alchemy.... is it real?


New Member
Sep 28, 2005
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this is purely an simple debate so no bashing needed for those who dont know alchemy is used with science and magic mix together i ve always wondered if its real because there are rumors about it personally i dont believe in it but i like to keep an open mind so tell me your opinion of its existence basically what i m asking is , is alchemy an fact or fiction? an myth or legend? an fairytale or an tale of old?
Yes, Alchemy is for real. If you went to a shop where witchcraft products are sold and there are medicinal herbs, incense things like that. It can be used in satanic prayers and fastings.

It is best to go to a Christian herbal medicine shop where everything has been prayed over with Christian prayers and you can order online.....

Herbs Almighty! Herbal Supplements/Alternative Medicine/Holistic Remedies
Personally, I think if certain things attributed to alchemy were real, more of us would know about it...

I mean, with the internet today, how long do you think it would take for nearly everyone to go gonzo with the lead to gold method and absolutely clobber the gold market?
Pssst, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn...:whistle:

Anyways, this is one of those folklore things that will never die down no matter what anybody says about it. It is trying to get something for nothing and believe me the universe has never operated that way. Why would it start now?

BTW - Does anybody realize that if (say) gold was easily produced, how fast the price would drop? Simply the result of supply and careful what you ask for. How do you think diamonds have kept their value over the years especially when there are more diamonds than you think. The De Beers company in South Africa simply kept most of them in storage to keep the price "artificially" high.
The De Beers company in South Africa simply kept most of them in storage to keep the price "artificially" high.

The De Beers Cartel is still managing to keep the prices artifically high even *despite* the flawless laboratory created Diamonds that are now being sold for about $100 on the market which even a professional gemologist has trouble detecting the difference between them. So it isn't merely them keeping the supply low, it's the artificallly created demand.
Yes, Alchemy is for real. If you went to a shop where witchcraft products are sold and there are medicinal herbs, incense things like that. It can be used in satanic prayers and fastings.

Witchcraft is NOT about satanic is about paganism, the elements, stars and mother earth. White witches do not worship satan...witchcraft is natural healing and all things good and pure. If people want to practice "spells" they can buy ingredients which are perfectly safe and won't summon beezlebub or anything nasty....some stuff you buy has actually been readily blessed.....christian shops would not stock everything needed for alchemy. Alchemy is an early form of chemistry and does not always need to have someone involve satan...unless you are a fan of Alistair Crowley (complete nutter who believed he was the devil PMSL).

Sorry if i waffled again heath lol

zips x
actually all witchcraftery come from same place white or black doesnt matter it comes from same place and i was wondering because i was watching full metal alchemy anime so it made me wonder if tis like that thats all
al‧che‧my  /ˈælkəmi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[al-kuh-mee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -mies for 2.
1. a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.
2. any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.
[Origin: 1325–1375; earlier alchimie < OF alquemie < ML alchymia < Ar al the + kīmiyā' < Gk kēmeía transmutation; r. ME alconomye, equiv. to alk(imie) + (astr)onomye astronomy]

here is the exact meaning of alchemy its not witchcraft its an whole different form of magic but yeah from same source nevertheless so it cant be in witchcraft catergory for one people dont use herbs to make alchemy they use symbols and transmutation give something in order to get something back in equal value that s how it works so debate on that for a while ......... enjoy!!!
Alchemy refers to both an early form of the investigation of nature and an early philosophical and spiritual discipline, both combining elements of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, astrology, semiotics, mysticism, spiritualism, and art. Alchemy has been practiced in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Persia, India, and China, in Classical Greece and Rome, in Muslim civilization, and then in Europe up to the 19th century — in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2500 years.

Hope that helps.
