Most Stinky Animals are....


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Jun 3, 2007
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The most stinky animals:
1. Skunk: Its smell can temporarily blind you and can be detected 1 1/2 miles away. Of course the most extreme stinker would be the skunk. Skunks will shoot a liquid substance that smells so bad it can make even the hungriest predator back away. If someone is to get sprayed by a skunk, the smell will stick to that person and it will last for a real long time. The best advice to give to anyone who was sprayed by a skunk would be to take a tomato juice bath because that kind of a bath is said to help get rid of the smell.

2. Giant petrel: Its vomit smells horrible. Birds that live on beach. One thing no one should do is get too close to one of these birds, and the reason why is because they will attack you by squirting their own vomit at you. Some people who have experienced this before said that the smell of the vomit was unbearable.

3. Millipede: One species smells so bad, that it can kill a mouse. If you are to touch a millipede with your hands, the smell will stick to your hands. It can even stick to you if you wash your hands! :eek3:

4. Elephant (male): Its musk smells like 1,000 goats in a pen. A male elephant has a gland between its ear and eye. When a male elephant produces a scent from this gland, the scent will make female elephants attracted to him and make other male elephants hostile

5. Muskox (male): Its name says it all. They rub against things that make them smell.

6. Hyena: Two words: Hyena butter. It is a secretion from the anal gland of hyenas used to mark territory and to identify individuals by odor. The gooey substance is spread onto objects within the territory of the hyena by rubbing their ANUS against the object they mark. Spotted hyenas mark their territories by excreting an oily, yellow substance (paste) from their anal glands onto surrounding bushes and grass. To do this, the anal pouch is turned inside out, or everted. The anal glands are everted also as a submissive posture to dominant hyenas. Scent marking is also done by scraping the ground with the paws, which deposits scent from glands on the bottoms of the feet.

7. Hooker's sea lion: Its breath smells horrible. They ate fishes and never
brush their teeth. They vomit too.

8. Hippopotamus (male): It can fling dung. They pooped in the River.

9. Vulture: It poops on its feet to keep cool on summer days.

10. Dog: It marks territory by rolling in the mud.
258! For the skunk, how to remove...tomato bath DOES NOT WORK! Go to Google and find it yourself.
258! For the skunk, how to remove...tomato bath DOES NOT WORK! Go to Google and find it yourself.

:eek3: My parent's dog got sprayed by a skunk so they put him in a tomato bath. The dog just smelled like a tomato that got sprayed my a skunk!!! Even worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pissed:
:eek3: My parent's dog got sprayed by a skunk so they put him in a tomato bath. The dog just smelled like a tomato that got sprayed my a skunk!!! Even worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pissed:


Sorry to hear about that.
I remember years ago when my neighbor's cat was sprayed by a skunk.

When my neighbor opened the front door, the cat ran in and smelled up the whole place. P.U.!!!
Interesting thread.

*curious* what the Skunk's odor alike?
tomato baths does not work for my dog. Elsa had been sprayed twice now, and tomatoes does not work, it just her smell like a tomato skunk soup. it may reduce the smell so it not as bad, but i think its better if you get something else from pet store. for us we just waited for the smell to go away. it sucks lol. giving her baths like everyday and she doesnt like bath very much lol.
Hippos poops in the river??? :eek3:

Yeah, it shows on Animal Planet, tv show about Most Stinky Animals Are....

Hippos and Fish

Many fish rely on hippos to keep their habitat healthy. After hippos feed on the land, they return to the river where they make a lot of poop. All this poop may seem disgusting but it helps the plants to grow. The plants make good homes and hiding places for small fish. Larger fish start to come looking for little fish to eat. Pretty soon, a whole ecosystem can start to develop. Many fishermen complain about the dangers of hippos flipping fishing boats, but in some rivers, there might not be anymore fish for the fishermen to catch if there were no more hippos.
Hippos sometimes even help out fish when they travel on land. When hippos leave the water to search for food, they always wander back and forth along the same paths. Over time, the trails they create can become deeply worn and act like irrigation cannals diverting water from the rivers to the valleys. During periods of seasonal floods, some fish will follow the hippo trails to the flooded plains to lay their eggs and then return to the rivers. When the floods recede, the flooded plains become ponds isolated from the rest of the river. The eggs are able to hatch and the young fish can live their first year safely away from the larger predatory fish in the river.
Yeah, it shows on Animal Planet, tv show about Most Stinky Animals Are....

Hippos pooped in the river to attract mates.

Did you know that now lot of people keep skunks for pet? cuz if you plan to keep a skunk for pet, you have to have the skunk taken to a vet remove the glad so it won't spray the bad smell. :ugh3:
Did you know that now lot of people keep skunks for pet? cuz if you plan to keep a skunk for pet, you have to have the skunk taken to a vet remove the glad so it won't spray the bad smell. :ugh3:

How come I don't ever seen a skunk at the zoo?

Even if you remove the gland, they still smell bad.
How come I don't ever seen a skunk at the zoo?

Even if you remove the gland, they still smell bad.

Actully no they don't smell once the glads is removed through sugery. My aunt know few people have shunk for pet and they great, so they don't smell since you never been around one so how would you know they still smell? I already been around one so no smell once vet removed the glad part. They are really friendly and funny. They come in so many colors now.
Yeah, it shows on Animal Planet, tv show about Most Stinky Animals Are....

Hippos and Fish

Many fish rely on hippos to keep their habitat healthy. After hippos feed on the land, they return to the river where they make a lot of poop. All this poop may seem disgusting but it helps the plants to grow. The plants make good homes and hiding places for small fish. Larger fish start to come looking for little fish to eat. Pretty soon, a whole ecosystem can start to develop. Many fishermen complain about the dangers of hippos flipping fishing boats, but in some rivers, there might not be anymore fish for the fishermen to catch if there were no more hippos.
Hippos sometimes even help out fish when they travel on land. When hippos leave the water to search for food, they always wander back and forth along the same paths. Over time, the trails they create can become deeply worn and act like irrigation cannals diverting water from the rivers to the valleys. During periods of seasonal floods, some fish will follow the hippo trails to the flooded plains to lay their eggs and then return to the rivers. When the floods recede, the flooded plains become ponds isolated from the rest of the river. The eggs are able to hatch and the young fish can live their first year safely away from the larger predatory fish in the river.

eww i aint swimming in a river no more...
Actully no they don't smell once the glads is removed through sugery. My aunt know few people have shunk for pet and they great, so they don't smell since you never been around one so how would you know they still smell? I already been around one so no smell once vet removed the glad part. They are really friendly and funny. They come in so many colors now.

Yeah it is called deodorized... vet removed odor glands... my friend had one.. it was real cute pet...
Hippos poops in the river??? :eek3:

Yes... in San Diego Zoo.. there were hippos.. the post said they eat poops... i saw baby hippo walking underwater.. it was so beautiful and graceful.....its mother followed its baby
I remember someone told me about a skunk situation. I saved the info last year. I have it now so this may work.

Greetings! One of the best panaceas for ridding your dog of the
tear-causing odor can be made right at home, out of three simple household
ingredients: Baking Soda, Dishwashing Detergent, and Hydrogen Peroxide.

Mix a quart of three-percent Hydrogen Peroxide, one-cup Baking Soda and
about a teaspoon of Liquid Dishwashing Soap.

Rub the solution into the fur, as close to the skin as possible and then
rinse him off with lots of water - the Hydrogen Peroxide can bleach your
pet's hair, if it isn't all removed.

It's a good idea to follow the treatment with a regular bath, using regular
dog shampoo.

The mixture converts the sulfur-containing gases that cause the skunk odor
and turns them into odorless sufonic acid.

A little scientific, but very interesting, don't you think? The important
thing is to discard any leftover solution. These ingredients can explode
under pressure, so it's never wise to store unused portions. Besides, I’d
hope you wouldn't need the solution too often.

And of course, if your dog is skunked, please check their eyes for any
redness or irritation and wash them out well, with plain water if needed.
Actully no they don't smell once the glads is removed through sugery. My aunt know few people have shunk for pet and they great, so they don't smell since you never been around one so how would you know they still smell? I already been around one so no smell once vet removed the glad part. They are really friendly and funny. They come in so many colors now.

And, let's not forget that not all skunks have four legs! ;)