For Botti and other small dog lovers


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
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Tonik, the Human-Faced Dog - ABC News
I saw that earlier! He is so cute, a Shih-Poo.

Those flat faced breeds all have a bit of a humanoid aspect, which makes them very appealing.

This week, my local rescue had a Chihuahua Poodle cross, and he looked like a little bat eared alien with an English jurist's wig on top. I was really wishing I wasn't at my dog limit!

Also, I always hope stories like this cause people to look into rescue so more dogs get homes. :)
Heh, yeah saw him in some article as well.

I used to own a chihuahua dog, and I named him Ivory. In his old ages, he was very sick and I had to put him on euthanasia, because I knew he would die in a suffering way. So I did not want him to suffer at all. :(
Ahhhh he is cute!!! Hope someone adopts him soon and loves him like crazy!!!