Are hearing people supposed to be on this forum?

Yes, this forum wasn't created for the intent of spreading the culture and world of ASL among all hearing, deaf and hoh populations. Since its inception, the main purpose has been to socialize with others regardless of hearing status, but it may be a concern for some members.

shimo: has a thought came across to you to attempt to make friends here first; then eventually that friendship leads to learning ASL with those persons?

Ex: No one would go to bar with the intent of showing they were only there to learn the bar slang and culture, it would be in their best interest to establish a relationship with the locals first then pick it up a lot quicker.
I'm not trying to learn ASL only from a book, but there's no place on this forum where I can ask my really newbie questions. I don't feel welcome to ask really simple questions here because I think the expectation is that simple questions should be posted in one thread, which is practically unnavigable sans the search function of the forum.

Also, even if one thread is steadfast considered sufficient, the problem with being unable to locate other hearing people to network and study with (not study partner!) is still an issue. Hearing people should have some way to help each other out to learn, and there should be a place where activities geared towards learners of ASL can be held, like guess-the-word, fingerspell contests, somewhere to practice sentence building, pattern-play, collections of useful/fun ASL youtube videos etc.

As much as Deaf do not like hearing students teaching hearing students, I don't think ignoring the growing population of hearing people who want to learn ASL despite having no Deaf ties is wise for the growth of ASL.
The forum should take a proactive stance in encouraging hearing people to learn ASL even if they have no Deaf ties. this would also allow the forums to "control" what is acceptable ASL acquisition as a second language and what is not (regular forum members can speak up against newbies making fingerspell guides, etc. )

I would rather see some hearing people use some form of bastardized ASL than only deaf people using perfect ASL.

OR: maybe I am right in assuming that this forum is really only meant for persons born deaf, have hearing loss, or are friends or family of someone who is; to network.

I have to disagree on a couple of things.

From what I have experienced here there are plenty of people who are willing to answer (what the writer may assume are) the most basic of ASL questions - sometimes it just takes a little patience or a repeat if the question has been overlooked.

I think one of the best threads to present basic ASL questions is in the "How do you sign" thread under Sign Language & Oralism.

I think the majority of AD members are not at all bothered by hearing people learning ASL (of course this is only my opinion and I do not speak for others). I think what does bother many committed members is the thought, by new arrivals, that this site is a teaching site and a gathering place for students of the language. It is not and, therefore, there is no need to conform the forum to fit that idea or the accompanying wants/needs.

Finally, a note of my own ... I think all languages and cultures are interesting but I only became truly involved in ASL and deaf culture as a result of becoming a friend with an ASL teacher. I did not set out to learn ASL to make friends with deaf people, I became friends with a deaf person and this led me to truly learn. After being involved with many deaf people and a deaf organization on a local level (over the course of years due to this friendship), I came to AllDeaf to become more aware and connect with others outside my local area. I think naisho's example regarding going to the bar is an excellent one and clearly illustrates the feelings of many, both here and in 'real life' deaf communities.

Again, these are only my opinions and a result of my own experiences. I am also tired and yet sleepless so I may have said too much as a result ;-). If I have said anything out of turn or to offend anyone, I apologize in advance.
Hearing people have been coming to this forum for years.
Is anyone familiar with Gallaudet's Student ASL Summer Immersion Program?

Hi, I am very new at this, so please bear with me. My 16 year old daughter has been interested in learning ASL for years and discovered the 10 day Gallaudet Summer Immersion Program. Does anyone know anything about it? My daughter is "hearing" and I have become a bit nervous by references in earlier posts about Gallaudet being a 'hearing bashing' school...

Any insights or access to reviews are welcome!

Thank you!
i dont think anyone would bash 16yr old. people have voice problems can hear ok we overlook them sadly.
Gallaudet is world renowned so dont think they would allow that..bullying is plain wrong deaf or not
Going through this thread I feel a bit sad. Not every deaf/HOH person is Deaf, so some of you are basically saying that because we aren't a part of Deaf Culture we don't belong here? :\ What about hard of hearing people who are sort of in between deaf and hearing? What about late-deafened people who spent part of their lives as hearing people? And why exclude hearing people who are interested in learning about Deaf Culture/language?

All this division is sad. We are all people.