discovery channel: deafblind triplets

You don't get it do you?

It's all been about the deafblind triplets' surroundings, their education but hasn't anyone sat down & tactiled with the triplets?

Hasn't anyone sat down and talked to the parents? You may think you have the triplets' best interests at heart because you're deafblind too, but you don't.

I'm DeafBlind too but I cannot fathom having three deafblind babies all at once and assuming I have their best interests at heart.

They all are individuals and they need individual attention, deafblind or not.

We've no right telling any parent how to raise their child just because their child is DeafBlind like us.

We do not have a right to know how the DeafBlind triplets are doing simply because they were once in the media.

Your reasoning is very different than mine and I definitely would say mine is logical.

I was after an explanation as what you actually meant. No need for rudeness.

I think I get it more then you do actually. I read all there is on these girls. There is inconsistancies all over the place so I had a lot of unanswered questions. I still do actually.

And I totally disagree with you about us not being in a possition to offer advise. It seems People have talked to the parents and offered to help but the fact of the matter is these triplets are functioning less well then they really should do. This isn't because they are deafblind.
I'm not really keen on having any kids period but if I did have a set of deafblind triplets I'd just have to manage them to the best of my ability. I'd start by talking to them with tactile signlanguage. Finding a nanny who could use tactile baby signs that would start the process. I'd put things in their hands all the time and encourage them to touch everything in sight. I'd also teach Sophie tactile signing so she could talk with her sisters too. Of course I'd need to hire lots and lots of help with them, but in a way I think a deaf or deafblind parent would be in a better possition to handle deafblind babies. They would at least know where to start. The problem is these parents don't seem to have a clue.
No, I haven't sat down and talked to the mother but we have exchanged emails.

Would you react in this way to 'concerned' message if the triplets were NOT deafblind? How would you react if 'concerned' was speaking about the octoplets? And if the reaction is differant Why.

But maybe you are right about me not getting it. I don't get your attitude on this at all especially from another deafblind person.
I don't see any rudeness in my post which is why I keep saying that my reasoning is logical and yours is emotional. There's nothing wrong with it, that is all.

Reading up on the girls, all you get are hearsay. You do not get the facts. All you get are hearsay.

We are not in the position to offer advise because we already have our own problems to look after.

For you as a DB to think you can take care of three DB infants on your own, you're not thinking realistically. You'd have to be in another whole Utopia.

You focus only on Sophie, what about her other two sisters? Teaching Sophie how to do tactile? What about teaching the other two sisters communication skills? You see why I say we cannot fathom taking care of three when those three DB triplets are their own individuals.

Hiring lots and lots of help will not help the parents now because in the long run, they will rely on those assistance forever.

The parents are confused because everyone seems to think they know how to raise the triplets when everyone didn't give birth to the triplets. Who did? The parents did.

If concerned was a shafted lawyer hired from Octomom, I would've spoken in the same manner. Why? The shafted lawyer should have kept his/her mouth shut in the first place. This is why we have this wonderful thing called the Code of Ethics.

You do not blab your mouth off after you leave a workplace especially if you work with clients like Octomom or the triplets.

You are correct, you do not get my logic because you seem to focus solely on the fact I'm DeafBlind and I should follow the grain of how DeafBlind people support each other whether we agree or not.

I don't get your attitude on this at all especially from another deafblind person.

What is the typical attitude of a DB person? Do tell.
I am logical. Why so much on the attack? Why this rudeness anyway? Why does caring about someone else bother you so much?
You seem to have your own problems. Please don't take them out on me as I'm not a punch bag.

I do think that they would need lots of assistance at first. All multiples do. Look at the amount of help that the octoplet's mother is getting.

If a person leaves a job and feels concerned about a situation then writes about it in a public message board is a responsible thing to do. I really don't see anything wrong with that.

If I gave birth to deafblind triplets I would give them as much tactile feedback as I could. I would need help because there is 3of them and only one of me. But most mothers of multiples need help. Even with 'normal' babies. They wouldn't need lots and lots of help forever. If it was done correctly then they would just need communicator guides like most deafblind people do but the world needs to be brought to them which isn't happening. Yes I mentioned Sophie but of course all 3 girls needed to learn tactile sign language at about 6 months old.

Deafblindness isn't this mystical condition that only those nearest and dearest understand about any more then any other condition is. Taking it from an entirely rational point of view they are methods of teaching people with various disabilities which should always be focused on alternative skills based on their strongest point. Which is touch and smell in the case of these 3 girls.
I'm interested in this subject so I read all about it. Nothing so emotional about that.
You don't get it do you?

It's all been about the deafblind triplets' surroundings, their education but hasn't anyone sat down & tactiled with the triplets?

Hasn't anyone sat down and talked to the parents? You may think you have the triplets' best interests at heart because you're deafblind too, but you don't.

I'm DeafBlind too but I cannot fathom having three deafblind babies all at once and assuming I have their best interests at heart.

They all are individuals and they need individual attention, deafblind or not.

We've no right telling any parent how to raise their child just because their child is DeafBlind like us.

We do not have a right to know how the DeafBlind triplets are doing simply because they were once in the media.

Your reasoning is very different than mine and I definitely would say mine is logical.

dreama, we have no idea what is going on with the DB triplets and their family's lifestyle. For us to even think or try to pass judgment on them, we have no right at all.

To base an assumption on an outsider's POVs or even an insider's POVs, we cannot do that.

This is all hearsay that concerned is doing and quite frankly, if concerned was a shafted intervenor, he/she should have stuck with the COEs & kept his/her mouth shut like a good professional.

Methinks I have the answer right in front of me why concerned is sharing hearsay with us.

Another :gpost:
I have seen and personally experienced many things with this family. I have seen one thing that really upsets and worries my soul. These girls have been absolultely without an intervenor for almost 6 months now. She quit because the mother and stepfather did not do their "homework" with the girls....she had to start over each week.....THEY DID NOT FOLLOW UP WITH HER LESSONS AND WORK WITH THE GIRLS. Liz is very much about what makes it easy for her....she has taken the fund and hired 2 full-time baby sitters, instead. These two people are there to wipe their mouths and show them where the cookies, cheetoes and lolipops are...they do bathe them and change them, too. It is just sad, because Emma & Zoe are completely helpless. They do not have any, zero, means of communicating with people....and nobody is trying to do so. They either sit in a swing or in a chair with a lollipop & cheetoes. A school, particularly fo defablind, offers FREE HWLP....they would hve to move to the Chicago ar3ea...but they would be able to have actual life skills!! Liz said no, as she likes it where she is. Working for the foundation is going good.

The little girls father, real father is not out of the picture. He just does not want to ride the media train....he works full time, and provides healthcare, along with a healthy support payment, otherwise known as the house payment. I am sad for the girls...they have no hope and nobody willing to give them what they need. It would alienate them from their mother, and she may keep the girls even more the intervenor got the shaft for showing the same concern. So much more to this story, it is just sad that we all have to ignore the truth...because we may cause lack of support for the girls. What to do.....

If this post is true, all I have to say is how sad. :(