WOO HOO england gets the 2012 games! NOT FRANCE!!

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Oct 28, 2004
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WOO HOO!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! For making france A BUNCH OF FUCKING LOSERS!!! Maybe youll support the USA next time charac!!because BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO FRANCE! Maybe youll stop and think about who rescued your ass from adolph hitlers army in 1944? And Guess what? Lance Armstrong is gonna kick ur ass next!!! :dance2:
2012 Olympic games goes to ENGLAND Not france!
:werd: :gives:

Bad things is happening all over the country. NOT JUST FRANCE!!! Why don't live in Mars and shut the hell up about your "GOVERNMENT".

You always blames on the "jackass" and you think "elephant" is the best government. WHO CARES!!!
I Care!! Cause i love AMERICA!!! The Home of the brave!! The Land of the free!!
And Bill Oreilly is right what he says charac and schroeder dont give a damn about us or the situtation about al queda. All they care about is looking after themselves and protect their self interests.The only way they can protect themselves is to go anti american. And the IOC is right for picking london cause they figure if they pick NY then youll have some nations and the whole eurpean union except england go up in arms and start boycotting the games. If they pick paris then youll have uncle sam upset and then were boycott the games. So this way london gets the games and the only nation is pissed is france.So THANK YOU JESUS!! and GOD BLESS AMERICA!! So this is a message to france!
I'm happy for London. USA doesn't deserve Olympics.
I hate my country. :cry:
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