What i have learnt of this world (thread)

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New Member
May 11, 2015
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today i learnt that there is so much confusion, deception and hatred in the world we live in today. Religion and Politics are causing a division within humanity and every one is for themselves.

Plant the seed of hatred and the fruits it bears is hatred
Plant the seed of Love and the fruits it bears is love

In my heart I feel that Islam is a Religion of Peace and so is Chrisitianity a Relgion of peace, so is Judaism, so why are they at war with one another?

The scriptures, the Gospel, the Old Testament, the Torah and the Quran, all state and unite through Abraham one of the Major Prophets of these religions? These three religions all accept Abraham worships the One and only true God, the "I am", and Moses another Major Prophet whom brought the first Law of God, these three religions agree. Jesus another Major Prophet and Messenger, all three religions accept him, but contradict on who he really is. Now Islam for those who know the religion accepts ALL these prophets of the scriptures of Christians and The Torah of the Jews, and quotes in the Quran that Your God is Our God.

But what I see today does not reflect what is dictated in the scriptures, the Torah or the Quran, what I see is Powers in High Places, whether it be Spiritual or Political is deliberately causing Division amongst Humanity and using genuine Religion as a weapon and corrupting its genuine cause in the Name of Power!! Not Spiritual Englightenment, but Corruptable, Oppressive and dictatetive Power of the Mass Population, causing this confusion amongst society that we live in, and witholding the true divine Message that should be available to all humankind not just those who are in privilidged socieity!!

That is what I have not just learnt today, but have studied over the past few years, and I am saddened and angry at what is happening and feel helpless to do anything, except this "Man Will Fail You", trust your inner instincts, "Knowledge is Power" whatever you believe in, research it, dont be blinded by ignorance and the Mass Population. Believe in Peace, Justice, Love, Forgiveness and Mercy.

This is a sad confusing time, and I am deeply burdened for this planet as a whole, I just hope that someone can come and unite us soon, if not then we will only destroy ourselves.

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