How long did you..


Premium Member
Oct 28, 2014
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For those that have implants:
How long did you have pain and discomfort at the implant site(area around the magnet)? I'm 7 months post op from my implant and still have some pain at the implant site as well as higher up, the side of my head. The side of the head pain could be from my most recent graft surgery in September though so I'm not that concerned with that at the moment. My surgeon said it could be the nerves repairing themselves, as that will cause pain and discomfort, it could take up to a year. I'm curious to know how long it took yours to heal. Thanks in advance!

The pic below is what my Vibrant Soundbridge implant is done:
My cochlear implant incision was only painful for about five days after surgery then was back to normal...but I was a ten year old kid! Children heal faster..
It's not my incision that hurts it's the flesh over and around the implant under the skin. Especially, if I lay on it a certain way during sleep.
Thinking back on my operation-July/07 I don't recall having much pain at all after the operation. They gave me pills if pain was "too much". It wasn't and didn't take any.

I guess we appear to have a various reactions to the Cochlear Implant operation.
when I sleep on the right side, my ear is still a bit sensitive (and I'm 1 month & 1 week post op after CI surgery), but it's not too bad. Tolerable.
For my first implant, I couldn't sleep on that side for 6 months or so. With my second, it was only a few weeks.

Make sure you do not have too many magnets or your magnet is too strong. The can cause all kinds of problems/pain too.
For my first implant, I couldn't sleep on that side for 6 months or so. With my second, it was only a few weeks.

Make sure you do not have too many magnets or your magnet is too strong. The can cause all kinds of problems/pain too.

I thought maybe it was the magnet at first too but I still had pain with the weakest installed. I went a month without wearing the processor, it's still painful. I'm not sure what the problem is, maybe my body is still fighting the implant. *shrugs* Thanks for the info and suggestion!
I had pain in my right ear area for maybe 2 months but most was due to the magnet strength. I also had some strange problem with my neck after the surgery, and it hurt to a point where I stayed at the hospital for 3 days.

My second surgery was fine. I really had no problems at all. No pain, not even issues with the magnet.

So I guess it's different for everyone.
Mine was just a few days to get over pain, but the tenderness was felt until just prior to activation. In your case? I would rule out an infection, otherwise a second opinion from another ENT. Pain that long doesn't sound normal.