Any idea...


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2014
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I am hoping someone can help me...
Ford Windstar 1998... I have an issue somewhere in the fuel system...but not positive what or where....
It is hesitating almost like it wants die on me but has not....the rpms do not fluctuate, the temp does not fluctuate, the gas gadge will some times but only by an 1/8 if that and sorts its self back in a short period of time.... Sometimes at this point I can smell gas (is it flooding while I am driving?)
Assuming that the engine is not getting fuel at a constant flow. I put fuel injection cleaner in the tank in hopes of fixing the issue resulting in no change...
What would cause my fuel to not provide gas to the engine as it should?
Or am I way off on what is possibly wrong.
The most simple and easiest thing to try is put a new fuel filter on it.
I will give it a try. Thanks.... Curious though... Because I have been thinking either injector or pump thinking that the issue is uneven fuel flow....why filter? I thought the filter just cleans the debris from the gas. If it is already there and caused an issue how does it help?
Just trying to understand and curious of your recommendation... :D
Is there a loss of power while you drive?

For example, when going down highway, it does speed up but not as quickly as it used to or it tries then it boggs down going slower?

If so, might be bad Catalytic converter as it gets plugged up and exhaust can't leave fast enough making it have loss of power.
If you're smelling fuel.. that could be a sign of fuel leak somewhere. Need to get that looked at asap.

Changing fuel filter is a good start. Try to have someone test the PSI of the fuel pump, the lower PSI could be a clog in the filter or weak fuel pump.
Is there a loss of power while you drive?

For example, when going down highway, it does speed up but not as quickly as it used to or it tries then it boggs down going slower?

If so, might be bad Catalytic converter as it gets plugged up and exhaust can't leave fast enough making it have loss of power.

No, no loss of power it goes when asked and doesn't fluctuate...every now and then it will act like it is about to run out of gas.... It doesn't die but it... Hesitates in as I am holding a steady course...I guess is the best way to describe it... If I am speeding up it is fine or costing it is fine....
No, no loss of power it goes when asked and doesn't fluctuate...every now and then it will act like it is about to run out of gas.... It doesn't die but it... Hesitates in as I am holding a steady course...I guess is the best way to describe it... If I am speeding up it is fine or costing it is fine....

Might be fuel but wouldn't hurt to check the Catalytic converter just in case cause that sounds familiar when what you are describing has happened to my car once time.
If you're smelling fuel.. that could be a sign of fuel leak somewhere. Need to get that looked at asap.

Changing fuel filter is a good start. Try to have someone test the PSI of the fuel pump, the lower PSI could be a clog in the filter or weak fuel pump.

Do you know if I have to go to a mechanic for that or will auto zone or the like be able to test it?
As for the leak I did check and had a friend check and all is okay there. :) thanks for the warning, that would be especially bad...
Yes, a mechanic to test that. I doubt Autozone would test that for you.... as far as I know, they would only check OBD codes (Check Engine light) and testing your alternator/starter for free.

Do you know if I have to go to a mechanic for that or will auto zone or the like be able to test it?
As for the leak I did check and had a friend check and all is okay there. :) thanks for the warning, that would be especially bad...
Yes, a mechanic to test that. I doubt Autozone would test that for you.... as far as I know, they would only check OBD codes (Check Engine light) and testing your alternator/starter for free.

Well a girl could hope :) thanks :)
Might be fuel but wouldn't hurt to check the Catalytic converter just in case cause that sounds familiar when what you are describing has happened to my car once time.

How do you check it? Need mechanic?
I will give it a try. Thanks.... Curious though... Because I have been thinking either injector or pump thinking that the issue is uneven fuel flow....why filter? I thought the filter just cleans the debris from the gas. If it is already there and caused an issue how does it help?
Just trying to understand and curious of your recommendation... :D

Yes it filters trash out of the fuel but can only hold so much junk if it gets clogged up it will restrict fuel flow. Its the cheapest thing you can try to fix it.
Yes it filters trash out of the fuel but can only hold so much junk if it gets clogged up it will restrict fuel flow. Its the cheapest thing you can try to fix it.

Ah...okay I feel silly for not seeing that through... Smh...thank you.