Should we move Thanksgiving (US) to January!


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
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So, who thinks we should move Thanksgiving to the 4th Thursday of January so that the commercialism of Christmas doesn't overshadow it?
Some may say we should move Halloween too, but it's origin is the night before All Saints Day.
I can't remember why Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday of November.
Lions and Cowboys both play on Thanksgivings every year. If it was moved, then they would be sad about losing their tradition.

I'm sure a lot of fans would love to debate whose is the best QB on Thanksgivings, Matthew Stafford or Tony Romo??
Lions and Cowboys both play on Thanksgivings every year. If it was moved, then they would be sad about losing their tradition.

I'm sure a lot of fans would love to debate whose is the best QB on Thanksgivings, Matthew Stafford or Tony Romo??

I knew somebody would bring up football. :D
Our present Thanksgiving dates to 1863 and was declared by President Lincoln. I like it right where it is.
I don't see any need to change America's Thanksgiving date.
I prefer Thanksgiving Day to be in November, period!
Thanksgiving traditions compliment Christmas traditions, just can't imigine one without the other- DO NOT TOUCH! :D
Yeah, our past Presidents ruined our ancestors' lives as Native Americans. Thanksgiving is a joke to us. Of course we like to have food on our table but we are not celebrating on this. They robbed everything from us and try to eliminated us. They made us suffered so much over more than 500 years. The White government and some white people are not friendly with us. Here in Canada, we have two holidays on the same day. They are Thanksgiving Day and Columbus Day. UGH!!!!!

Columbus Day is worse. Columbus and his men have no respect of Native men and women. The Native people were peaceful and never show violence to them, but no Columbus want to give them bad names and that they were savages. Same happened to the Trails of Tears which the Cherokees and other tribes had been forced to move to Oklahoma. The government order us to go by President Andrew Jackson.

That is why we don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving and Columbus Day. We should have "Native American Heritage or Remembrance Day" to remembered and honor our ancestors who suffered so much hatred and ills from the White people over many years ago. We are hurt about this. So I don't care if you want to move "Thanksgiving Day" to January. What the heck! :(

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Our present Thanksgiving dates to 1863 and was declared by President Lincoln. I like it right where it is.

President Abraham Lincoln was not a very good president when he made us suffered also. He made the slaves free but not us Native Americans. We had to suffered under him. :mad:
Yeah, our past Presidents ruined our ancestors' lives as Native Americans. Thanksgiving is a joke to us. Of course we like to have food on our table but we are not celebrating on this. They robbed everything from us and try to eliminated us. They made us suffered so much over more than 500 years. The White government and some white people are not friendly with us. Here in Canada, we have two holidays on the same day. They are Thanksgiving Day and Columbus Day. UGH!!!!!

Columbus Day is worse. Columbus and his men have no respect of Native men and women. The Native people were peaceful and never show violence to them, but no Columbus want to give them bad names and that they were savages. Same happened to the Trails of Tears which the Cherokees and other tribes had been forced to move to Oklahoma. The government order us to go by President Andrew Jackson.

That is why we don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving and Columbus Day. We should have "Native American Heritage or Remembrance Day" to remembered and honor our ancestors who suffered so much hatred and ills from the White people over many years ago. We are hurt about this. So I don't care if you want to move "Thanksgiving Day" to January. What the heck! :(

President Abraham Lincoln was not a very good president when he made us suffered also. He made the slaves free but not us Native Americans. We had to suffered under him. :mad:

I'm 30% Native Indian and my father is 50% Native Indian, so we do know about terrible history with between US government and Native Americans. The history is really very very painful and it does make you so upset with history, so cannot be reversed, just look at African Americans and gay/lesbian people in past.

Just remember about Assassin's Creed 3 - 50% Mohawk/50% English, the named Connor Kenway, the roam around northeastern US (between New York and Boston).
Don't leave red coats (British) out of it. They are part of this too, now we (USA) are independent from them.

I'm 30% Native Indian and my father is 50% Native Indian, so we do know about terrible history with between US government and Native Americans. The history is really very very painful and it does make you so upset with history, so cannot be reversed, just look at African Americans and gay/lesbian people in past.

Just remember about Assassin's Creed 3 - 50% Mohawk/50% English, the named Connor Kenway, the roam around northeastern US (between New York and Boston).
I've never been into Thanksgiving, ever. It just not my holiday...Christmas is my fav. Then Easter, then Halloween...

The only thing I like about Thanksgiving is the cranberry sauce. Granted I can eat it anytime I like but I look less silly just eating cranberry sauce by itself during Thanksgiving than opposed to other times. :D I'm a weird one, I don't care for Turkey and dressing, especially dressing, ick.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Just as an FYI the purpose and meaning of Canadian Thanksgiving is different than in the US. They are NOT the same holiday, even though they have the same name.

Also, we don't have Columbus Day in Canada - it's a US holiday that happens to be on the same day as Canadian thanskgiving.
I'd celebrate both Canadian and U.S. Thanksgiving...especially if it means I get both days off from work. Anytime you can get the day off to eat and spend the day with family, works for me....:D

President Abraham Lincoln was not a very good president when he made us suffered also. He made the slaves free but not us Native Americans. We had to suffered under him. :mad:

I know it. My biological mother's father was a full Cherokee. Her mother died on the reservation in Oklahoma and I have been there to visit her when I was small.
Just remember about Assassin's Creed 3 - 50% Mohawk/50% English, the named Connor Kenway, the roam around northeastern US (between New York and Boston).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the newly formed US renege on their deals with the Native Americans who'd helped them, prompting them to side with the British in the war of 1812?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the newly formed US renege on their deals with the Native Americans who'd helped them, prompting them to side with the British in the war of 1812?

Assassin's Creed 3 doesn't mention about War of 1812, but it is just about American Revolution (1753 to 1783).
Lions and Cowboys both play on Thanksgivings every year. If it was moved, then they would be sad about losing their tradition.

I'm sure a lot of fans would love to debate whose is the best QB on Thanksgivings, Matthew Stafford or Tony Romo??

I could care less about football!
Not surprising that some Americans don't mention the war of 1812-they lost.