

New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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I hate that I have been peeing a lot in public now (at night time when no one is around)......I feel like i cant hold it any longer especially when i am driving home.......... Have you guys ever peed in public at night time?? I hate that its hard to find an open bathroom at night, unless you can find a denny's nearby.......... I feel like a dog peeing out side but better than peeing in my car!! LOL
tell me your stories!!!
Do you have UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)? If you're getting the urge to pee a lot, every few minutes and so sounds like you may have UTI or something else that is affecting your liver or kidney functions.

Perhaps a trip to the doctor would be a good idea to rule out UTI and any other pending infections.
PurpleRose71 said:
Perhaps a trip to the doctor would be a good idea to rule out UTI and any other pending infections.

I agree with PurpleRose. You are much too young to have frequent urination. Frequent urination is often a symptom of other medical problems. Please get it checked out if the problem continues.

In the meantime, avoid drinking coffee and tea because those are diuretics (cause more frequent urination). If you are taking any medications, check to see if frequent urination is a side effect.

I don't think Babyphat meant that she goes to the bathroom alot but, she used public area to go to the bathroom if she can't find a restroom near by....and I see nothing wrong with that.....Men do it as often when they can't hold it any longer or drive to find a restroom near by....

It never happened to me before , I normally hold it until I get home heh!
I am glad that i am man that can go outside anywhere to do it without worry about anybody to notice while i stand behind tree or bush or trash bin or whatever u names ... but i only pity on women they have to take their pant down almost all the way down to their knee and protect theirselves to make sure nobody spot their magical area.. lol
I've peed in public several times while I travel. One time I seriously had to take a piss. I was with my ex-girlfriend on the highway. We were on our way to the nearest exit so I could use the restroom. However, she suddenly got a flat and the nearest exit was 5 miles down the road both ways, Eek! I pulled over, then I took a piss while there were no cars around. Hehehe!
well I have a bladder plm too ( I have a VERY small bladder was part of my birth defect not worry) but i have had to go pee on occasions when its usually the wrong time one time i was on a road trip and it seemed like the right time to go on a bathroom break we found a little side town to run to the bathroom only to find out there was only 18 people living there im like OMG! 18? OMG! I got the post card OH boy the name said it all Nowheresville NV LOL :) it was fun tho ... and we even bought some drinks for later on down the road hehehe :)

hehe Remmy Fly was that town right name? :-D
I've saved a tree or two that I thought were stalking me. :laugh2:
I have frequent goes to bathroom due during sleep all the night.. Hate being get up the middle night and goes bathroom from 2am/4am/6am/8am Drove me nuts..

During Day Time, Not really frequent restroom. If I drink Coffee in the afternoon, may more than frequent goes to restroom lot.. use avoid to drink coffee rest in the afternoon. Only I can cold drink and will not frequent goes to the restroom. *chuckles*

Espically During my bedtime.. Really drove me nuts up the wall. (chuckles)
if i have to pee really bad and there's no nearby place to go to restroom.. i'll just pee outside on the road.. i always do that :D
I have peed in my backyard. I was locked out and I had to GO so bad. I was probably 8 years old, and I was out of school at 3pm and mom won't be home until 5o'clock... I was so mad that I was locked out so I went into my gated backyard and peed in one of the fern bushes. [laughing] then when mom got home I told her to hurry up and open up the house because I want to use some tiolet paper wads!
^Angel^ said:

I don't think Babyphat meant that she goes to the bathroom alot but, she used public area to go to the bathroom if she can't find a restroom near by....and I see nothing wrong with that.....Men do it as often when they can't hold it any longer or drive to find a restroom near by....

It never happened to me before , I normally hold it until I get home heh!

Yep that is what I mean and its worse after a club........... cuz you drink and there is too long a line at the club, unless you find dennys, you have to be careful of cops when you pee outside.......
javapride said:
well I have a bladder plm too ( I have a VERY small bladder was part of my birth defect not worry) but i have had to go pee on occasions when its usually the wrong time one time i was on a road trip and it seemed like the right time to go on a bathroom break we found a little side town to run to the bathroom only to find out there was only 18 people living there im like OMG! 18? OMG! I got the post card OH boy the name said it all Nowheresville NV LOL :) it was fun tho ... and we even bought some drinks for later on down the road hehehe :)

hehe Remmy Fly was that town right name? :-D

:rofl: yes i do indeedy remmy pissing in the broad daylight in the middle of nowheresville -- we did it again somewhere else didnt we qq i was just eternally grateful that i had some paper towels with me in the car! :lol:
oh yea.. sometime women bathroom had long line so i decided go ahead to behind building and made sure *ard look* go ahead peeeeeeeeeeeee!!! lucky no one see me!!! :giggle:
Babyphat; Just have an empty cup with you while driving and if you have to go again just pull over and pee in the cup and throw it outside. No Biggie I did that before. :mrgreen:
Fly Free said:
:rofl: yes i do indeedy remmy pissing in the broad daylight in the middle of nowheresville -- we did it again somewhere else didnt we qq i was just eternally grateful that i had some paper towels with me in the car! :lol:
YEP THATS right ROFL! hahahah yah first time was in kanas and a KC cop drove right on by and didn t even stop and then the 2nd time we had to pull over was in oak right after u got sick then we kept on going but pah found place so u can rest and i pah c ould go pee in the right place LOL!
^Angel^ said:

I don't think Babyphat meant that she goes to the bathroom alot but, she used public area to go to the bathroom if she can't find a restroom near by....and I see nothing wrong with that.....Men do it as often when they can't hold it any longer or drive to find a restroom near by....

It never happened to me before , I normally hold it until I get home heh!

Usually, I'd be stubborn and HOLD until I get home cos I can't just pee outside anywhere -- no way. Unless I was camping...then that's reasonable cos camping is roughening it and using the outdoors for the toilet. ;)