7 year old girl abducted from my sisters apartment complex!( Updated 12.5.11)

And - what I read in every post Steiny mentioned the article said, it only mention that suicide watch was suggested, but not that it was indeed done. So, that further proves that he most likely was not on suicide watch. It was only suggested.

It was suggested by Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison. Even he claimed the liability for Ryan Brunn's suicide falls on the DoC.

If Brunn's family decides to sue (remains questionable) that is probably who they are going to press charges against.

It surprised me to learn that Brunn had 30 days to retract his guilty plea. I wonder what happened in that prison.

I am not saying I care about Ryan Brunn - he is a monster and the world is much better off without him in it. I am more concerned that laws/procedures were followed by the authorities.

There have already been procedures not being followed when a Police Chief who was supposed to be looking for a 7 year old girl was watching football instead.

Also, several years ago, Sheriff Roger Garrison was sued because a prisoner was claiming abuse in the Cherokee County Prison (whom later died). Nothing was found to be abusive by the investigators.
It may sound crass for me to say this, but I honestly don't care about this person, how he hung himself, if he was on a suicide watch, if his family is going to sue...

I only care that he killed an innocent child. I care that he was brought to justice. I care that he will never again harm another human being. I also care that the local police learn from the experience and improve their response to the next case of a missing child. I care about the health and well being of our children.
It may sound crass for me to say this, but I honestly don't care about this person, how he hung himself, if he was on a suicide watch, if his family is going to sue...

I only care that he killed an innocent child. I care that he was brought to justice. I care that he will never again harm another human being. I also care that the local police learn from the experience and improve their response to the next case of a missing child. I care about the health and well being of our children.

well-said and I also care about how we're treating our criminals. just because what Brunn did was terribly vile doesn't mean it's ok for us (especially cops) to return a favor. I'd like to see him to get hung for his crime in lawful manner with due process.

Brunn was a criminal and that's the difference between us and him so I'd like to know what happened. Were police officers and/or DoC officers involved in this?