Deaf Nation: 2016!


New Member
Jul 31, 2015
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I have been to deaf events before but nothing of this gravity!

I am planning to attend this in 2016 and I am curious and would like to know if anyone has ever been to this event? Can you please tell me what sorts of things there are to do and what is done at an event like this?

Thanks to anyone who shares this story with me! I really appreciate it in advance!

Also, here is the link if anyone is interested about this awesome event!


Lost of standing around and inane socializing, :lol:
They are going to host Deaf poker tournament.

Oh wow! I'm so glad that you told me that! :laugh2: I have been playing poker (particularly: No Limit' Texas Holdem') since I was first introduced to the poker game back in 2005 and ever since then, I've been playing! I thought it was a phase I was going through, considering the addiction and adrenaline rush I got when I would win really big pots (play money of course, heh :D but it wasn't no phase! I really enjoy playing poker and bluffing my way to win big, hehe! :D

Will you be attending the Deaf Nation Event Roxy if you don't mind me asking?:hmm:
Lost of standing around and inane socializing, :lol:

Hehe! Sounds very fun and very, very interesting! I am a very sociable person! I was very sociable before I went deaf and I see my self even more sociable now since I have become deaf, hehe! :lol:

Will you be attending the the event Tousi? :D:cool2:
Oh wow! I'm so glad that you told me that! :laugh2: I have been playing poker (particularly: No Limit' Texas Holdem') since I was first introduced to the poker game back in 2005 and ever since then, I've been playing! I thought it was a phase I was going through, considering the addiction and adrenaline rush I got when I would win really big pots (play money of course, heh :D but it wasn't no phase! I really enjoy playing poker and bluffing my way to win big, hehe! :D

Will you be attending the Deaf Nation Event Roxy if you don't mind me asking?:hmm:

No I am not going. You should check out National Deaf Poker Tour group on facebook. My boyfriend plays in all poker tournaments.
Good luck with bodyrubbed by other deaf people in a swimming pool. It was PACKED at Treasure Island.
Lol. That is rather disturbing but I guess your going to run into that anywhere when there is a large event like this one, hehe! :D

Oh wow! I'm so glad that you told me that! :laugh2: I have been playing poker (particularly: No Limit' Texas Holdem') since I was first introduced to the poker game back in 2005 and ever since then, I've been playing! I thought it was a phase I was going through, considering the addiction and adrenaline rush I got when I would win really big pots (play money of course, heh :D but it wasn't no phase! I really enjoy playing poker and bluffing my way to win big, hehe! :D

Will you be attending the Deaf Nation Event Roxy if you don't mind me asking?:hmm:

Do you have a good poker face? My dad played poker and he said some guys had a bad poker face and it was easy to tell they had a good hand . Dad said they tried to hide behind their cigar smoke . Dad won a woman diamond ring in a game.