Deer for Breakfast anyone?


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Feb 18, 2009
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So Texas is a bit eccentric, but we needed a little joy in our day. I dont know these folks, but this was too cute to keep to myself. Hope you enjoy.

Deer for breakfast anyone? - Snotr

Are they feeding them up for hunting season and making them trusting?

That is what happens here.
To the best I can figure, like lots of old ranchers, the couple has made "pets" of the does.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were eating deer meat at the same time. ;)

Deer meat is delicious! :)
I like it too. Especially with gravy... what isnt better with gravy though?
Deer in America and deer in Canada are very different...

You can handfeed the ones Montana, Idaho, Iowa and such... but all the Canadian deer I have seen just run away.

Why? :P Are Americans that stupid to go near a wild animal at the risk of being kicked in the face?
In my opinion, this does not strike me as the best matter how socialized to people these deer are, they will not be truly domesticated. The folks may have very kind thoughts but feeding the deer like this will result in them getting into places they shouldn't, as they associate people with being fed. Deer are not pets.

Deer in America and deer in Canada are very different...

You can handfeed the ones Montana, Idaho, Iowa and such... but all the Canadian deer I have seen just run away.

Why? :P Are Americans that stupid to go near a wild animal at the risk of being kicked in the face?

Not too stupid. Just overrun. They are like giant mice. They go walking across peoples yards, lay down on the plants and eat gardens and young trees. City deer are not very wild.
Not too stupid. Just overrun. They are like giant mice. They go walking across peoples yards, lay down on the plants and eat gardens and young trees. City deer are not very wild.

But here the thing... deer are overpopulated here too, but they don't interact with humans at all.

So someone need to be doing something to them to make them less frightful.
Making them into food and tack is not scary? hahaha
Like I said, Texans are a bit eccentric.
Making them into food and tack is not scary? hahaha
Like I said, Texans are a bit eccentric.

Just practical. I spent several years in El Paso, although that is more like a part of Mexico. :lol:
Deers are such beautiful animals!! I have never shot a deer, but love eating venison fajitas. Really good tasting! I would want to feed the deers daily too until I read the comments that we are actually hurting the environment by feeding them, which I never thought of. The deers are meant to be hunted down once in a while to bring down deer population. Too many deers would hurt shrubs, etc.