New language learning linked to early language experience: McGill researcher's team p


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Apr 20, 2003
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New language learning linked to early language experience: McGill researcher's team publishes landmark study

Source: University Relations Office (URO) [newswire]
May 01, 2002
The ability to learn a new language is determined by the onset of language experience during early brain development -- regardless of the specific form of the language experience. This is the finding of a Canadian study led by Rachel Mayberry of McGill University.

bold is my emphasis

Boult, that's how come I advocate kids learning both speech and ASL! Most dhh kids won't be Willam Safires when it comes to spoken language, so it's best to provide BOTH languages early on!
This makes a lot of sense that the language-learning ability does NOT shut down as one ages. What I think may happen is, it's harder as an adult to be TOTALLY fluent, to have all of the idioms and cultural context, but there's no physical barrier for those who did learn something early. This makes me all the more grateful that my mother stepped in and taught me to read when she saw me struggling to learn.
Most important is a role model who is a fluent user of the language, you have to have the "complete" language.

That is one of the reason the cueing works so well, you get the "complete" language.