Auto insurance

Originally posted by VamPyroX
I pay $75 a month. My friends pay an average of $300 every 6 months here in New York!

75 dollars a month on what kind of car?
I just went to to find out about full-coverage insurance on 2003 VW Jetta Wagon TDI.

It will cost me $820 in 6 months. That would be $140. :| Sound fair...
I pay approximate $125 a month for a 2003 GMC pickup truck, a 2002 Polaris ATV, and an older motorcycle altogether.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I pay $75 a month. My friends pay an average of $300 every 6 months here in New York!
Lucky you! :mad:
I only pay 161 dollar per month for my car Mazda 2002 Protege5. It cool car to me. I am 22 years old. Glad I am not only person.

When I bought that car and then looking for the insurance. One insurance plan to charge me for 466 dollar. I was like WHAT?! So, I am using for 161 dollar and happy with that price and away from that stupid 466 dollar per month.
there are a ton of auto insurance companies but its vary price for vary age people not only that but check driving record and how long have you driving and how safe your car is. However its depend what kind of policy do they have and what things that includes and excludes.