Deaf Schools may be declining in the future

yes its closed. I had lot of fun visiting there and slept over there for basketball tournament.
Yup, heard it though my wife and I was shocked. Sad? Indeed :(

I am proud to be 100% Deaf school raised. No regrets at all, and I think Deaf kids should have fair chance.
It's only a matter of time now. The hearie will force implant on all, and force mainstream
Fascists bastards
In 50 years doubt one DeAfie school remains
The writings been on the wall for some time
Pretty much yeah, that is what I am afraid of. Technology has advanced so much, we never know what comes next.

It's only a matter of time now. The hearie will force implant on all, and force mainstream
Fascists bastards
In 50 years doubt one DeAfie school remains
The writings been on the wall for some time
They will force implant us, right from birth, and those DeAfie later force implant no choice, hearie wet dream
We can't stop it, technology to advanced, they are after our culture, they won't accept us as DeAfie with our own language.
Mark my words.
The only reason why they haven't is because up till recently technology was to primitive and bulky for it, now it's getting cheaper chaper smaller smaller digital, damn, they will force feed this vile shit to every DeAfie baby
I need a light for this fat joint.
Thank you friend....thank you...
(Lights fat ass joint, superbly rolled, with fine fine canadian b.c bud grain with love and care, inhales very very deeply, licks lips, exhales smoke in the shape of a **** you to hearie world)
Yea.. those hearing people who are audist just continue to refuse to accept or culture.
Awwww......that SUCKS...... But it's not about was a bunch of different circumstances...I know for example they were sending their "good" students to TLC and ASD.....They're hoping to reopen which might be a possibility.
They needed to revamp things so that Deaf School would be a viable alternative to the mainstream. Seriously, we're talking about VERMONT.....not exactly known for superb education. Yes, a kid who only needs some accomondations might be able to fare well in the mainstream but there are also dhh kids with mild nereological issues who WOULD most likely fall through the cracks in the mainstream. Austine and other deaf schools should try to attract those kids.....that would be an AWESOME population to serve, since those kids are academic and can be VERY smart, but they'd be completely lost in a competive college bound school. Like how this blind school retained its academic population. . They should have brought back the mainstream program at BUHS, and added an independent living program for the high schoolers.
There WILL be Deaf Schools in the future......There ARE Deaf Schools that are BOOMING (Texas over 500 kids, TLC, etc) A lot of parents are sick of having the mainstream be the only option. I've been told by parents of kids with IEPs that if their kids were dhh, they'd go to a Deaf School without even a second thought.
::lol:: at one poster..... CI ain't gonna work on me for sure. It does not benefit me, nothing at all. Fact. Period. ::0ff topic::
Fair but the hearie world won't stop with this. They have a goal and they know what to do to achieve it. At first glance this is not about CI. True, but CI is just a weapon in their onslaught.
DeAfie school booming now maybe, but future looks grim,
There will always be some who won't benefit from CI. Me too. But they don't give a shit, you will be born and before your parents can even try to stop it they will drill holes in our heads and out computers in our skulls not to help just because they say so.....

Fair but the hearie world won't stop with this. They have a goal and they know what to do to achieve it. At first glance this is not about CI. True, but CI is just a weapon in their onslaught.
DeAfie school booming now maybe, but future looks grim,
There will always be some who won't benefit from CI. Me too. But they don't give a shit, you will be born and before your parents can even try to stop it they will drill holes in our heads and out computers in our skulls not to help just because they say so.....
In the Deaf school, I don't want no special education and oral only methods at all. We need Deaf Education very badly along with our primary ASL which is very important to us.

deafdyke, I don't want mainstream schools at all. They can go to colleges where they have Deaf Education programs including Gallaudet University. You can not say that high school students would have to go through in the mainstream schools. No way. **shaking my head** :(
In the Deaf school, I don't want no special education and oral only methods at all. We need Deaf Education very badly along with our primary ASL which is very important to us.

deafdyke, I don't want mainstream schools at all. They can go to colleges where they have Deaf Education programs including Gallaudet University. You can not say that high school students would have to go through in the mainstream schools. No way. **shaking my head** :(

What about regional programs? I think that people need to be EXTREMELY careful about educational placement. We shouldn't go back to the 60's/70's when a dhh kid was denied placement at a local school, simply b/c they were deaf. But, we also need to be VERY careful about assuming that inclusion is going to be a pancea. I really do think that a lot of the people pushing inclusion, almost seem to be time travelers from the 1970's, when inclusion/mainstreaming were new. They also seem to be really naïve about how so many kids get ostracized or don't really get a chance to parcipatate in the mainstream.....It's almost like they think social life at a mainstream school is all " Gosharootie! Let's go down to the malt shoppe before Bible Study with our special friend! Later on we can toss the football around!"
I hear you....High school really does suck even for hearing kids.
and the thing is, one of the biggest reasons why I think there's value in a deaf school/program is b/c far too many kids in the mainstream fall through the cracks. Yes, there are some kids who have very little issues and can coast through an inclusion set up ala the auditory-oral Dream Kid. Meaning they really thrive with a minimal accomondations approach, and might not even have the social issues that are so common. Other kids........*shakes head* Before I really did think that "heck at least the A/O/mainstreamed kids have basic literacy and academic abilty" I assumed that based on my own experience, and that the school system was good enough to "catch" the kids who were struggling......Had an interaction with an A/O mainstreamed 25 year old girl, where I had to explain the difference between past and present/future tense?!?!?!?! She thought I had written that I was boycottING something, when I had written that I had boycottED something.....and yes I was horrified. My friend who is very involved with the Deaf community in Rochester NY, told me about a couple of mainstreamed oral deaf kids (otherwise, bright and smart) who did not know how to alphabetize stuff and who couldn't count by 2,3, and 4s......I was horrified as well.
We need to set up a system so that kids DON"T fall through the cracks.
We also need to stop assuming that the best/least restrictive environment is the neighborhood school.....that really does assume that the neighborhood school is one of those suburban well equipted schools with all the resources available. I mean would people push for inclusion at an inner city school or a school in a super rural area? Even suburban schools aren't all that great.....Back around 1974 everyone thought that "YAY. Our dhh, blind/low vision, wheelchair, kids have thrown off the shackles of the low expectations of the state schools. Our kids are gonna do SO WELL!" Yes, we got rid of the wheelchair schools...(which is good b/c except for kids with severe orthopedic issues separate wheelchair schools aren't generally needed)
and the thing is, one of the biggest reasons why I think there's value in a deaf school/program is b/c far too many kids in the mainstream fall through the cracks. Yes, there are some kids who have very little issues and can coast through an inclusion set up ala the auditory-oral Dream Kid. Meaning they really thrive with a minimal accomondations approach, and might not even have the social issues that are so common. Other kids........*shakes head* Before I really did think that "heck at least the A/O/mainstreamed kids have basic literacy and academic abilty" I assumed that based on my own experience, and that the school system was good enough to "catch" the kids who were struggling......Had an interaction with an A/O mainstreamed 25 year old girl, where I had to explain the difference between past and present/future tense?!?!?!?! She thought I had written that I was boycottING something, when I had written that I had boycottED something.....and yes I was horrified. My friend who is very involved with the Deaf community in Rochester NY, told me about a couple of mainstreamed oral deaf kids (otherwise, bright and smart) who did not know how to alphabetize stuff and who couldn't count by 2,3, and 4s......I was horrified as well.
We need to set up a system so that kids DON"T fall through the cracks.
We also need to stop assuming that the best/least restrictive environment is the neighborhood school.....that really does assume that the neighborhood school is one of those suburban well equipted schools with all the resources available. I mean would people push for inclusion at an inner city school or a school in a super rural area? Even suburban schools aren't all that great.....Back around 1974 everyone thought that "YAY. Our dhh, blind/low vision, wheelchair, kids have thrown off the shackles of the low expectations of the state schools. Our kids are gonna do SO WELL!" Yes, we got rid of the wheelchair schools...(which is good b/c except for kids with severe orthopedic issues separate wheelchair schools aren't generally needed)

What do you consider a "super rural area"? I have run across things where people that live in a very large metro area have a distorted idea of what we have in smaller communities.
That's bad title. Anyway... Vermont? that's explain why tax doesn't spend well. Texas have huge tax spend on school. Thank to lottery.
What do you consider a "super rural area"? I have run across things where people that live in a very large metro area have a distorted idea of what we have in smaller communities.

I was referring to Appalachia style rural.......By that comment I was suggesting that deaf (and blind) schools could be used as a bailout from really crappy educational situiouns,to rescue kids from the cycle of poverty.....Not everyone is in a well funded suburban system....and even suburban systems aren't all that great unless you have all the right pieces of the puzzle.......and most mainstream schools DON'T!