The Half-Blood Prince Discussion - (SPOILERS)


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Mar 12, 2003
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To the readers,

This is a response to Tegumi's suggestion for all of us who has completed reading the sixth in the Harry Potter series. We can discuss anything we want to, you can even post anything regarding the previous entries in the Harry Potter series, and you can post your predictions for the seventh novel too.

This thread will contain a lot of information that one may not want to know if they haven't read the book yet. So, for these who don't want to spoil their reading. Don't read any of the posts below. You've been warned. :)
At the end of the book, I was left feeling a good amount of anger toward the character of Severus Snape. I didn't like him that much to begin with, but after this... I hate him completely.

The author, J.K. Rowling sure know how to make a person so angry toward a certain character. Betrayal is something I truly resent and it has taken place in this novel. We lost a character that we all had come to deeply love and care for, and I actually cried when Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard was murdered by Severus Snape himself. I always had a feeling that Dumbledore would face death, but certainly not at Severus Snape's expense. I know it's just fiction, but these characters are like real people to me.

The second chapter, Spinner's End. That really made me question Snape's character quite a lot through the book and even more when he spoke to Draco Malfoy shortly before the Christmas holidays. It actually made me wanted to jump into the book and tell Dumbledore to run for it. What's done is done since J.K. Rowling's the one to pen it all.

Only God know what she has in store for the seventh book. Not only to mention the eeriely echoes of 9/11 and 7/7 in the first chapater involving a conversation between ex-Minister Fudge and U.K. Prime Minister. In a way, Osama Bin Laden is like Voldemort, you can't find him when you want to and he has followers, but really is friendless. The death eaters carry out the bad deeds for Voldemort, just like the terrorists carry out the bad deeds for Osama Bin Laden.

Shows you how somebody with power can be feared by many. (shudders)
After a few hours of thinking of what happened in the final few chapters. In the second chapter, Snape and Draco's mother made an unbreakable vow that he will protect Draco if he is unable to perform the deed.

Therefore, when Draco was unable to kill Dumbledore on the spot because he didn't have the capacity to do so. Just before Snape carried out the deed, Dumbledore whispered something to him and Harry had assumed that he was pleading for his life.

But... what if it was actually Dumbledore asking him to kill him to protect Draco? If Snape was to break the vow, he'll die and Dumbledore believed that Draco had some good in him. After all, Draco did cry at one point in the book that I know of. He only did this to protect his family from Lord Voldemort. I'm beginning to think that there's a possibility that a sacrifice had to be made.

That may explain why Snape responded angrily to Harry when he called him a coward several times in a row. He may had felt angry but had no choice but to go with the death eaters to keep his cover. Not only that, he acted as if he was giving Harry a class lesson when they were in the fight which I recently recalled and found it to be quite odd.

We may find out more in the 7th book. Even though Dumbledore is now in a portrait in the head office and looking peacefully asleep, I still hope he'll somehow come back in a form.
Horace Slughorn

I was wondering what anyone thought of Profressor Slughorn? He reminded me an awful lot of Lockhart. Anyone else feel the same way?
Oceanbreeze said:
I was wondering what anyone thought of Profressor Slughorn? He reminded me an awful lot of Lockhart. Anyone else feel the same way?

More of the opposite actually. :)

Lockhart was a fraud and not exactly a nice guy. He stole people's memories and used them as if it was his. With Slughorn, he try to befriend anybody who is either famous or linked to a famous person.

Though I don't think Slughorn is as untrustworthy as Lockhart was, and he does show remote for his mistakes in the past. I think he's okay, but a tad obsessed with famous people.
Banjo said:
More of the opposite actually. :)

Lockhart was a fraud and not exactly a nice guy. He stole people's memories and used them as if it was his. With Slughorn, he try to befriend anybody who is either famous or linked to a famous person.

Though I don't think Slughorn is as untrustworthy as Lockhart was, and he does show remote for his mistakes in the past. I think he's okay, but a tad obsessed with famous people.

You're correct in your analysis of Lockhart and Slughorn. Lockhart was a fraud, and Slughorn was trying to endear himself to the rich and famous. However, I also saw similirarities between them. They both seemed rather full of themselves. At least, to me. I didn't care for either character. :)

I'm also only about half way through the book. I just finished reading where Harry attends Slughorn's Christmas party.
Snape is a SPY for Dumbledore

no, I think the murder was PLANNED.

Snape, like Draco, made a mistake in his earlier days by associating himself with Voldemort (rember how Draco was so upset, he kept going to cry in the bathroom?). He was stuck by his support of Voldemort or to be killed. When Voldemort "died" after he killed Harry's parents, Snape saw his chance for forgiveness. Him and Dumbledore made a deal, that Snape will always be by his side and if Voldemort ever came back, Snape would be a secret agent for Dumbledore. It is perfect! It is like in the first chapter, Draco's mom and Bellatrix did not believe Snape that he was still a Death Eater but he explained everything. It is the perfect cover!

As for why they planned this - when Dumbledore drank the potion with Voldemort's soul (Harry thinks that it was not a part of Voldemort's soul, but I disagree), he knew that it would either change him into evil or kill him, so he planned it all with Snape. Remember that Dumbledore kept saying that he must see Snape, only Snape when Harry brought him back from the cave?

So.. Draco comes in and messes the plan up, kind of, and Snape has to pull it off right away, and so he goes for the kill right away, just kills Dumbledore right there, because that's what Dumbledore meant when he begged Snape, "Severus"...

Also, you know Snape. I'm surprised Snape didn't go on and on about how horrible stuff is before he kills Dumbledore. You know how he likes to talk!
I don't think he really wanted to kill Dumbledore, and that's why he was so very angry.

I think Harry will be the one to kill Voldemort, but Snape will make it possible in some way or other. Harry will OWE Snape his life in the end. I am not convinced that Snape betrayed Harry and Dumbledore.
I just finished reading the book about 10 minutes ago, and all I can say is that had to be the saddest of all the books. It also makes you want to jump into the story, and help track down Snape.

I like how J.K. Rowling introduced Snape as the Half Blood Price, because if you looked at the art work on page 597, it showed an illustration of Snape casting the spell that he had just cast on Dumbledore. I got chills running down my spine, and it became more evident that Snape was the Half Blood Prince when he stopped Harry from casting the same spell on him that Harry had cast on Draco in the bathroom. I was on the edge of my seat as I was reading the last few chapters of this book, dreading that I was going to turn the page and see that Ron, Hermione, or Ginny had been killed...

One question though, when the Dark Mark is made in the sky as it was above Hogwarts, doesnt that signify a murder?? The Dark Mark was made before Dumbledore was murdered, and as Draco Malfoy admitted, they knew Dumbledore would return, where they would kill him. So what if Dumbledore had returned, and had his full strength? What if he didnt drink anything in the cave that made him weak, and would he and Harry have been able to fight the Death Eaters?

It is pretty clear that Dumbledore froze Harry when he was outside under the invisibilty cloak because Dumbledore knew he didnt have the strength to protect Harry, and as soon as Dumbledore hit the ground from Severus' curse, and Harry was unfroze, it was evident to me who had died.....

I cant wait to read book 7 when it comes out..... any ideas what it will be about?? Will they go to school at Hogwarts? Or will the school be closed like it was talked about? Will Hermione and Ron join in to help find the Horuxes and Voldemort? How long must we wait!!

tegumi said:
I cant wait to read book 7 when it comes out..... any ideas what it will be about?? Will they go to school at Hogwarts? Or will the school be closed like it was talked about? Will Hermione and Ron join in to help find the Horuxes and Voldemort? How long must we wait!!

Let's also remember that Harry Potter said that he will not return to Hogwarts even if it re-open. But let's see if he stick to his word, which is likely. Unless something happen giving him a reason to return.
Anyone else finished the book yet?? You have had 10 days!! :) :lol: Or is everyone just too depressed from the book to talk about it??
tegumi said:
Anyone else finished the book yet?? You have had 10 days!! :) :lol: Or is everyone just too depressed from the book to talk about it??

I finished the book last week. I was upset for a few days, but I'd be willing to discuss the book. :)
I was surprised to see snape kill dumbledore..

After i finish the book i chatted with a good friend of mine on msn and talked about it, and then talked to my dad about it as well..

As for my friend, she thinks that snape and dumbledore had planned his own murder. as for me i don't think that dumbledore and snape had planned it, because at the end dumbledore was pleading snape to not do it (my opinion)

My dad, well he thinks opposite of my friend, he doesnt think they made a deal to kill dumbledore. He thinks that dumbledore will rise again in 7th book, i dunno about that. He said that he thinks so because dumbledore was the most powerful Wizard in the world and that there was no way harry could fight voldermort on his own and needed dumbledore.

My dad also thinks that Harry and his friends will go back to hogwart because he thinks that dumbledore will leave a letter or a will that mention Harry and tell him to stay in school etc..

FOr me i have mixed feelings about this..
the moment i purchased the book i brought it with me to work i had to finish the order of the phoniex to catch myself up to keep my mind fresh on the 6th book fr references too.. so in the process of that i snuck a reading time whilist on in theater checks ( bad java but still) I had to read it so i read that got into 4th chapter got busted but they knew what was happening and was asking abt the book i said BUY it urself im not going to spoil it hahaha but my boss tuck herself in the office and didnt come out til she was crying i didn't finish the book til the next day with only 3 hrs left before i had to go to work i am perplexed shocked and confused... dumbldore dead?? no....... it can't be.........

im still to this day stunned.......

but for Harry and Ginny for thier breif romance i just was like way to go harry cuz ron approved that. that stood out cuz shows harry has feelings.... hermonie was likely to go for viktor BUT i would haveloved it if it was ron and hermonie cuz well take it from me prisoner of akabahn was like on movie the conformity of comfort when she ran to hold ron during the supposed excution of buckbeak. then came this Draco Malfoy turned me off the moment we met on first book up til now

i never liked them malfoy and snape... they for the life of me reeked of evilness. but the comments made in here tonight intresting two sides but we ll find out on 7th book would LOVE to see that a marriage is happening and something good ends not the saddest moment where we the fan including the characters of the book attended the greatest wizard alive and dead attend the funeral ... it was just too much.. and break up of harry and ginny... sigh i understood harry's needs but belive it they all will be running with harry to kill voldmort and Snape... thats my thinking.....
I finished the book the day after I got it. I was deeply saddened by who died, but I knew he would die as there were many hints throughout the book about what was going to happen.

I thought the relationship between Harry and Ginny was very sweet, but Ron and Hermonine even more sweet! I think those two defnitely should get together. I found myslef willing them to get together and make up! Can't wait to see what happens to their relationship in the next book.

Does anyone have any ideas about where the other Holocuxes are? I thought maybe there was a holocux in Harry as in book five, when Voldermort took some of Harry's blood, he became stronger.

I found it very interesting to read about Voldermort's past. Snape has surprised me, I always thought that he would go back to the dark side, but at the same time I didnt think he would be able to kill Dumbledore.
>>I like how J.K. Rowling introduced Snape as the Half Blood Price, because if you looked at the art work on page 597, it showed an illustration of Snape casting the spell that he had just cast on Dumbledore.<<

What illustration are you talking about? my book have no illustrations except on the cover and I am very jealous of yours because I LOVE, I ADORE illustrated books!

And for everyone:

I hope whoever is making these theories is right.
I am midway of HB Prince and frankly I am getting depressed.
I feel that every next book is gloomier and gloomier,
I understand there is a Harry-Voldemort conflict that needs to be somehow resolved but all the most dear people (Harry's Parents, Sirius, Dumbledore) are dying left and right. Do they have to? It's a fairlytale, for crissake.

BTW- holocux - I think you mean horcrux?? I haven't read about it yet..

Bump!!! Just read the postings and thought I would bump this thread and see if anyone else has finished last book and would like to comment on it..

I have finished all 7 books and couldnt believe the ending! Married and Kids???

Also how they did the battle between Voldemort and Harry and what was meant by one couldnt live while the other lived! OMG what a surprise twist with that and Snape!

There were many times while reading the books, I always thought Snape was good, then there would be a twist that would make me think, maybe Im wrong and he is truly with Voldemort!

I couldnt believe it when all was revealed at the end! I was like wow! Still wishing there was more than just 7 books!
even thou i read all 7 books and i have read half blood prince i even got depressed and upset after read the book for few days i was so sad when someone died. but it didn't stop me from reading book 7 i like the book 7 even i read it recently
i won't tell the details after everyone read it heh

i agree with you bear on that