Eating out


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Mar 21, 2008
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If you are eating out with a hearing person, do you get mad if the waiter or waitress talks to the hearing person about what you want? Why or why not?


I am hard of hearing and that happened the other day to me. It irritated me a little bit because I missed most of what she said at the begining but from then on she wouldn't even look at me or ask me anything. She just talked to my wife as if I wasn't even there.
Jeez, my parents did order things for me until i was 18, I do my own conversation. Odd though
No I don't get mad, because it is easier for me. I usually just have the hearing person of the moment give my order.
Most of time it doesn't really bother me. But if I am taking a hearing woman out on a date, i would speak for myself so that she does not think I m helpless or being dependent person.
I agree with you, Lumbi. If I were chilling with my hearing mates, who knows sign language really well. They offer the help, but I refused. I can talk well, for pete's sake. Sometimes, I get frusrated inside that it was already done before I could do anything and there is one thing, my friend is ALWAYS dependant and always uses everyone for help -- I have told her, millions of time to do it herself, she doesn't use the voice :roll:
I dunno some women like to be feel helpless and depend on big bad wolf.

Like one allmember here's avator stating she s waiting for white knight to come and sweep her off. lmao.
It has happened and I always speak up telling the waitress/waiter to address to me or I will file a complaint. That always works but fortunately, it hasnt happened to me too often cuz I am too outspoken. I have noticed that I had been doing the ordering for my hearing husband..I guess I take over sometimes! :giggle:
So your husband has been lazy and let you do the file complaint if they don't even serve the deaf customers! :lol:
if I am with family they wud order for me.. easier if I am with a person I hang out with I can order for myself as well.. ;) but depend on situation and all tho..
So your husband has been lazy and let you do the file complaint if they don't even serve the deaf customers! :lol:

LOL..he is hearing and doesnt know what it is like to be discriminated against so he doesnt care if the waiter or waitress dont address to him but to me, it is a big deal so I end up taking over by ordering for all of us and I am the deaf one in the family!
LOL, if they ask your wife, "does he want a drink?" Tell her to respond, "I don't know. Ask him." LOL This should work. If the waitress or waiter doesn't ask anything about what you want, then don't respond. At the end of your wife finishing eating, then ask for manager to complain if the waiter or waitress didn't bother to serve you.

I know, it's so rude when they do that. That happened to me in junior high school when I had used an interpreter. Some a$$hole teachers would speak to the interpreter like I wasn't even there.

It's rude.

I am usually really shy with cute men :Oops:, so I have other order for me :laugh2:.
I had that happen to me a few times because of my deaf accent and they would turn to the hearing person and ask them what I want. :roll:
Well I can kinda see both sides. I hate having to depend on people. On the other hand, sometimes it can be hard for hearing people unfamiliar with deaf speech to understand our speech. What I do usually, is to show the menu and point and say what I want.
Most people can understand my speech thou.
It's easy to keep in control of the situation. I usually sit closest to the area where the waiter would be at, and take control of the situation. If the waiter askes my boyfriend something, I just take back control and show on the menu, etc... I check the paper where the waiter wrote on, to make sure the right order was written, then I smile and say thats right. Thank the waiter as well.

However, there are some really stupid waiters, so I just don't waste my energy on these and let my boyfriend or my friends order for me. I think it depends on the waiters themselves, really.
i do order whatevers what i wanted and servers come tell me what i wanted

when im on dating with my boyfriend somedays for going out with dinner my boyfriend will order for me than i order! because he hearing but he can sign little not lots.

my mom always order foods for me on fast food sometimes not lots
I make the waiter look at what I point out on the menu whether im with a hearie or not. Even I will just type what I want 2 order at a fast food joint on my cellphone and hold it up to the server's face. Im not that helpless :P
its doesnt bother me that much because im used to it.

im HOH myself and i can speak very well, when i see waiteress come by, i usually to say, "excuse me, can you get me somebody for me so that i can order it from menu?" So that waitress would know that i want to order and send somebody come over.

If im with hearing friends or individual, we usually used our voices together and same time, i used my signing language n voices together to hearing individual. Waitress will know what to do.

Luckily, that i live in this local is really strong deaf community unfortunately for me to go visit others, i have to work harder than here.
Sometimes I have my hearing spouse or friends place the order. Depends on my mood, how noisy the environment or if the waiter is friendly. If I place the order, and we have trouble communicating, one of us will look to my companion to jump in. It is never a “bad” situation as it keeps things from getting uncomfortable.

Interestingly when I go out with my deaf friend who has a heavy accent, the waitress looks immediately to me to repeat what my friend says. That is regardless of whether they know I have a voice or not. I always look to my friend first to check her reaction. If she does not assert herself, then I repeat the order. I imagine she does not like it but she knows her voice is rough.
I'm irresistible, they never ignore me, they constantly stare at me all day long, man or lady.
I've had people order for me after asking me what I wanted, guys take me out, pointing to the menu or just plain stating what I want. It varies. Sometimes I order for the family. Sometimes I let my guy do the ordering. NO BIG DEAL. Sometimes it's nice to get the help when it's offered in this world. I do the majority of the business calls so when my guy takes me out and orders for me, I'm in heaven. He's taking good care of me. Sometimes all I have to say "hey, can you handle this one.......".....