ATTN: Twin Blondes...


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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ASK Twin Blondes...

I realized you both seem have too common. It's seem so creep to me.

Since you both are post about the same thing. And your life seem too similar.

I hope not to give the offense to both of you, ladies.
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:lol: Well Hon.. We are Twins.. We feel the same Emotion Feeling.. and

We think alike sometimes....But different taste in Men...We do not share the

same type of men..She likes Geeks I like Hot Studs.:rofl: She goes mostly after hearts I go after sense of humor ...
Yes, I notice about the twin blondes. One thing, I still surprise about them. Both of twins become deaf at age five same time. Myself, I never see any twins become deaf at same age before. Hard to believe.
cheri n angel look alike same!!!! smile.. they are soo BOOTIFUL women ever i had see!!! they are my good friends, they are soo friendly, sweet and funny people!! :) i love them!!
Lasza said:
Yes, I notice about the twin blondes. One thing, I still surprise about them. Both of twins become deaf at age five same time. Myself, I never see any twins become deaf at same age before. Hard to believe.

I know how you feel.. Believe me I wish I knew.. When my Parent took us to the doctor the doctor told my parent that we were both deaf.. At that time it was the age of five.. Nobody really knows if we both were deaf at the age of 5 or if one of us became deaf earlier nobody really knows the truth... How does my Parent realized that we were deaf.. We were walking to school with our mother and the train was coming and I was looking down and My mother was screaming for my name and I did not hear her she ran over and grabbed me from behide and started yelling and I told her I did not hear you calling out for me... Then she thought something was wrong with me.. So she took us to the Doctor and the Doctor checked both of our hearing and said to my parent that we both are deaf.. my mom did not beleive it she took us to many different doctors they all said the same thing.. Then My mom Cried and she wanted to leave us behide and walk away She did not want Deaf Children.. My dad says No, He will find the education for us whatever they need to do to help us.. My mom never got close to us ever since she found out we both were deaf..She change She kept her distance she didn't want nothing to do with us after all... We never had a Mother Figures Until My dad Got remarried... We have a Step Mother that We think of her as our Mother cuz she accept us for who we are... :cry:
Awww. I'm sorry Cheri, about your mother...but am so glad you and your sister have a stepmother who has been there for you. You guys deserve the best...and I'm sorry that your mother couldn't see you both for the exceptional people you are.

Those two sure get a lot of attention, don’t they? Especially that noisy one that’s always hitting on VamPyroX. :P

I’ve got a stupid question: are you guys identical twins or not? You don’t look like identical twins, but it’s hard to tell from those PC-Cam shots. One thing’s for sure though—your noses are identical. Those schnozzes are definitely two peas in a pod. Do tell—your adoring fans eagerly await an answer.

P.S. Your Dad gets a big thumbs up from this chimp. :applause:
Levonian said:
Those two sure get a lot of attention, don’t they? Especially that noisy one that’s always hitting on VamPyroX. :P

:nono: Hey! Noisy one? Is that what u think of me huh? :cry:
Cheri said:
I know how you feel.. Believe me I wish I knew.. When my Parent took us to the doctor the doctor told my parent that we were both deaf.. At that time it was the age of five.. Nobody really knows if we both were deaf at the age of 5 or if one of us became deaf earlier nobody really knows the truth... How does my Parent realized that we were deaf.. We were walking to school with our mother and the train was coming and I was looking down and My mother was screaming for my name and I did not hear her she ran over and grabbed me from behide and started yelling and I told her I did not hear you calling out for me... Then she thought something was wrong with me.. So she took us to the Doctor and the Doctor checked both of our hearing and said to my parent that we both are deaf.. my mom did not beleive it she took us to many different doctors they all said the same thing.. Then My mom Cried and she wanted to leave us behide and walk away She did not want Deaf Children.. My dad says No, He will find the education for us whatever they need to do to help us.. My mom never got close to us ever since she found out we both were deaf..She change She kept her distance she didn't want nothing to do with us after all... We never had a Mother Figures Until My dad Got remarried... We have a Step Mother that We think of her as our Mother cuz she accept us for who we are... :cry:

awww i am very totally sowwy to hear abt that... but u and angel are so lucky have ur dad all in ur life... he been there for u and angel... i am sowwy hear abt that.. it made me feel soo sad!!! hugs hugs hugs!!!!
Cheri said:
:nono: Hey! Noisy one? Is that what u think of me huh? :cry:

Awww…I’m sowwy…I didn’t mean to make the pretty blonde girl cry. I really adore you just like everybody else. I swear that if I were 60 feet tall, I would carry you to the top of the Empire State Building and pledge my undying devotion to you. So smile! :D

Does this answer your question?......

Cheri (left side)...^Angel^(right side)..

*curiouis* 'bout both of you twins sister..
Have you met your birth mom and tell her that how much you was happy and raised by Dad and stepmom. Does Birth mother regret it ?

My mom and dad were still together when we were growing up.. My dad left her when we were in high school.. the Court order us to stay with our mom not our dad even through we wanted to live with our dad... My mom only took us in because she only wanted Child Support She did not want to pay my dad Child Support that is when we were 15 yrs old.. when my dad left my mom....
My dad got remarried I think in 88 I am not postive sure....but She was in our life when my Dad left my mom for her...My mom has no Regret She never once said she was proud of us or love us.. I really Do not want to bring it up again it is a bad Memory for me to deal with.. Sorry.. Hope u understand... :)
Cheri said:
I know how you feel.. Believe me I wish I knew.. When my Parent took us to the doctor the doctor told my parent that we were both deaf.. At that time it was the age of five.. Nobody really knows if we both were deaf at the age of 5 or if one of us became deaf earlier nobody really knows the truth... How does my Parent realized that we were deaf.. We were walking to school with our mother and the train was coming and I was looking down and My mother was screaming for my name and I did not hear her she ran over and grabbed me from behide and started yelling and I told her I did not hear you calling out for me... Then she thought something was wrong with me.. So she took us to the Doctor and the Doctor checked both of our hearing and said to my parent that we both are deaf.. my mom did not beleive it she took us to many different doctors they all said the same thing.. Then My mom Cried and she wanted to leave us behide and walk away She did not want Deaf Children.. My dad says No, He will find the education for us whatever they need to do to help us.. My mom never got close to us ever since she found out we both were deaf..She change She kept her distance she didn't want nothing to do with us after all... We never had a Mother Figures Until My dad Got remarried... We have a Step Mother that We think of her as our Mother cuz she accept us for who we are... :cry:
dang some people sure do suck, dont they? well, there would always be alot of people who can't understand our differences and just try to get behind it, but I can tell you that it's not gonna help and I'm sure your mother felt worse than you do, and doesnt have the strength to accept the fact that no matter what, you can still be like other kids, deaf or not, you are still a human begin, and it's pathetic that she would leave her flesh and blood behind just because they are deaf? Now she sounds like a very weak and igorant person who only perfer "perfect" people in her life, no offense but I'm glad your father is strong enough to support you two and remarried to a better person, who loves you no matter, the world is still full of crule and igorant and pathetic people but there are still others who can support us, no matter only takes time...and NEVER give up.
^Angel^ said:

Does this answer your question?......

Cheri (left side)...^Angel^(right side)..

no offense but Angle looks alittle younger than Cheri...perhas she was born first? lol
illustrator said:
remember, webcam is suck by take pictures in reality. :nono:

Yeah, that’s what I was trying to say. I still can’t really tell because of the resolution of the photographs and the fact that they are shot from different angles. All I can say is that you two look very similar. But I still can’t tell whether you’re identical twins or not. But my hunch says you are.
Cheri said:

My mom and dad were still together when we were growing up.. My dad left her when we were in high school.. the Court order us to stay with our mom not our dad even through we wanted to live with our dad... My mom only took us in because she only wanted Child Support She did not want to pay my dad Child Support that is when we were 15 yrs old.. when my dad left my mom....
My dad got remarried I think in 88 I am not postive sure....but She was in our life when my Dad left my mom for her...My mom has no Regret She never once said she was proud of us or love us.. I really Do not want to bring it up again it is a bad Memory for me to deal with.. Sorry.. Hope u understand... :)
There was no problem at all.. Sorry too much asking you..
By the way, I understanding your sitaution which in the ordeal horrible past. I think best move on.. of course.. But you still happy have your wonderful children who loves you. :)