an article worthy of discussion


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
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Ive seen in my life, the onslaught of cochlear implants upon my people, my culture, my language. In Deafie school when i was there, implants were a close but far off tAle. We felt safe from them, in the sense we knew technology was such that it was still a hearie wet dream to rid the world of people like us..even after gov approval for implants into babies, the ripples of which soon became a flood, which now seems a tidal wave wasnt forseen. against the hearie determiniation to supress our sign, our signs prevailed. it wasnt easy...but it was a phyric victory for us. I didnt see then, few did the onslaught comming. We as Deaf were in hindsight short sighted which i think given at last the acceptance of our language as a true language by some in the hearie world, is a forgivable misjudgment...our eyes were closed to the new assault being hatched.. the closing of deafie schools and the tidal wave of cohlear implants into our babies wee heads, alas to me is a rather stark and grim sign that our days and our signs, our poems, our thoughts, our asperations, our jokes, our very dreams as a culture are very much numbered.
Cochlear implants are the hearie worlds final solution for people like us. Its a given.
90 percent of deaf are born to hearie, thus our language and culture is rather ill equiped to cope, with each newbaby implanted and mainstreamed, is one less baby of the hearie dream is. For us Deaf, most of us are not born into our culture and language, we grow to descover it and perhaps that is where we need to truly engage The cultural assimilation and enthnocide being inflicted on us As a culture.
I came across this

Its food for thought. And its worth Deaf attention and discussion. I offer no answers. Im just a shadow with a cigarette, a Deaf guy who knows whats at Stake. To my eyes our future is grim. But i know sign has (refer to my sig)
And i will never stop sharing its gift of freedom. I wont go meakly into the dark night. I wont shut up and be assimilited,
there are a few errors in the article, now we do have a written language si5s, and i think its power at this time has been untapped...
Have at it Deafies..
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Too bad that 90% deaf aren't born to deaf parents. Ugh
I don't think the CIs themselves are the problem. It is the views that are normally associated with them by hearing people. Deaf people with CIs can learn ASL and a lot do so what's holding the rest of them back? That's my question.
I don't think the CIs themselves are the problem. It is the views that are normally associated with them by hearing people. Deaf people with CIs can learn ASL and a lot do so what's holding the rest of them back? That's my question.

the answer is ideology, the very idea of what has driven the implant as a technology of normalisation, is the vision to end deaf. To make everyone hear. thats its very soul and drive. Along with this and what it unique about it is how it is used to attack and deny a language, and thus cultur. Our sign. Its complex because reality at the moment anyway isnt up to hearie ideology. So we have deaf kids being implanted but still very much need sign even though many many many many adiologist will have the parents entirely oral lest the deaf child "refert to bieng deaf". But i think its dangerous to take comfort in current technological failures. after all the end game of cohlear implants is what?
To make everyone hearie..
And what?
They speak of course...
So we have billion dollor multi national companies that for the most part resemble pharmacuetical companies in actions, in marketing, in manufcturing ideas of dependence, with vast sums of money for their goal, a world cured of Deaf..and you have
Dont like our odds..frankly..
We need to figure some things out fast or oud language and culture will be just another museum Piece collicting dust and odd passers through flapping their lips about how once the world had people like us, oh well...
not in our lfetime granted, .but look how fast their goal has advanced?
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the answer is ideology, the very idea of what has deiven the implant as a technology of normalisation, is the vision to end deaf. To make everyone hear. thats its very soul and drive. Along with this and whst it unique about it is how it is used to attack and deny a language, and thus culture sign. Its complex because reality at the moment anyway isnt up to hearie ideology. So we hsve deaf kids being implanted but still very much need sign even though many many many many adiologist will have the parents entirely oral lest the deaf child "refert to bieng deaf". But i think its dangerous to take comfort in current technological failures. after all the end game of cohlear implants is what?
To make everyone hearie..
And what?
They speak of course...
So we have billion dollor multi national companies that for the most part resemble pharmacuetical companies in actions, in marketing, in manufcturing ideas of dependence, with vast sums of money for their goal, a world cured of Deaf..and you have
Dont like oud odds..frankly..
We need to figure some things out fast or oud language and culture will be just another museum Piece collicting dust and odd passersbrhriufh flspping their lips about how once the woeld had people like us, oh well...
not in our lfetime granted, .but look how fast their goal has advanced?

Whenever deaf people speak up, those opponents call us militants, full of hatred, and etc. Even oral deaf people sometimes do it too.
Whenever deaf people speak up, those opponents call us militants, full of hatred, and etc. Even oral deaf people sometimes do it too.

Oh i know, ive been in this for since ive been Deaf. Ive been called every name in the book by them...
Theirs is the extreme position, yet they have maneged to re frame us as extrememist...
If anything by all accounts given whats occured we.lost. Its over...we are doomed..
But im asshole..
I dont accept defeat so easily....
It is going to take more than the 500,000 ASLers to knock this ideology for a loop; its gonna take the other 9.5 million deafies of every stripe to join hands for once......
It is going to take more than the 500,000 ASLers to knock this ideology for a loop; its gonna take the other 9.5 million deafies of every stripe to join hands for once......

True very true.
One reason why i picked this article is i found it to be very very far far from Deaf militant, (insert any other hearie name calling).
in the end the "its for the children" is always and has always been the last argument audism uses for cultural assimilation and ethnocide of us.
Sigh.... the CIs are here to stay. Instead of fighting against the CIs, encourage parents to pursue ASL and deaf schooling!! Easy, simple! Also only a small percentage of kids with hearing loss, even get CI.... what would revitialize the culture would be to reach out to parents of HOH kids (aka the ones who are aided) and encourage them to pursue ASL and place them in deaf ed!
what really worried me some years back a german couple i think deaf had child who deaf they refused CI and child taken away and parents accussed of neglect bc refused ci,this not uncommon in Germany.then i met a man (Pakistani)serving in shop he been treated as inferior person not allowed go out or anything then he got CI and suddenly he was treated like human not dog,i tried sign with him he stopped me his family never allowed him to do it they degrading of deaf and BSL he kept saying to me my life not valid unless i had CI i told him i was not suitable for one,he just could not understand my life was rich i communicate something he never did until his CI from what i understood this common way deaf are treated in Pakistan yet i knew of Pakistani youth clubs for deaf who did bsl
Sigh.... the CIs are here to stay. Instead of fighting against the CIs, encourage parents to pursue ASL and deaf schooling!! Easy, simple! Also only a small percentage of kids with hearing lCI oss, even get CI.... what would revitialize the culture would be to reach out to parents of HOH kids (aka the ones who are aided) and encourage them to pursue ASL and place them in deaf ed!

CI are here to stay, and they will continue to advance, i have no doubt. and i agree with you deafdyke that That reaching out hoh kids is something we as a culture should do more in spreading our languge, its. Very important idea, i like it
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CI are hwre to stay, snd they will continue to advance, i have no doubt. and i agree with you deafdyke that That resching out hoh kids is something we as a cukture should do more in spreading our languge, its. Very important idea, i like it

I doubt there's any more room for advancement...Remember even thou "artificial hearing" is good, we still haven't made something that can make an exact replica of hearing person hearing.
And before I'm attacked...if the CI is SO wonderful, then how come ex hearing people are always looking for a cure?
Machines cannot replicate natural senses; and it is stubborn resistance that allows one to continue thinking that they can.
Deafness is a disability that a culture was built around, due to a stigma that separated.
And said stigma is what formed the glue that binds the stigmatized people together.
After these people find others like them, they hunker down together and defend their position, because they are so accustomed to feeling attacked/shunned for their frailties/lack of ability.

HA's and CI's will not fix or replace natural hearing within our lifetimes. Bottom line.
Machines cannot replicate natural senses; and it is stubborn resistance that allows one to continue thinking that they can.
At this moment they cant, but that is the goal of the multi national companies with deep pockets, its nieve and short sighted to assume the present state in technology will remain constant. We know given the last 30 years how much they have advanced their goal,

MDeafness is a disability that a culture was built around, due to a stigma that separated.
And said stigma is what formed the glue that binds the stigmatized people together.
After these people find others like them, they hunker down together and defend their position, because they are so accustomed to feeling attacked/shunned for their frailties/lack of ability.
This isnt entirily reason.why oralism was such and is such an agressive attack on sign and our culture is due to how succesfull sign is in bridging the chasm. Of deafness as a disability to the gift of becoming Deaf. In ths 19 century by the time the milan conference was held sign was a succsess. oralist, refused to accept such a heresy,and we know what happened next. It was a goal to destroy Deaf leadership in Deaf school as it did, and replace sign with odalism, as ir did, iit was a massive disaster, for us anyway, for the oralists it was just one step in our final assimilation so they thought. It nearly succeded in destroying our culture. The oralist dream hasnt ended or even abatted, its actually picked up, and is moving fast and forward. Deaf were acfually doing just fine with sign when oralism marked us as targets.and with guys like bell, ideologicly and religously driven with deep pockets, we were sitting ducks. CI of course is oralaism final solution for us..we need concerned, very concerned, we are currently out classed and face some very veey deep pockets..(and growing deeper) whos goal is our assimilation and end to ouf culture

HA's and CI's will not fix or replace natural hearing within our lifetimes. Bottom line.
Indeed. But its not oir lifetime that really worries me..
hochi, again technology has its limitations especially with kids who were born that way.