A ‘serial pooper’ on the loose in Houston was caught on camera


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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The neighborhood of Woodland Heights in Houston, Texas has an unwelcome visitor who has repeatedly defecated in the yards, and more often driveways, of several residents. The ‘serial pooper,’ as some have described the man, has even targeted one particular house six times.

KPRC Local 2 reports, Precinct One Constable’s Office Deputies are on the hunt for this unidentified man. He was caught on surveillance video by one of his victims, and authorities are using that footage to track down the suspect. The man leaving his personal waste in the neighborhood is described as an older, balding man with a mustache, who was wearing shorts at the time the video was captured. Deputies say that the man will likely face a charge of criminal mischief or one of indecent exposure.

Officers believe he is striking between 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. and when Sergeant J.C. Mosier spoke to radio station KRLD 1080, he said revenge is a possible motive. The sergeant recalled, “I do remember many years ago here in Houston, this was going on and it turned out to be a neighbor who was just mad at people for letting their dogs come in his yard and not cleaning up after them. So he decided to get his own little bit of revenge.”

While some residents, and neighbors (who likely haven’t been hit), are getting a slight chuckle out of the strange situation, the victims are hoping the offender is nabbed quickly. Patrick Reese, a nearby resident said, "It's definitely not a nice thing to do to people. Going bathroom in their driveway is not nice. That's definitely not something that's suppose to go on in polite society." Fellow neighbor Aimee Parsons told KPRC, "This is our neighborhood. Whatever people might think should go on around here, pooping is not okay. We don't want dogs pooping in our yards why would we want a human? It is very strange."

After the surveillance footage aired on local TV, authorities received calls from people who think they know who the suspect is. Mosier believes that with their increased patrols, authorities will likely find the suspect in the next few days and he will be arrested. Even though he said the crime is more of a nuisance than dangerous, Sgt. Mosier added, “Who knows? You don’t know who the person is. You have to worry about anybody that would go to this extreme to do something, no matter what the reason. So, you don’t know what a person like that is capable of.”

Video, audio and more info: KPRC, KRLD 1080


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Maybe he is a sleepwalker? Or maybe he is just doing this for shits and giggles?
Sit with a BB gun and wait until he drops his drawers.......pop pop pop to stop the poop poop poop!!! Just gross. EWWWWWW.
The entire neighborhood should lie in wait, and when he poops, shine bright floodlights and surround him while recording everything.

Then, while he is in jail, make sure part of his sentence is proper potty training. make him wear pampers until he gets it right.

I would absolutely sit there and wait with a pellet gun.... and shoot him in the arse.... WHY HASN'T ANYONE DONE THIS YET?!?
Someone said it wasn't polite society to do it so maybe the neighbors are just too polite to take action with weapons. lol

I would absolutely sit there and wait with a pellet gun.... and shoot him in the arse.... WHY HASN'T ANYONE DONE THIS YET?!?

I was thinking of setting up some kind trap like have a big net that can be release right on top of the guy and he will be hanging the net until someone find him.

What would George Carlin have to say about this guy?