5 yo Koda signs her schools Christmas songs for her parents


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May 27, 2012
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A hearing friend of mine posted this on my facebook time line, he's such a nice guy. This girl is sooooooo cute!!

"Holy moly, this is adorable. While belting out a Christmas song at a school concert, a KODA (kid of deaf adult) performed sign language so her hearing-impaired mom could understand the lyrics.

The video, which captures a group of kindergartners singing a Christmas song to the tune of "Bingo was his name-o," was recorded by proud mother Lori Koch. Her daughter, 5-year-old Claire, is the blonde in the middle, the one giving a performance worthy of tossed roses and a standing ovation.

Koch told Yahoo News in an email that she wasn't expecting her daughter to sign during the performance. "The regular kids used generic hand motions while my daughter chose to use sign language, to our surprise," she said."

And Santa is his name-o...
So cute! Her expressions are priceless and the boy next to her. Cute and funny at the same time.
cute. Her dad and I went to the same college I don't know his wife. I can see where did she gets from. :)
Very expressive! I can see that signing comes naturally to her like she cant get through the song without some ASL.
She did an amazing job, doing the gestures like the other kids and signing at the same time.
When she grows up I hear africa has some openings.
A hearing friend of mine posted this on my facebook time line, he's such a nice guy. This girl is sooooooo cute!!

"Holy moly, this is adorable. While belting out a Christmas song at a school concert, a KODA (kid of deaf adult) performed sign language so her hearing-impaired mom could understand the lyrics.

The video, which captures a group of kindergartners singing a Christmas song to the tune of "Bingo was his name-o," was recorded by proud mother Lori Koch. Her daughter, 5-year-old Claire, is the blonde in the middle, the one giving a performance worthy of tossed roses and a standing ovation.

Koch told Yahoo News in an email that she wasn't expecting her daughter to sign during the performance. "The regular kids used generic hand motions while my daughter chose to use sign language, to our surprise," she said."

And Santa is his name-o…

her parents are deaf not only mom and also her grandparents are deaf too
She is being called the Internet superstar.... that's great!!!
her parents are deaf not only mom and also her grandparents are deaf too

Her dad is deaf and her mother is HoH uses speech and sign sooooo.....exactly what is your point? Her moms not deaf enough for you? I hate that crap.
Her dad is deaf and her mother is HoH uses speech and sign sooooo.....exactly what is your point? Her moms not deaf enough for you? I hate that crap.

I think the OP was saying the grandparents are deaf too . I did not get the feeling they're saying the mom is not deaf enough.
She's a champ. She filled me with a laughter and inspiration! Her parents must be proud of her.
Her dad is deaf and her mother is HoH uses speech and sign sooooo.....exactly what is your point? Her moms not deaf enough for you? I hate that crap.

Your OP said the mom is hearing impaired.

I think the point was the whole family is deaf, not just the mom.

Just as moondancer said....
:Oops:You're right I read it too fast and my brain put the not in the wrong spot. Sorry for jumping on you moon dancer. Well, the dads deaf too, let's not leave him out :D
Funny, because my brother's girlfriend who is hearing just posted this on my facebook wall. I've just seen it for the first time today, she's so adorable. :lol: