My DeviantArt (Post your DeviantArt here!!)

Yea! I already got one of my fav* the fading love! by D3AFN3SS1337 ;)

u already got mine!l LOL my account :P
Keiro's DeviantART.

WARNING: If you read my poems, you may find yourself crying.

Please let me know that you've checked out the dA and I'll be sure to friend or reply back. :)
!!! I LOVE DeviantART !!!

daystarnite on DevinatART

They are mostly poems, and few stories. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

:D I'm glad to know that there are many awesome deaf deviant users!! :D

Okay I finally managed to add ya'll into Friends List, if you don't mind. :)
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Deviant art is dope.. I does has account but never had time for it. i used my own personal site instead. but its nice to see some artists up here!
Wirelessly posted

My new account is:

It's a long story...
I did join Devainart and I just loves their artworks and I don't have a printer or scanner goes with it but I wish I had puts up with the art that I drew :)
I have good idea :D I think so best asl posts good idea sound great I consider wish whoot!
Hellol... I am deaf:deaf: myself,too. Even I am an artist,too. My deviantart ID is SilverMask2. If if isn't working then you can type my id in the search. It will appears into my artworks. You may see them. :) I enjoy drawing since I was young. I try to open my shyness and show to everyone of my artwork proudly.
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You are welcome. Truthfully, I draw for fun. I need more show my artwork intread of hiding. is my dA... If anyone wants to check out my work feel free.
softabak is member of all deaf her web page and pics are just amazing should take a look