Have you ever tried to wear CI or HA when you are sleeping in bed?

I think the way you are saying this is confusing. He didn't loose the whole CI he lost the external part which is the processor.

It would be weird if he lost all of it :)
I think the way you are saying this is confusing. He didn't loose the whole CI he lost the external part which is the processor.

I never said the whole CI. if it were aboout the whole ci, then my hub's head would explode and be lost. lol Most people know what I am talking about. yes it is a processor (CI). However thank you for clarifying this.
I was sleeping in a bunk bed which just lifted maybe 4 feet and was able to find it later that day on the floor... I guess i didnt look well enough for the processor in the morning.

But i would believe that my experience is why people dont sleep with processor on lol
I wouldn't dare sleep with my processor on.. if it fell off, I don't want my dog to find it and think "OOO NEW TOY YAY!" and kill it. just...... no. AB would kill me I'm sure haha.
My hearing aids go off the second I get home. I got two young and extremely strong-willed boys. Talk about deafening in every sense of the word.
I can't wear my HA to bed , I will hear myself snoring and wake up. Or my dog might 'talk' in his sleep and wake me up. Marty bark or cry a lot in his sleep. Plus it's not comfortable having an ear mold digging into my ear while trying to sleep.
I wouldn't dare sleep with my processor on.. if it fell off, I don't want my dog to find it and think "OOO NEW TOY YAY!" and kill it. just...... no. AB would kill me I'm sure haha.
This :giggle: I've been deaf for too long to try and sleep while hearing. Can't do it! Plus, I roll over a LOT in my sleep, my CI side being my favored side, so it would just come off!
I wouldn't dare sleep with my processor on.. if it fell off, I don't want my dog to find it and think "OOO NEW TOY YAY!" and kill it. just...... no. AB would kill me I'm sure haha.

My dog ate my first digital not even a week after I got it. Omg I was so upset I was crying! They gave me new though no charge. No dog now, a kitty. She won't try to eat it but if its bugging me and I take it and put it ion like the kitchen table (my laptops home) she WILL play with it, bat it around. Turd
I have tried sleeping with my CI to see if it helps the tinnitus but it doesn't. I always sleep on my right side so I had my left side implanted. I do worry my little dog would find it since she likes to sleep as close to me as possible. Last night she laid on my chest right under my neck. Thankfully she only weighs 4lbs. Maybe she likes the up and down motion of me breathing.
no, that's one plus of being deaf - a quiet sleep!

ironically, since becoming deaf I do find myself more sensitive to light. so if someone comes in the room / opens the door I'm usually aware and notice the light increase.
Once or twice, mostly because i was being a moron and fell asleep on the couch or something.

:iolol::rl: :rifle: :Owned:
Besides feedback i found its just really uncomfortable due to their size
In my life, I never wear CI or HA at night when I am sleeping.

Maybe it is not like comfortable.

When I first got my Naidas, I fell asleep a few times watching a movie on my computer in my bedroom but I always woke up and removed my BTE.
It was pretty awesome to be able to hear the movie eepven when my eyes were closed (though, I didn't understand the speech).
This will be my first post to the forums. However I have been reading up on the different topics for a few weeks now. I found this topic to be an interesting one. I had used a hearing aid since the age of 5 until a year ago (shortly before I turned 30). To answer your question about if I had ever tried to wear my hearing aid when sleeping. I would have to say that for the majority of my life the answer would be no I did not really attempt to do this because I had preferred to have silence at night. This held to be true until I had a son that had forced me to leave it in at night. I had learned to adjust to having my hearing aid in and got used to it. At first it was a bit much to have the hearing aid on during the day AND at night but overtime it was more tolerable.

Since I do not wear my hearing aid anymore (I was able to hear out of my left ear only) and have been considering a CI for roughly a year now. So naturally I am curious about the different experiences relating to the CI part of things. With that being said - I had been wondering about the whole CI and if it was possible to leave it in all the time. So far I have seen that most individuals would prefer NOT to leave them in at night but not impossible I would assume.

I am curious about this because I need to be able to hear my son at night as well as the day time. =) I hope this was not too long of a first post. LOL.
It wouldn't be a good idea to keep the CI on 24/7 anyway, as the skin where the headpiece/magnet is at would need a break from the magnet (otherwise the skin could potentially break down/open sores). There are other devices available that you could use to keep track of your son at night, like flashing lights and such.
Wirelessly posted

Nope! I can't sleep listening to the feedback. Plus it is nice not being able to hear noises while sleeping.
I remember sometimes annoy loud weird it but off hearing aid, after sleep :) as well cool off on break time on hard say tell!
Yes, that was when I was a little kid. But, it's not good for my ears, anyway.