Philips Hue Starter Kit


Stay weird
Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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I ordered a Philips Hue Starter Kit through Convo Relay at a discounted price. I got the package today. I set up the bridge, Hue lamp, and download app. I asked a friend to test calling me. It worked! I was stoked by watching the flashing light in Purple color!!

Meet hue | en-US

I plan to buy lightstrips and Lilac soon.
Check out Moodifier, which syncs the movie you're watching with the hue. It figures out the colors of what's on the screen and matches it with the hue to create an immersive ambiance.

The Moodifier

There are a ton of other apps and hacks to do some cool things with the Hue, especially on Android. You can also use ifthisthenthat recipes to do more.

For example, you can make the hue turn blue when it is about to rain or turn on automatically at sunset.
That's awesome.
You also can configure it to be your doorbell. ;)

The strips I bought for $90. I need more, do you guys know where I can get more for cheaper?