First time wearer of hearing aids

Better Hearing

New Member
Sep 17, 2004
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I have two hearing aids by Siemens in the Music Pro model.

In my left hearing aid i am getting some noise. And its like a wave sound. While i have the volume turn down it isnt a problem i know it is still there but if i turn it up i can hear it. Is this a fault or do i need to see the Audi to re ajust it. I dont seem to have any problems with my right aid.
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My suggestion would be to see your audiologist. I've had a similar problem in the past. Here's my story...

I'm deaf on both hears. Actually, I hear better with my left ear than I do with my right. When I first tried out two hearing aids, the volume on the hearing aid of my right ear had to be set higher than the right. As a result, it made weird noises. It just didn't sound right compared to the hearing aid on the left.

When I went to see an audiologist, he said that I either needed a stronger hearing aid for my right ear (he said that would eliminate the noises) or I could just wear one hearing aid on my left ear and not on my right. I decided to wear only one hearing aid and I still do these days.
Alex said:
My suggestion would be to see your audiologist. I've had a similar problem in the past.

I actualy think the noise is something to do with when she was programming it. You know when you have that hearing test and you have this like wave sound and you have to listen to the tone in background and then the wave sound gets louder and louder thats what it sounds like except it dosent get louder unless i turn it up. I dont think i could get away with one hearing aid.