Marijuana not linked to lung cancer


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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This is a VERY interesting study that shows that heavy pot smokers are not more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers!

"People who smoke marijuana do not appear to be at increased risk for developing lung cancer, new research suggests.

While a clear increase in cancercancer risk was seen among cigarette smokers in the study, no such association was seen for regular cannabis users.

Even very heavy, long-term marijuana users who had smoked more than 22,000 joints over a lifetime seemed to have no greater risk than infrequent marijuana users or nonusers.

The findings surprised the study’s researchers, who expected to see an increase in cancer among people who smoked marijuana regularly in their youth."
I find that hard to believe because in my pot smoking days from high school which I regret smoking pot now that I am older and that is not something to be proud of.....

I remember I was coughing much more harder while smoking weed than when I smoked Marlboro's. I did not cough that too much on Marlboro's. I quit smoking both Marlboro's and marijuana years ago alittle right after high school and have not had any problems ever since.
Um, Heath, smoking makes you cough. Lung cancer doesn't begin til a few decades later. Presence of cough does not prove you have lung cancer. Bronchitis is a common problem among smokers, including pot smokers.