

Stop it. :nono:
As someone that works in Homeland Defense, I find it pathetic that eleven years later, we still have people gullible enough to hold this belief. The idea that we deserved to be attacked for not being a more open and liberal country, celebrating diversity and Shiria Law, while holding hands and singing Kumbaya with those that wish to destroy us.

Our enemies will not hate us less no matter how we try to appease them, only destroy us faster. People that would frame, and attempt to kill a mentally retarded girl, people who treat women and children like property to dispose of as they wish, (and do so in the name of God) do not care for democracy, nor for mankind. While there are many Muslims that love this country, there are just as many people, Muslims and otherwise, that hate us. We don't need to apologize for being Americans, bend to "understand" anyone's way of life but our own, and we have a absolute duty to protect this country, and our most precious citizens from the evil that came to our borders on 9/11.

Well said:wave:
Wirelessly posted

on 9/11 I was at home asleep got a frantic call from my mom turned on the tv to the horor unfolding I couldn't believe it seeing the second tower getting hit scarred cause my great aunt worked in tower 1 knowing it was gonna send us to war to avenge the deaths I actually went out the next day and started the enlistment process to the US Army
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Wirelessly posted

people the object of this post was to remember those who died that day and the heroes that risked life and limb to save everyone they could not to debate every thing else

I am sorry your thread got derailed. I did not want to post anything about this on 9/11

I posted on 9/12 because I believe the day 9/11 should not be a day we all argue. It is a day of remembrance. I noticed you joined the Army after 9/11/01, did you serve in Afghanistan or Iraq?
And then you post this trash. I haven't brought up W in ages, and especially in this thread. You brought the President into it.

Cuz I believe in fair play. When someone tries constantly to bring totally unrelayed topics into a thread (Rep Condit ring a bell?) I call it out, because I can.

Because they worry about jail time. Or whatever. If you think it is wrong, so be it.

Can we focus on the topic without bringing more politics into it: Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, et al?

Hello Mr. Spin Doctor.

You can try and misinterpret everything I say all you want - it is your right to do so.

But, I was not claiming anything about negative about Rep. Condit - I couldn't even remember his name, and I even mistakenly thought he was a Senator. What my objective for even mentioning it, was because that was the News before the attacks on 9/11/01. It had been the news for a very long time. I couldn't even remember if he was a democrat or a republican, I just remember "politician". The point I was making was that after the attacks on 9/11/01, that news suddenly became unimportant and forgotten. Nobody cared about it anymore. And, like I even mentioned, nobody really remembers his name. They remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they learned about the attacks on the WTC. Everything else that day didn't matter.

That was my point.
Wirelessly posted

Steinhauer said:
Wirelessly posted

people the object of this post was to remember those who died that day and the heroes that risked life and limb to save everyone they could not to debate every thing else

I am sorry your thread got derailed. I did not want to post anything about this on 9/11

I posted on 9/12 because I believe the day 9/11 should not be a day we all argue. It is a day of remembrance. I noticed you joined the Army after 9/11/01, did you serve in Afghanistan or Iraq?

I served in Afghanistan
Wirelessly posted

I served in Afghanistan

Thank you for your service and dedication to our country. I had two relatives in the towers.

My Uncle Warren Fanning, Pearl Harbor Veteran USN, went to get them. They got out.
There is interesting about 9/11 that related to ignorant and arrogance.
9/11 Lessons: Combating Ignorance, Avoiding Arrogance
Untitled Document

Being in Houston, yes, I remember Robert Jensen and the hell he raised with his articles printed in the Houston Chronicle. If you would go to the papers indoor you would be able to read the public replies yourself. He was called, and rightly so, a "coward", an "extremist" and a "radical". He spouted off alot of ignorance and arrogance with his "my way or the highway" attitude. He used his position as a professor at University of Texas-Austin as a throne and many, many writer to the paper demanded he be removed. I do not recall, but there may have been one, a letter to the editor in support of his view(s). Many parents wrote and spoke to the Chancellor of the University to plead for his removal.

Now that his name has been brought back to my attention and I do try to everyday read the editorial pages of the paper, I'm thinking it has been years since the Houston Chronicle printed anything from this guy. I guess the paper listen to its subscribers.
I was sleepin when all that bullshit happened...I wasnt workin at the time and I was in my early 20s. Im still not over it.. just so sad. Im glad we assassinated bin Laden. Good job, Obama. :rockon: I am so darn proud of our drones. We are puttin rockets in their asses. :lol:
I would like to extend the thank you to all military service veterans, LEOs, firefighters, and rescue personnel for keeping the Stars and Stripes waving in free air. You made a sacrifice for all of us, and after reading this thread, I am embarrassed for the rest of us that whine about everyday things, when you gave up plenty.
Hmmmm, it seems that we are willfully disregarding facts and refusing to think, instead engaging in Orwellian doublethink, or focusing on sports and/or perversions. I have been to Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, where over 1.700 cerified engineers and architects prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Twin Towers and Building 7 (not hit by a plane) were destroyed by controlled demolition, and am indeed impressed by the findings. I don't dwell on it, though, since it is a little late to do that. Eh bien.
Hmmmm, it seems that we are willfully disregarding facts and refusing to think, instead engaging in Orwellian doublethink, or focusing on sports and/or perversions. I have been to Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, where over 1.700 cerified engineers and architects prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Twin Towers and Building 7 (not hit by a plane) were destroyed by controlled demolition, and am indeed impressed by the findings. I don't dwell on it, though, since it is a little late to do that. Eh bien.
I was waiting for your annual pronouncement. :lol: