My One-Thousandth Post


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
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A couple of hours or so ago, Mrs. Chimp was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder as I was finishing up a post I was writing for this message board. I noticed that my post count stood at 999 and that my next post would be my thousandth post. When I pointed this out to her, she said "save it for something special." So that is exactly what I am doing. So without further ado, I would like share with everybody an open message to the one person in the world who is most important to me.

To my wife -

Baby doll, there is a Shakira song that I am planning to play when we renew our vows next year in front of our family and friends. A lot of people feel that it is the most beautiful love song ever written. I won’t print the entire song here, but the chorus goes as follows…

Porque eres tu mi sol
La fe con que vivo
La potencia de mi voz
Los pies con que camino
Eres tu amor
Mis ganas de reir
El adios que no sabre decir
Porque nunca podre vivir sin ti

In translation, it says

Because you are my angel
The faith by which I live
The power of my voice
The feet with which I walk
You are love (itself)
My desire to laugh
The goodbyes that I will not know how to say
Because I will never be able to live without you

You mean all of this and much, much, more to me, baby doll. I love you more than anything else in the world—even more than my beloved Krispy Kreme donuts and my Jose Cuervo tequila. :P And every week that goes by, my love for you grows stronger and stronger. Every day, I wake up thinking that I am the luckiest person alive, because I am married to the most wonderful and unique person on Earth. So I am going to use my thousandth post in your honor, because I feel honored to be your husband. You are my everything, baby doll, and you always will be.

Te amo,

Tu marido el mono.


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Oh my lord.........

Your wife is damn lucky to have you, Lev.
Hope she knows that! If not, we gals will be glad to remind her. :)

May you guys have a blessed and loving journey together. :)
Wow, u both are quite blessed to
have each other :)
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awwww Levonian, Ur wife sure is lucky to be with a guy like you... I hope I will find someone like you somedays who would write me poems and songs. ;)

aww now I gotta cry! :cry:
:aw: An awesome gesture on your part there Levonian for honoring your beloving wife with your 1000th post!! I can sense the beautiful bond between the two of you...and by taking a moment with a very touching post which shows the rest of us here how special your wife means everything to you, to you alone!

Hmmm...*chuckling*...more than Krispy Kreme donuts and Jose Cuervo tequila...ummm...even more than 'bananas' too??? The one word that each of us here can identify or associate the two of you here and leaving that 'one item' out may very well decribe the incredibly bananaish and out of this world unity between the two loveable chimps!!! :mrgreen:

Anyhow, congrats on the 1000th milestone.... :thumb:
Thanks everybody—Mayflower was very happy that I dedicated my 1000th post to her. Today was a sad day for her. Her beloved little toy poodle Mandy died today. Mayflower rescued her at a PetSmart adoption about 3 years ago and nursed her back to health. She was in really bad shape—all of her teeth were gone and her thyroid was malfunctioning. Later she developed cataracts and became blind. But my wife never gave up on her, and gave her a comfortable and safe home all the way to the end. Mandy kept her company and helped her through some tough times. It’s going to be really hard for her the next few days.


What cause the poodle suffered like that? :(
Congratulations, Levonian and Mayflower, on the 1000th post! I am so glad to know you guys have something special. *grin*

Additionally on a more delicate note, Mayflower, I am so sorry about Mandy. She looks truly wonderful in that photo, and this only proves to me that you have a heart of pure gold.
Such a sweet posting. You could stand to teach most men a thing or two. :D I'm sorry to hear of your wife's loss of her beloved pet, but it sounds as if she greatly enriched the last few years of her pet's life.
Here I thought you were bragging about how many posts you have here, but it turned out to be something different and very special. That was really, really sweet Lev. You're so thoughtful and romantic. Your wife is indeed very lucky to have you! Great poem Lev!

I'm so sorry about her dog Mandy. It's a great picture of her. The brown color spots made her even more attractive. RIP Mandy.
Aw, that was sooo sweet!!! It was really nice of you to do that for your lovely wife, and knowing how much she means to you and She's very lucky to have someone like you in her life....I'm really sorry to hear about her little dog, it show what a great person she really is ....we sure need more people like you and her more out here! ;)
What a wonderful dedication, Levonian! :thumb:

Your wife's lucky to have you.

Sorry to hear about the passing of her dog. :(
wow, what a lucky your wife is to have you. You wrote a wonderful peom for her.

It's sad to know that Mandy is died. She's my thought and prayer.

It sounds that your wife has a lovely personality. You are lucky to have her.

I'm happy for you both.
Wonderful dedication to Mayflower...and congrats, Mr. Chimp on your 1,000th post!

My deepest sympathies to you and your family on the passing of the family pet. Babycat and PeeWee send their meowies, too.
Cheri said:
What cause the poodle suffered like that? :(

Mandy was rescued from a county shelter by a private animal rescue group. She had been found wandering the streets, malnourished and with matted fur and open skin sores. She was probably used for breeding and abandoned when she could no longer produce sellable puppies. The animal rescue group’s veterinarian removed all of her teeth. My wife found her at PetSmart at the end of the day. Most of the other dogs had been adopted, but nobody wanted a lethargic, sickly little 10 year old poodle with no teeth. Instead of charging my wife the usual adoption fee, they gave her Mandy for free. They told her not to expect the dog to live for more than a few months. My wife took her to another vet for a thorough examination. The vet spayed her to prevent cancer, worked on her skin lesions, and found an undiscovered thyroid condition which she prescribed medication for. Mandy slowly got better over the course of the next few months, and regained a considerable amount of strength. But old age inevitably took its toll, and Mandy developed epilepsy and cataracts, which in old age is common for dogs. So my wife did everything she could to make the rest of Mandy’s life comfortable. Everybody tried to tell my wife to have Mandy put to sleep. But she never gave up on Mandy, and her only wish was that when Mandy finally went, that it would be a natural and peaceful death. She wanted Mandy to die in her arms, and fortunately she got her wish. She had almost 4 years with Mandy, far longer than the 2 or 3 months that she was told to expect.