Damn, No-Xplode makes me hyper


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
And I usually don't get hyper. :hyper:


I'm hitting the gym soon. Laterz. :wave:
I think that is for drink :dunno: when I was at my old job that 3 or 4 guys always talk about muscles and exerics that I saw there white jar of plastic that they put in cup and stir into juice or water.

its funny that you and i are working on energy/excerising.. I am on GNC protein powder.. since August 10th..

well.. when i got new puppy last August 7th, she is very active.. so she helped me alot to get out of here and go for walk.. I mean LONG fast walk.. mornings and evenings... Dang, i was sore stiff and overdo :-/ .. after hard confiendce walks for 3 days.. I am still in moviation and want keep on going but my energy drain me.. so I went to GNC.. ask some questions before I purchase because of health reasons.. found out it cuts down chorestrol, burn fats, reboost energy too.. will less crave.. so I went for it.. of course first few days, my tummy went gases.. and runs (flush out the system).. last night and today, alot less gases and bubbles in my tummy.. feel great and my energy still on run... so.. I lost 9 pounds already since Aug 7 till now.. :fruit: my goal to lose 100... I am not in rush but.. just want stick with daily walks...
whats more.. Rocky and Molly behave alot better and less restless.. :)

so Alex.. go for it.. unless it fits your health needs.. Good Luck ! :D
Hi MsGiglz, may I ask what protein powder you're currently taking? If the protein drink gives you gas, then it may be due to lactose. Are you lactose intolerant?
Hi MsGiglz, may I ask what protein powder you're currently taking? If the protein drink gives you gas, then it may be due to lactose. Are you lactose intolerant?

(runs to kitchen, getting the jug) lol..

no, i am not lactose intolerant.. I am really overweight, have not been taking care myself plus naval herina.. it takes me few days to get used to it, and flush your system.. so far, it gets better.. and i am also taking.. GNC Women's Ultra Mega® ACTIVE Multivitamin, too.. for my menapouse ...

that is what i am taking...

MsGiglz: I used to try various protein products in the past and have experienced nothing but gas problems. That is until I tried ISOPURE (link), and not only does it taste GREAT but it eliminated the gas problem. I highly recommend that you give it a try.


Edit: If you want, I can send you a pack so you can try it and see if you like it. PM me if interested. :)
I am on Anna Nicole Smith's Trimspa since July 10th, and it is helping and I have lost like 8lbs in 2 weeks, and my boobs and stomach are getting tense (boobs shrinking and stomach getting hard) and I have been taking my dogs out for walks, and I don't know which pills would help to lose weight, NOT BUILDING MY MUSCLES UP.... I don't like see myself with big muscles like any of the female bodybuilders... I just want to get rid of fat..

I have try the Stacker2 from GNC store, and it just KILLED me, and I cannot stand that Stacker2, no sleep, it just keep me wide awake and running around like a wild woman constantly, I had to stop taking and switch to other kind of pills.

Alex, be careful, don't take too much, if you did, you will be UP all night for 72 days. Take it slowly...
Now that looks like a liquid drink that you would not want to get anywhere near an airport security checkpoint. :nono:

LOL, Dave
MsGiglz: I used to try various protein products in the past and have experienced nothing but gas problems. That is until I tried ISOPURE (link), and not only does it taste GREAT but it eliminated the gas problem. I highly recommend that you give it a try.


Edit: If you want, I can send you a pack so you can try it and see if you like it. PM me if interested. :)

Are you sure they are safer to your health??? Have you discussed with your family doctor??
Nah, I do NOT need them at all because
I am already the Deaf Female Arnold Schwarznegger
coming back here LOL