least difficult job for a highschool student to acquire/perform?


New Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Between being a janitor/office worker, the office job was the only one I could do without getting fired.
We know almost nothing about you but you expect us to give worthwhile advice?

No one here knows your age, educational background, aptitudes, skills, location, financial situation--nothing. Those are all factors in any kind of meaningful advice.
I can't tell if you're joking. They told me I'm probably not gonna get disability checks because I'm oral and wear hearing aids.

Do you think I should just focus on my educatiom?

You aren't qualify for SSI until you are 18.
We know almost nothing about you but you expect us to give worthwhile advice?

No one here knows your age, educational background, aptitudes, skills, location, financial situation--nothing. Those are all factors in any kind of meaningful advice.

I'm 18, still in HS, live in Ontario, unemployed( and live at home with parents.)

I don't really have any skills.:(
I'm 18, still in HS, live in Ontario, unemployed( and live at home with parents.)

I don't really have any skills.:(

You need to learn some skills to make your future brighter. You have to be on time, be motivated and strive to do the best you can do. You have your whole life ahead of you, set some goals and dream big. All we know about you is that you are 18, live at home and got fired from your job.

What do you want to do with your future?
Can you get some support like we have here in use called voc. reh. I'm sure somebody from Canada give you some information about going to college or training something like that.
You need to learn some skills to make your future brighter. You have to be on time, be motivated and strive to do the best you can do. You have your whole life ahead of you, set some goals and dream big. All we know about you is that you are 18, live at home and got fired from your job.

What do you want to do with your future?

What skills should I learn and how do I go about learning them? I wanna be a doctor. I want to work so I can pay for tuition or at least better manage debt.
What skills should I learn and how do I go about learning them? I wanna be a doctor. I want to work so I can pay for tuition or at least better manage debt.

You must have a counselor at school. That is the person who should be helping you in a tangible way, and helping you plan for your future.
Can you get some support like we have here in use called voc. reh. I'm sure somebody from Canada give you some information about going to college or training something like that.

You mean like, job coaching? I tried that but I was too shy to go in a store and ask to speak to the manager.
You mean like, job coaching? I tried that but I was too shy to go in a store and ask to speak to the manager.

Not that one. The service where they can help you to decide what your best interest in job, then you can apply for a job on your own. Since you are 18.. it is never too late for you to go back to college. Galladuet? NTID? CSUN? or in your area where the school who can provide for Deaf students.

I suggest you to go to school to see in yourself what you are looking for/
What skills should I learn and how do I go about learning them? I wanna be a doctor. I want to work so I can pay for tuition or at least better manage debt.

You could take an interest test and see if that help you come with idea of what kind of job to train for. With all the technology today you can do any job if you're hoh or deaf. I had a doctor in ER that was hoh and I wish I had
found if he had an office too .
you school janitor and school student you seem clever chap janitors good worth wile job and not for idiots.
if shyness your problem have you thought of assertiveness classes they help..
everything is an act you have look at it that way when you go for a job
doesnt yoie hihj school have . Work placement andeork counsilor there for you