Americans still texting while driving despite bans

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the beauty about internet is anyone can say anything :)
true it helps wimps talk like Titans. with text book examples of Napoleon complex and compensating for have a tiny penis...

while people that actually are Titans laugh at them. :lol:
as for gps and cellphone - it's because you're using it on wrong context.

yeah the context was no longer supporting your argument :roll:
true it helps wimps talk like Titans. with text book examples of Napoleon complex and compensating for have a tiny penis...

while people that actually are Titans laugh at them. :lol:
:lol: so which are you?

yeah the context was no longer supporting your argument :roll:
right. cuz you're using it on wrong context.

IRL Titain :wave:

ah ok. here's a button for you. :wave:

I still see drivers on the road holding the cellphone close to the ear. Some people still don't learn the hands free or bluetooth features.
Mod note:

Ok, this thread has served its discussions and lately it is not getting anywhere. With that, I'm closing this thread.
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