Black pastors bash NAACP for endorsing gay marriage

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how is it your business?

Well, because I am an American citizen, born and raised here and it is my right to speak and to vote!
in case you didn't know... whether or not of government redefines marriage law... the law prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, familial status, and disability. and it has been like this for a long time.

Yes, sex as in male & female! Not by sexual orientation necessarily though. I am against gay bashing and there is a law that protects gays in this fashion.
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Do you have any stats or facts to back that up?

He has none. Here is why.

Parents = to persons that reproduce a child together


two men together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

two women together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

GAOY: adoptive parent = adoptive parent....NOT real parent
false. most homosexual parents with kids are more stable than heterosexual parents because of very low divorce rate.

I have a few close friends who are gay and have two or three children of their own and doing awesome. indeed I know many gay couples who have children and many children. I am very very happy about it.
He has none. Here is why.

Parents = to persons that reproduce a child together


two men together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

two women together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

GAOY: adoptive parent = adoptive parent....NOT real parent

there are many ways of having kids. you silly! again, gay people are REAL PARENTS.
Not exactly! When a society steps away from God and turns it's back on Him that is when that society fails and is destroyed. Proven time & time again. Look at Rome.

we are not Rome. we do not have Caesar. we do not have Emperor. we do not have dictatorship.
He has none. Here is why.

Parents = to persons that reproduce a child together


two men together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

two women together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

GAOY: adoptive parent = adoptive parent....NOT real parent

really? I have none?

Children thrive equally with same-sex, heterosexual parents, psychologist testifies at Prop. 8 trial -
A Cambridge University developmental psychologist testified at a federal trial in San Francisco today that broad research has documented that children of same-sex parents are just as likely as those of heterosexual parents to be well-adjusted.

"Studies have found children do not require both a male and female parent," testified Michael Lamb, who heads Cambridge's Department of Social and Developmental Psychology.

Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents | Gays, Lesbians & Same-Sex Marriage | Advantages of Gay Parenting & Gay Adoption | LiveScience
On Jan. 6, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum told a New Hampshire audience that children are better off with a father in prison than being raised in a home with lesbian parents and no father at all. And last Monday (Jan. 9), Pope Benedict called gay marriage a threat "to the future of humanity itself," citing the need for children to have heterosexual homes.

But research on families headed by gays and lesbians doesn't back up these dire assertions. In fact, in some ways, gay parents may bring talents to the table that straight parents don't.

Gay parents "tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents," said Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts who researches gay and lesbian parenting. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among heterosexuals, Goldberg said. "That translates to greater commitment on average and more involvement."

And while research indicates that kids of gay parents show few differences in achievement, mental health, social functioning and other measures, these kids may have the advantage of open-mindedness, tolerance and role models for equitable relationships, according to some research. Not only that, but gays and lesbians are likely to provide homes for difficult-to-place children in the foster system, studies show. (Of course, this isn't to say that heterosexual parents can't bring these same qualities to the parenting table.)

and more here -
what I'm reading in here is just plain dang awful. just awful. the amount of bigotry and ignorance is just outstanding. a stark reminder of our dark past.

"Blacks are mentally inferior, by nature subservient, and cowards in the face of danger. They are therefore unfit for combat."

-1925 U.S. Army War College Study

and now this??? gay parents = unfit for parenting and society? wow...
This is where I see a problem. The gay and liberal view is stated here and what I really dislike is all the name calling and finger pointing. That is not in all of the other articles. Hate and bigotry go both ways!

hate and bigotry go both way.... oh I see. either you have a sub-par intelligent or you're being funny today... I do not know.
He has none. Here is why.

Parents = to persons that reproduce a child together


two men together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

two women together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

GAOY: adoptive parent = adoptive parent....NOT real parent

So based on your logic, straight couples that adopt a child are not real parents either?? you sir are an _____... besides do you know the cost and effort involved in adopting a child.. Adoptive parents are much better parents than the biological parents that gave the child up..
So based on your logic, straight couples that adopt a child are not real parents either?? you sir are an _____... besides do you know the cost and effort involved in adopting a child.. Adoptive parents are much better parents than the biological parents that gave the child up..

Adoptive parents = Adoptive parents.....not BIRTH parents.

A child raised within the proper environment of human nature is the ONLY way to satisfy Mother Nature. If that makes me "an ..........", so be it.
what I'm reading in here is just plain dang awful. just awful. the amount of bigotry and ignorance is just outstanding. a stark reminder of our dark past.

and now this??? gay parents = unfit for parenting and society? wow...

Try putting your words in someone else mouth because I'm certainly not allowing you to come within a inch of my mouth.
He has none. Here is why.

Parents = to persons that reproduce a child together


two men together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

two women together can NOT reproduce a child together and can NOT be parents

GAY: adoptive parent = adoptive parent....NOT real parent

that clear point
you have point there jiro , however , it the problem that that child or children will have the hell of life . here it is , some children do not accept them as social life as they have normal life. when kids knew they have gay or lesbian , from what i see it can lead bully or make fun of them . i found this website almost same as you jiro. He had two point , one of your point and other point of impact of community with that issues ( why Gay Parent should not raise children)

i like his view but he has more detail of why they should not ........
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