Eating at McDonald's for 1 month


King of all I see
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Feb 28, 2003
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What a McDonald's diet will do for you

January 22, 2004 -- LAST February, Morgan Spurlock decided to become
a gastronomical guinea pig.
His mission: To eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's
and document the impact on his health.

Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries and dozens of chocolate
shakes later, the formerly strapping 6-foot-2 New Yorker - who started
out at a healthy 185 pounds - had packed on 25 pounds.

But his supersized shape was the least of his problems.

Within a few days of beginning his drive-through diet, Spurlock, 33,
was vomiting out the window of his car, and doctors who examined him
were shocked at how rapidly Spurlock's entire body deteriorated.

"It was really crazy - my body basically fell apart over the course of
30 days," Spurlock told The Post.

His liver became toxic, his cholesterol shot up from a low 165 to 230,
his libido flagged and he suffered headaches and depression.

Spurlock charted his journey from fit to flab in a
tongue-in-cheek documentary, which he has taken to the Sundance
Film Festival with
the hopes of getting a distribution deal.

"Super Size Me" explores the obesity epidemic that plagues America
today - a sort of "Bowling for Columbine" for fast food.

As well as documenting his own burger-fueled bulk-up, Spurlock
travels to 20 cities across America, interviewing people on the street,
health experts and a lobbyist for the fast-food industry.

Despite making dozens of phone calls, Spurlock fails to get anyone
from McDonald's to agree to an on-camera interview.

A spokeswoman for McDonald's told The Post yesterday that
no representatives from the corporation had seen "Super Size

"Consumers can achieve balance in their daily dining decisions by
choosing from our array of quality offerings and range of portion sizes
to meet their taste and nutrition goals," McDonald's said in a statement.

Over the course of the film, Spurlock is regularly examined by
a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist and SoHo-based general
Dr. Daryl Isaacs.

"He was an extremely healthy person who got very sick eating
this McDonald's diet," Dr. Isaacs told The Post.

"None of us imagined he could deteriorate this badly - he looked terrible.
The liver test was the most shocking thing - it became very, very abnormal."

Spurlock has since returned to normal health. "The treatment was to
just stop doing what he was doing," Dr. Isaacs says.

Spurlock, who says he ate at McDonald's only sporadically before his
total immersion in the Mickey D's menu, says he even began craving fat
and sugar fixes between meals.

"I got desperately ill," he says. "My face was splotchy and I had this
huge gut, which I've never had in my life.

"My knees started to hurt from the extra weight coming on so quickly.
It was amazing - and really frightening."

Spurlock's girlfriend, Alex Jamieson, was horrified - she's a vegan

"She was completely disgusted by me, not happy at all," he says. "But
she realized what my goals were in trying to educate people."

Spurlock, a film producer who grew up in West Virginia and studied ballet
for eight years, was spurred to make his first feature film while watching
TV on Thanksgiving Day, 2002.

"I was feeling like a typical American on Thanksgiving - very bloated
and happy on the couch - and at some point on the news they were
talking about two women who were suing McDonald's.

"People from the food industry were saying, 'You can't link kids being fat
to our food - our food is nutritious.'

"I said, 'How nutritious is it really? Let's find out."

Not surprisingly, Spurlock has steered clear of the Golden Arches
since filming wrapped.

"I have not had McDonald's for seven months, but yesterday, during
an interview, I had a bite of a Big Mac," he says.

"I chewed it up, swallowed it and I said, 'You know what, I'm pretty
much done after that bite.' "

30 days of the same old Mickey D's....poor guy!

Lucky thing I vary my food intake a lot. I dont eat at Mickey D's oftens since I eat at different places or at home.

But good thing was the doctor found the guy's liver problem in nick of time.

Besides Spurlock's documentary if ever released will sure shed a lot of light on why America is getting so *ahem* heavy.
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No wonder. I only eat McDonalds about once every 2 to 3 months. I know their shit is not healthy at all!
Ouch... Good thing that I never went to McDonald's for over 3 years. *Whew* FYI... I don't like to eat American foods much.
Oh Dear.....

Good thing I don't eat McDonald's often!....I do mostly homemade cooking! :thumb:

I LOVE to eat American Foods!!!.... :applause:
holy shit! i never liked mcdonald's food menu except for the yogurt ice cream. i havent had a burger or fries from mcd's for over 5 years, and i mostly do homecooked meals with an occasional frozen pizza and tacos. i'm into veggies.
He's probably bullshitting us. People will do anything to prove that it's the food that makes them sick.
VamPyroX said:
He's probably bullshitting us. People will do anything to prove that it's the food that makes them sick.

Dare ya to eat only McDonald's for 30 straight days then come back and tell me if its gonna make u sick or not eh? the guy had it all on film to prove that.
sablescort said:
Dare ya to eat only McDonald's for 30 straight days then come back and tell me if its gonna make u sick or not eh? the guy had it all on film to prove that.
Yes, he had it on film. I could do the same thing. I simply go to McDonalds, order my food, and eat it on camera. Afterwards, the camera is switched off... I go to the bathroom and puke it all up. I then go to my local grocery store and start eating extremely greasy and/or fatty food as well as sugary food. Did I mention that I just did that without being on camera? It's not that hard to do.

I read a high school journal once. This girl was doing an experiment on the differences between junk food and health food. She asked two of her friends to do an experiment for her. One of them would have healthy food such as salads, fruits, chicken, water, etc. Her other friend would have candy, greasy pizza, soda, etc. After a few months, the one eating junk food never gained weight. The one eating healthy food gained weight. When the teacher observed the results, she got suspicious and found out that the girl eating junk food had very high metabolism (body burns calories and fat at a high rate) and the girl eating healthy food was pregnant. Since she was pregnant, healthy food increased the rate of her belly growth.

Like I said, I don't always believe in videos. I could create a video of one of you doing harmless things all day. You accidentally bump into a woman, but say, "excuse me". You are having harmless fun by exchanging a couple "fuck you"s to each other. I simply edit the video so that after you bump into someone, you say "fuck you" to that person. Jeez, how rude! Hehehe!
Can you imagine yourself eating McDonald's 3 times a day for 30 days? :eek:

The Real Price of a Big Mac

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock discusses life as a human guinea pig
Spurlock, wired to an EKG machine, learns firsthand the human costs of America’s love affair with fast food

Jan. 27 - Sometimes inspiration strikes in the unlikeliest places. After gorging himself on Thanksgiving dinner in 2002, Morgan Spurlock was watching TV with his belt unbuckled and his pants unzipped. On the news was a report about two girls in New York who were suing McDonald’s because, they claimed, the food made them overweight and sick. At one point in the report, recalls Spurlock, a representative for the fast-food chain claimed its food was, in fact, nutritious. It was at that precise moment that Spurlock, who runs his own production company, says “the bells went off.” He decided to make a documentary—his first feature-length film—in which he would, in an attempt to explore why Americans are so fat, eat at McDonald’s three times a day for 30 solid days.

One year thousands of fries and tens of thousands of calories later, Spurlock has an award-winning film in the can. Titled, tongue planted firmly in cheek, “Super Size Me,” his documentary was a surprise hit at Sundance last week, winning Spurlock the Best Director prize in the documentary competition and drawing comparisons to the work of “Bowling for Columbine” auteur Michael Moore. With regular visits to the doctor, interviews with experts on fast food and chats with regular folk on the road, the viewer gets a front-row seat as the formerly fit filmmaker eats everything on the menu, packing on the pounds, and looking—and feeling—worse in each successive frame. McDonald’s’ response? The home of the Happy Meal declined to comment in the film but has released statements saying that its menu offers an array of choices, some healthier than others. Spurlock, 33, spoke with NEWSWEEK’s Brian Braiker about his wild, fattening trip since that moment of tryptophan-induced inspiration.

You ate three meals a day at McDonald’s for 30 days for this film. What happened to your body over the course of that month?
My body just basically falls apart over the course of this diet. I start to get tired; I start to get headaches; my liver basically starts to fill up with fat because there’s so much fat and sugar in this food. My blood sugar skyrockets, my cholesterol goes up off the charts, my blood pressure becomes completely unmanageable. The doctors were like “You have to stop.”

You saw more than one doctor?
I was seeing three different doctors over the course of this, just so I would really have a fair balance between all the people so nobody could say “oh, it was doctor bias; it was physician bias.” Each of these doctors was doing their own blood tests and each of the blood tests were going to three different labs so there was no way lab error could be an issue. Everything that happens to my body over the course of the film was caused by this diet. And everything that happened to my body was caused by this food that I got at this restaurant. I didn’t eat anything—no gum, no candy, not even a Tic Tac—everything that I put in my mouth came from over the counter at McDonald’s. Even the water. I wouldn’t even drink water from outside, that way there would never be a question that “oh there was probably something in the water somewhere else when he was traveling around.” I only drank bottled water from McDonald’s.

How much weight did you put on?
I put on about 25 pounds in a month.

How did you feel at the end of the month?
[Laughs] I felt terrible! I felt so bad because I put on this weight so quickly my knees hurt. I was so depressed. I would eat, and I would feel so good because I would get all that sugar and caffeine and fat and I would feel great. And an hour later I would just crash—I would hit the wall and be angry and depressed and upset. I was a disaster to live with. My girlfriend by the end was like “You have to stop because I’ve had it.” It really affects you in so many ways that I think a lot of people don’t realize, very subtle little things. Over the course of the film you see my transformation, and it’s not pleasant.

Why McDonald’s specifically? Why not Burger King; why not Subway?
McDonald’s is an icon, a cultural icon, a cultural phenomenon and nothing represents America and the American fast-food way of life more than McDonald’s. The chain has 30,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries on six continents around the world. It has truly influenced how we eat, how food is made and how, really, other cultures are starting to eat. All these other food companies have started to follow suit, from franchising and how they manufacture and distribute their food, McDonald's is a trendsetter. So for me, the idea of picking McDonald's was, one, to pick it as the icon for what it represents. It represents every food, in my opinion; it represents every company. Also in my opinion it represents the one company that more than anybody else could really make a difference. McDonald's could institute change that everyone else would also follow. It could do away with super-size portions and everyone else would say, “Wow, you know what? We don’t need to do this anymore either. We need to make a difference.” If they would truly champion a change for healthier menu option—it would happen across the board.

But doesn’t it boil down to individual choice?
I think there is a level of personal choice. In the film it’s not like I’m saying fast food is the sole problem. In the film we examine a multitude of issues that cause the obesity epidemic, personal choice being one of them. McDonald’s every day feeds 46 million people worldwide—that’s more than the entire population of Spain. You’re talking about one company that has a huge impact. I think that sure you can argue personal choice, but on the same point, if there aren’t healthy menu options available, and there isn’t nutrition information available to people who come there to make a choice about what they’re going to eat, you’re really limiting your argument on some levels. Their marketing and advertising from the very beginning really targets kids. Children from such an early age are just so washed over with the idea of the happy clown and the Happy Meals and, oh, look, there’s a playground, let’s go there for fun. I know kids whose parents have never taken them to McDonald’s, but if you ask them what their favorite restaurant is and they’ll say McDonald’s—and they’ve never even been in one! That’s pretty scary.

This sounds a lot like Eric Schlosser's book “Fast Food Nation.” Did you read that?
“Fast Food Nation” is a tremendous book and was definitely something that we referenced while we were making the film. Eric Schlosser and I were e-mailing one another back and forth but never really connected, and that was not really an influence on my doing the film. I read “Fast Food Nation” when it first came out two years ago, and it’s a great book.

And you had this idea over Thanksgiving in 2002?
Yeah, what an amazing year. From the time that I got the idea to us getting into the Sundance Film Festival was exactly one year. I came up with the idea on Thanksgiving. And it was the day after Thanksgiving, I was in Oregon with my girlfriend [Alex Jamieson] at her parent’s house. We were leaving her parents' house, and I got the call on the phone from [Sundance’s senior programmer] Trevor Groth, and he says, “Congratulations, you got into the festival.” It’s like, “Oh, my God, are you kidding me?” This is everything that you work for, especially in America where this is the marquee film festival; this is the top. It doesn’t get any better than this in the United States. It’s an amazing feeling to have your film viewed as something that people believe in and ever since we’ve come here the film has been so well received from reviewers to just regular folks. God, it’s been such a ride.

You mentioned your girlfriend. She’s a vegan, right?
[Laughs.] My girlfriend is a vegan, yeah. How ironic is that? We’ve been together about four years now—she was there from the beginning. She was in the movie.

How did she handle it?
She wasn’t pleased. She wasn’t real happy. But she was so supportive and she’s always been very supportive of me and the things that I do. This was one of those things she didn’t really like—she didn’t really agree with me eating the food—but she was like, “Listen, I understand what you’re trying to do.” And she was great. She was very funny in the movie.

McDonald’s has argued that the premise of your film is unfair, that its stores offer a wide array of food.
It’s a very extreme route I took. That’s the other argument that’s made: nobody’s supposed to eat this food that often, no wonder all these bad things happen. But the thing is, there are people who go to these restaurants and do eat very heavy fat-laden foods and sugar-laden foods every day. Maybe not every day but six days a week or five days a week. And while they may not get the dramatic impacts that I had—things may not happen at such an exaggerated rate—these things will happen over the long run if they don’t exercise, if they’re not taking care of themselves. You have to exercise a lot to run off a super-sized Big Mac meal. You’re talking about 1,500 calories. You eat 1,500 calories, you have to run for three or four miles, for 45 minutes to an hour.

People have been comparing you to filmmaker Michael Moore.
Yeah, and you know, what better thing to have happen to a first-time director? But someday they will be calling Michael Moore the first Morgan Spurlock. [Laughs.]

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