Deaf Woman Attacked by Pit Bull


Premium Member
Jun 5, 2006
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LOUISVILLE, KY. (WDRB) - A 59-year old deaf woman who lives in an assisted adult care home because of her special needs is in the hospital after being mauled by a pit bull. She couldn't hear the dog coming or even form the words to say help.

Tony Simpson, who witnessed the attack, tells WDRB News, "I've never never seen nothing like that."

The two-year-old pit bull named Rambo sits quarantined in a steel cage at the Breckinridge County Animal Shelter.

Stacey Lucas and her fiance Tony Simpson say the last time they saw the dog in Cloverport, it was trying to tear Shirley Sturgeon apart.

Simpson says, "The dog was literally just eating the woman. He was not just biting her. He was tearing her meat off and swallowing it."

Shirley Sturgeon lives at Breckinridge Manor. She is deaf and was walking down a road Saturday on the way to a friend's house. It was just about a block from her home that Rambo attacked as she walked up the road...

Read more: Deaf-mute woman attacked by pit bull - WDRB 41 Louisville - News, Weather, Sports Community

Deaf YouVideo: Deaf Woman Attacked by Pit Bull
First of all, WTF? The news mentioned "MUTE" which is not necessary. Those news people must be small-minded.

Second of all, for years and years, all pitbulls' owners say that their dogs are sweet, BULLSHIT! Pitbulls should be banned because they are killers like wolves.

Third of all, thank God, two guys helped the deaf woman who was attacked by the pitbull which tried to tear her apart. The owner should be arrested.

Last of all, it's time to make pitbulls obsolete.
Wirelessly posted

pitbulls arnt killers but because of owner's neglect ppl get hurt I hope that lady recovers and the owner of the dog faces stiff punishment. I love pits and have owned many who wouldn't do anything but lick u to death
Wirelessly posted

pitbulls arnt killers but because of owner's neglect ppl get hurt I hope that lady recovers and the owner of the dog faces stiff punishment. I love pits and have owned many who wouldn't do anything but lick u to death
Then how come the pitbull didn't lick that deaf woman?
I was reading this article and people were saying "all" dogs can bite. But what kind of dog pulls flesh off a human and eats it? I feel really sorry for this poor lady, just going for a walk and gets partially eaten. Just gross!!!!!
Wirelessly posted

CrazyPaul said:
Wirelessly posted

pitbulls arnt killers but because of owner's neglect ppl get hurt I hope that lady recovers and the owner of the dog faces stiff punishment. I love pits and have owned many who wouldn't do anything but lick u to death
Then how come the pitbull didn't lick that deaf woman?

the dog had to b taught to attack
Pit Bulls scare the hell out of me....

The lady in the article was not being "bitten to death
....she was being "eaten to death" !!

And sorry to say, but Pit Bulls have gotten such a bad rap....and they continue to do so.
Wirelessly posted

the dog had to b taught to attack
I don't think so. I believe that it's their nature to attack. They are wild dogs. This incident is very common everywhere. I watch small claim court cases on TV and most cases are about pitbull attacks which are obviously their nature.
Wirelessly posted

no its not in there nature they arnt wild dogs they were bred to hunt hogs ppl just don't like pits cause of the way there portrayed to be I've owned pits and other dogs and also a German shepherd is on dangerous bread list to but cops still use as k9s
should be ban Pitbull dog impletnation advise! dangerous on doubt cocern, serious dangerous Pitbull is very risk!!! people scaring, but people scaring reason fear us! if supposing!
Wirelessly posted

the dog had to b taught to attack

No it did not. They do have that aggressive instinct. I have had a pitbull in the past, and she was a great dog who loved and adored outr children. But I did prevent her from mauling a magazine salesman that she felt encroached on our property. To be a responsible pitbull owner, you do need to be vigilant amd take precautions.
Wirelessly posted

no its not in there nature they arnt wild dogs they were bred to hunt hogs ppl just don't like pits cause of the way there portrayed to be I've owned pits and other dogs and also a German shepherd is on dangerous bread list to but cops still use as k9s
Have you heard about a little boy attacked by his father's pitbull? I think the boy was dead. A German Shepherd dog wouldn't do that.
Wirelessly posted

Bottesini said:
Wirelessly posted

the dog had to b taught to attack

No it did not. They do have that aggressive instinct. I have had a pull in the past, and she was a great dog who loved and adored outr children. But I did prevent her from mauling a magazine salesman that she felt encroached on our property. To be a responsible pitbull owner, you do need to be vigilant amd take precautions.

that I agree with u do have to be in controll of the dog but that's all dog not just pits
I knew a guy who had a pit bull and I have to disagree that pit bulls are dangerous. That pit bull was actually TOO loving I used to get annoyed because he always wanted to play with me and wanted me to pet him. I never felt in danger with the pit bill.

I do agree it is the owner's fault and how they raise them. If you train them to be killers then yes they'll end up aggressive. It's not really the pit bull's fault but the owner.
I never like pitbulls b/c they're not smart so that's why they attack. They just dont know any better. It's very obvious.

I hope the woman recovers quickly...poor woman mindin her own business. This type of attacks upset me. I sure hope they put that ugly dog to sleep. I hear pitbull owners are dumbfounded when they learn their dog attack a human being all the time.

C'mon, ppl dont train pitbulls to eat a person. Get a fuckin clue!
If I see a pitbull on my property whether it's your dog or not, I will kill it.
They're notorious for having an unpredictable temperament. Sounds like it was neglected - would it have consumed the woman if it was well fed?
They're notorious for having an unpredictable temperament. Sounds like it was neglected - would it have consumed the woman if it was well fed?
If the pitbull was that hungry, why didn't it eat its owner instead?