Bad Fellowship - Please Read


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Even though it has always been my intention to let my members say almost whatever they want, I'm starting to see bad fellowship and personal attacks again, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of it.

When this happens, the constant negativity, the constant harassing and bad mouthing others, threads get either locked or moved to the thrash, or both. Not cool.

Another thing, I have created a Religion sub-forum under On-Topic Debates for a reason, and that is to keep all discussion related to God / Satan / etc. in there ONLY.

That being said, I'm asking everyone to please maintain a good fellowship, respect and help each other not attack each other, and try to show an overall positive attitude. I do not want to go on a banning spree just to maintain a balance between good and bad, I'm asking for your help instead.

Have beef with another member? Contact me via PM. Questions / Comments / Suggestions? Post here.

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.
Thank you Alex and I competely agree 100%!!
Alex!! huggs.

thanks!! it will be much better..
I am tired to see those like that.. makes me :( or :/ or sigh..

we need christmas spirits.. COME on people.. be happy and merry!

*nods* Alex -- I agree.

Can you tell some certain members to please respect GLBT community without usin' a hammer beatin' up on their heads repeatly to smithereens ? *polishin' on your "brass" hard-toed boots*
Sounds good enough to me. It should put a stop to all squabblings around here, I hope!

Oh yes!!!!!! I couldn't believe it especially one person who showed the picture of Jesus with his middle finger to my face from the computer. I am very disappointed in that person and also some posters weren't very nice too!! This forum is the worst that I ever had seen.

CyberRed said:
*nods* Alex -- I agree.

Can you tell some certain members to please respect GLBT community without usin' a hammer beatin' up on their heads repeatly to smithereens ? *polishin' on your "brass" hard-toed boots*
I second tha...........

My concern... It will come again later...
Keep eye on'em. :D
Merrier Christmas and Happy New Year 2006!
This is something I've considered proposing for a couple of months now, and I've discussed it with several members in private conversations, and they agreed it may be wise to put a moratorium on these topics that bring out this kind of emotion. These topics being predominantly political and religious discussions. I think the passion that these topics has brought up in the past and the way people seem to take opposing viewpoints as personal attacks is proof enough of why this should be considered. A person can only be asked to be respectful so many times before you have to take away their medium.
I don't think topics need to be censored. I think people need to be more observant of the way they discuss every topic, and keep the personal attacks out. If you begin censoring out topics that potentially might become heated, eventually you block out everything. I have seen things get hot under sports, auto, and parenting. Where will it end?
Reba said:
I don't think topics need to be censored. I think people need to be more observant of the way they discuss every topic, and keep the personal attacks out. If you begin censoring out topics that potentially might become heated, eventually you block out everything. I have seen things get hot under sports, auto, and parenting. Where will it end?

There's only so many times people can be asked to be respectful before more drastic action needs to be taken. Because lets face it: some people do not how to respectfully disagree. I've watched threads degrade into nothing more than name calling matches. I think we can all agree that this occurs on political and religious threads more than anything. There's always going to be the chance of a thread being derailed, but this way, that risk is greatly reduced.
As far as I can see, myself an administrator on other forum, a moderator on other forums, this forum has alot of um what you would call, *no offense you all* immature people here, but again, the facts are that the deaf people are famous for talking whatever they want to. They like to cause some dramas. This forum probably has the most dramas threads ever lol. But I love being here, people here are wonderful, I am not talking about all of them that are immature, I'm talking about people like Heath, who often looking for problems which I can see that. Alex, you are doing a great job, I appericate that =)

I know that it is difficult and against natural tendancy (mine included), but we need to be able to debate issues without directly attacking each other. That is, give different viewpoints and facts about the topic without touching the persons with opposing viewpoints. It is OK to say, "I don't agree with your statement" without calling someone stupid, retarded, egotistical, dumb, uneducated, narrow-minded, warped, or whatever other negative term. Also, I believe it is very possible to have debates without swearing at each other, using CAPS, giant fonts, or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is even possible to strongly disagree without ordering someone to perform a sex act, or using :rl: or :rifle: or :smash: on them, or other physical threats.

Also, we can debate topics without dredging up past personal grievances, and keep private debates restricted to pm-ing.

Truly, I don't think the topics are the problem. I think (this is personal opinion, take it or leave it) it is more personality clashing, oversensitivity, and drama queen/king syndrome.

Alex, I don't envy your position here. You have a lot more patience than I can imagine! You are an :angel: for putting up with us!