , fit and ready to fight crime back.

" Right now someone is training to kill you, What are you doing? "